In the thrilling finale of "Laid" (2024), titled "Il Mostro Del Sesso," Ruby Yao (Stephanie Hsu) reaches a critical juncture in her quest to resolve the mysterious hex that has been causing the deaths of her ex-lovers. The episode begins with Ruby and Isaac (Tommy Martinez) engaged in an intense session of dry humping, highlighting the growing intimacy between them. Isaac hints at his parents' excitement to meet Ruby, suggesting that their relationship has progressed beyond just being a party planner. This moment of connection is both a testament to their deepening bond and a foreshadowing of the significant role Ruby will play in Isaac's life.
Ruby's interactions with Richie Diane (Michael Angarano) continue to be fraught with tension. When she unexpectedly shows up at his work, she disrupts a significant sale, revealing Richie's underlying jealousy. Despite the awkwardness, Ruby gives him a chance to express his feelings, but he remains silent, choosing to keep his emotions to himself. This scene underscores the complex dynamics between Ruby and her ex-lovers, as well as the unresolved feelings that continue to linger.
In a pivotal moment, Ruby visits her therapist, Dr. Debra (Elizabeth Bowen), to discuss her situation. However, she confuses Debra so much that she is released as a client. Debra encourages Ruby to think about someone else in her life for once, leaving Ruby to ponder who that person might be. This encounter with Debra serves as a turning point for Ruby, prompting her to reflect on her relationships and her own emotional needs.
Meanwhile, Richie returns Ruby's belongings to AJ (Zosia Mamet), who is touched by Zack's (Andre Hyland) gesture of a signed 1998 Rockettes picture. AJ receives a singing invitation, and Ruby meets with Isaac's parents, both meetings going smoothly. AJ is surprised by a visit from her idol, Amanda Knox, a moment she attributes to Ruby's efforts. Ruby also initially denies arranging the meeting when AJ confronts her at Isaac’s parent’s party. The two eventually make up and are brought to tears. This emotional reunion highlights the importance of friendship and the support system that AJ and Ruby have built together.
The episode undergoes a breathtaking twist as Ruby and her comrades successfully transfer the hex onto Jill Blanch (Susan Berger), thereby neutralizing the imminent peril. A month later, Ruby, AJ, and Zack converge upon Jason (Finneas O’Connell) at the marathon's conclusion to ascertain his wellbeing. Jason discloses that he has been free of terrors for an entire month, prompting Ruby to eagerly impart the joyous tidings to Isaac. Their bond blossoms into a deeper realm as they spend quality time together, ultimately culminating in a tender romantic encounter. However, Ruby's father's timely arrival, having received her letter, is overshadowed by AJ receiving a stark text notification confirming Jason's demise, leaving the episode on a poignant yet bittersweet cliffhanger. "Il Mostro Del Sesso" serves as a mesmerizing conclusion that rounds off Ruby's journey with a full circle. It delves into her emotional evolution, her intricate dynamics with her friends and lovers, and her pivotal decision to shift the hex. The episode provides viewers with a satisfying sense of resolution while subtly suggesting the lingering complexities of Ruby's life. We, as viewers, are left contemplating the fate of Ruby's relationships and her ongoing voyage of self-discovery.