In the fifth installment of "Laid" (2024), entitled "Secret Soft," Ruby Yao (Stephanie Hsu) finds herself still entangled in the enigmatic deaths of her former lovers, while simultaneously navigating the complexities of her personal relationships and emotional quagmires. The episode kicks off with Ruby and AJ (Zosia Mamet) engaged in a spirited debate about why Richie (Michael Angarano) has been spared by the malevolent curse. Amidst their contemplation of various theories, Ruby's reflections are abruptly halted by Zack Bridgerton's (Andre Hyland) excitement over his brand-new virtual reality goggles. AJ, however, remains unfazed and announces her need to head to work, thereby leaving Ruby to continue her solo quest.
On her way to caution Caleb (Amro Majzoub), Ruby crosses paths with Richie, who expresses curiosity about his fortunate exemption from the curse's clutches. After exchanging some lighthearted banter, Ruby invites Richie to accompany her to warn Caleb. They find themselves queueing at the bank, where Ruby receives a text from Isaac (Tommy Martinez) that elicits a joyous smile. Richie swiftly learns of Isaac's existence and戏谑地 labels him a "secret soft," a term coined by Richie to describe individuals who strive to present a more physically fit image than they actually possess. Ruby is momentarily offended but reminds Richie that Isaac's body is taboo due to the omnipresent curse.
Outside the bank, Ruby receives a message from her therapist, Debra (Elizabeth Bown), notifying her of Debra's tardiness for their session. In a bid to make it on time, Ruby borrows Richie's motorcycle and speeds to Debra's office. During their session, Debra delves into Ruby's propensity for pursuing unattainable romantic interests, which Debra attributes to Ruby's father's abandonment of her following her mother's demise. Debra advises Ruby to take a sabbatical from romance for a week, urging her to focus on other facets of her life.
Meanwhile, Zack is immersed in his virtual reality headset at home when he accidentally stumbles upon Ruby's board. Ruby, engrossed in her work responsibilities, ignores Zack's persistent calls. Amidst a rehearsal for a vow-reading ceremony, Ruby is compelled to step in for Merci (Olivia Holt), who is unavailable. The rehearsal proves to be cringe-worthy, and Ruby realizes, to her horror, that she forgot to keep track of the event's timing. Isaac excuses himself from the awkward scene, prompting Ruby to seize the moment to answer Zack's call, a decision that further complicates her already tumultuous life.
Ruby is subsequently summoned to the police precinct, where she is mistakenly regarded as a suspect rather than a victim. Detective Brenowitz (played by David Denman) subjects her to an interrogation, but the proceeding is abruptly halted by the news of a shooting incident at a downtown bank. Ruby immediately recognizes both the bank and the victim, yet Brenowitz remains deeply skeptical.
Returning to her abode, Zack immerses himself further in his VR headset, eventually sharing his tale with two avid streamers. His narrative gains momentum, and by the stream's conclusion, he boasts nearly 1,200 followers, Merci among them. As Ruby exits the police station, Isaac approaches her, having absorbed every detail Merci gleaned from Zack's stream. Isaac suspects Merci of fabricating the story, fueled by his prior confession of feelings for Ruby. Ruby refrains from correcting him, and they share a fleeting moment of intimacy, only for Ruby to halt it, explaining that she doesn't wish to risk causing him pain.
The episode culminates in Ruby hastily making her way to Richie's apartment for a sexual encounter, a decision that stirs further turmoil upon her return home, where AJ confronts her for sleeping with Zack. "Secret Soft" is a layered episode that delves into Ruby's emotional odyssey as she grapples with her past relationships, present dilemmas, and future prospects. It underscores the intricacies of her interactions with her former lovers, friends, and budding romantic interests, while also exploring her personal evolution and self-discovery. As spectators, we are left eagerly anticipating how Ruby will continue to unravel the enigma of the curse and navigate her relationships in the future.