Lessons in Chemistry – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Jun 18 2024

In the third episode of "Lessons in Chemistry," Elizabeth's grief over Calvin's demise is not the only sorrow that resonates. Six Thirty, voiced poignantly by B.J. Novak, is consumed by guilt, haunted by his past actions. The canine reveals his backstory, once a military dog, but too frightened to stay, fleeing his base before crossing paths with Elizabeth. Now, he watches helplessly as she navigates the emotional maze of losing her sole companion, convinced she must harbor resentment against him.

At Calvin's funeral, Elizabeth and Six Thirty stand alone in the front row, a stark contrast to the absence of family. A reporter named Ralph mistakenly identifies Elizabeth as family and pesters her for quotes for his article about Calvin. Elizabeth, however, is far from receptive, her mood understandably dark. In the end, Ralph misquotes her and paints a harsh picture of Calvin, a gross misrepresentation.

Lessons in Chemistry – Season 1 Episode 3 1

Harriet, outraged by the journalist's distortion of her friend's memory, brings the article to Elizabeth's attention. But Elizabeth remains withdrawn, unable to engage. Returning to Hastings, she finds Calvin's belongings and their research boxed up and out of reach. She must wait for a potential relative to claim them, a reminder of the finality of his loss. To compound her woes, Elizabeth is also jobless, but Fran manages to secure her an administrative position, a small step forward in her uncertain future.

Apparently, Elizabeth's orderly world was thrown into chaos when she discovered she was pregnant. Instead of addressing the situation, she chose to turn her kitchen into an industrial-grade laboratory, wielding a sledgehammer with determination. Little did she know that Dr. Donatti, who had already stolen her research and forced Al to replicate it, would use her pregnancy as an excuse to fire her. He stubbornly believed that women simply couldn't continue working after having children, and nothing Elizabeth said could sway his opinion.

Meanwhile, Harriet approached Ralph about his disastrous article, but he helplessly explained that it was already too late to make any changes. Harriet, however, had another idea and shared with him the story of the freeway that threatened to ruin her neighborhood. Inspired by her passion, Ralph attended the next council meeting regarding the freeway and wrote an article highlighting Harriet's cause. Ecstatic, Harriet showed the article to Elizabeth, and the two women seemed to be forging a tentative friendship.

At one point, Elizabeth presented Harriet with a record that Calvin had intended for her, along with a heartfelt note promising to be with her in spirit at the council meeting. This gesture warmed Harriet's heart and reminded her of Calvin's spirit. Together, the women fondly reminisced about Calvin's hilariously bad dancing skills, finding a moment of levity in their otherwise challenging situations.

As Elizabeth enters the OBGYN's office during her third trimester, her solitude is not unnoticed by her compassionate doctor. Recognizing her isolation, he kindly prescribes her an invitation to join him at a serene boathouse in a year's time. Aware that she has been vigorously exercising at home, he assures her that she will be ready to embark on the sport of rowing by then.

Back at home, Elizabeth delves into Calvin's belongings, unearthing memories that have lain dormant for so long. She has been suppressing her emotions, but the discovery of an engagement ring shatters the facade, releasing a flood of emotions.

Seeking solace, she joins Six Thirty for a run. As they traverse the paths, Six Thirty muses that the process of grieving is akin to running - challenging and unyielding, yet it demands a steadfast commitment to keep moving forward, one step at a time. And with perseverance, they will eventually find their way back home, both physically and emotionally.

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