In the sixth installment of "Laid" (2024), aptly titled "More Handsome Than Joe Jonas," Ruby Yao (portrayed by Stephanie Hsu) persists in her endeavor to unravel the enigmatic demise of her former lovers, while simultaneously grappling with the intricate web of her personal entanglements. The episode kicks off with Ruby earnestly imploring AJ's (Zosia Mamet) forgiveness after indulging in a night of passion with Zack Bridgerton (played by Andre Hyland). AJ, however, remains unyielding and summarily orders both Ruby and Zack to vacate her premises.
Desperate and disheveled, Ruby finds herself at Richie Diane's (Michael Angarano) doorstep in the dead of night, clutching all her worldly possessions. After exchanging playful barbs, Richie relents and lets her in, where they delve into the reasons behind AJ's harsh dismissal. Elsewhere, Zack too is grappling with his own demons as AJ informs him that even his newfound fame—amassing 200,000 followers and catching the eye of a luggage brand—cannot salvage their fractured relationship.
With toothbrush in hand, Ruby attempts to rationalize her actions with Zack, seeking solace in his presence. Richie, ever the compassionate friend, offers a word of wisdom, suggesting that many seek physical intimacy as a balm for emotional wounds. He then attempts to rekindle Ruby's interest in "Cyrano sex" by donning a Joe Jonas mask, humorously comparing Isaac's and Joe's chiseled jawlines.
The following day, Ruby and Richie make plans to visit Aubrey (Alexandra Shipp), whom Ruby affectionately refers to as "the one who slipped through her fingers." However, their reunion is abruptly cut short by the arrival of Richie's ex-girlfriend, Chelsea (Chloe Fineman), who is clearly displeased to discover that Richie's illness was a mere misunderstanding. Meanwhile, Detective Brenowitz (David Denman) keeps a discreet watch from his unmarked patrol car, his keen eyes following their every move as they venture into a tattoo parlor to meet Aubrey.
Aubrey instantly recognizes Ruby and becomes particularly compliant when Ruby persuades her to reschedule their ax-throwing appointment to instead ink a tattoo onto her skin. Richie observes Ruby's new "R" tattoo adorning her forearm, prompting Aubrey to grasp that Ruby interacts with her just as she does with everyone else, wrapped in layers of intricate intimacy struggles. As Aubrey delves into explaining Ruby's complex emotional barriers, a bullet from a clash occurring outdoors suddenly shatters the window, striking Aubrey in the head.
In the aftermath, Ruby and Richie retreat to his apartment, where Ruby pens a heartfelt letter to her father while Richie gazes vacantly into space, smeared with blood. Ruby's emotions finally unravel, leading Richie to urge her to connect with AJ, albeit to no avail.
The episode reaches a thrilling climax when Ruby's supervisor, Brad (Ryan Pinkston), is unveiled as the enigmatic spellcaster. AJ stumbles upon this startling revelation while deleting photos of herself and Ruby, only to encounter an old video footage showing Brad casting a hex upon Ruby. This discovery reshapes the trajectory of the case and steers Ruby's journey in a fresh direction.
Dubbed "More Handsome Than Joe Jonas," this episode marks a turning point in Ruby's emotional odyssey, delving deeper into her connections with her friends, ex-lovers, and budding romantic interests. It shines a spotlight on her personal evolution and self-discovery, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating Ruby's next steps as she continues to navigate these tumultuous challenges and uncover the myriad revelations awaiting her on her quest for answers.