Lessons in Chemistry – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Jun 18 2024

In the fourth episode of "Lessons in Chemistry," Elizabeth enters the throes of childbirth, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her baby girl. However, her joy is shattered when she discovers that a nurse has administered anesthesia without her consent. Enraged, Elizabeth resolves to name her daughter according to her emotions at that moment, and thus, the world welcomes "Mad."

Seven years later, a vision takes us to a vibrant schoolyard where a young girl eagerly unwraps her lunch. Inside, she finds a heartfelt note from Elizabeth, encouraging her to play sports during recess but not to automatically cede victory to the boys. "Love, Mom," it concludes, a tender reminder of Elizabeth's enduring love.

Lessons in Chemistry – Season 1  Episode 4 1

Returning to the present, Elizabeth struggles with the demands of caring for her newborn. Unable to coax her daughter to eat, she worries that Mad doesn't like her. The supposed bond between mother and child remains elusive, and Elizabeth confesses her doubts to Harriet, who empathy with her situation. Harriet reassures Elizabeth that she's not alone in her feelings and that it's okay if the connection with Mad takes time to develop.

Despite Harriet's comforting words, Elizabeth faces other challenges as she strives to provide for herself and her daughter without a stable income. Unable to secure a second mortgage on their home, she takes on a secret job as a research consultant for some of the Hastings scientists. She keeps her role hidden, fearing that these powerful men would be embarrassed if people knew a woman had assisted them with their work.

Through this job, Elizabeth discovers that Donatti and Boryweitz have been hiding out in the old lab she shared with Calvin. Fueled by her suspicions, she storms into the lab, only to find that they have stolen her and Calvin's hard-earned research. Worse still, they've even been awarded the Remsen Grant for it.

Elizabeth confronts them, accusing them of fraud, vowing to continue her research and surpass them. She's determined to publish her own findings and secure a place in any lab of her choosing.

With Harriet's steadfast support, Elizabeth presses ahead with establishing her own lab. The new mother poses a personal question to her friend: Does she regret having children? Harriet's response is a complex one. Essentially, she doesn't regret it, but she confesses to having some regrets about never finishing law school, always putting her husband and children first. She muses that if she could go back, she might make some different choices, but she also knows that raising her kids alone has made her more resilient.

Elizabeth, resilient in her own right, perseveres with the lab, even resorting to impersonating Fran to secure some essential Hastings equipment. She feels Calvin's spirit guiding her throughout the process, and she whispers, "You know that I loved you, right?" seeking to reassure him.

Meanwhile, at Harriet's house, the children eagerly countdown the days until their father, Charlie, returns from the Korean War. To their delighted surprise, he arrives two days earlier than expected. The reunion and subsequent welcome-home party are filled with joy and celebration.

During the party, Elizabeth meets Reverend Curtis Wakely. Their greeting is friendly, but Elizabeth makes it clear that she's not religious. Despite this, the encounter adds another layer to the already rich tapestry of Elizabeth's life.

After the lively party, Charlie approached Harriet with exciting news - a prestigious position as chief resident in general surgery at Kaiser Sunset had opened up, and he was a prime candidate. Harriet, however, was far from thrilled. She had just reclaimed her husband after a period of absence and dreaded the prospect of his long working hours. Moreover, she felt that she had put her own dreams on hold for too long. With determination in her voice, she revealed to Charlie that she had signed up for the bar exam and had a junior associate position waiting for her if she succeeded. Additionally, she had been asked to lead the Adams Washington Committee, a crucial role in preserving their beloved neighborhood from the looming freeway.

Charlie listened attentively, his expression reassuring. He insisted that they could both pursue their passions without compromise. "Because it's you and me," he said confidently.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mason made an unexpected appearance at Elizabeth's doorstep, eagerly inviting her to join him in rowing. But once he had departed, Elizabeth found an unexpected connection with Mad. She managed to make Mad laugh by mimicking Calvin's comical dance moves, a moment of pure joy shared between them.

As the narrative shifted forward again, another little girl comforted the girl who had appeared at the beginning of the episode. It turned out that neither of them had been able to complete their family tree, a poignant reminder of their unfinished pasts.

However, the revelation that the girl who had been enjoying Elizabeth's carefully prepared lunch was not Mad came as a surprise. It transpired that Mad had been generously sharing her meals with a bullied girl. Elizabeth, outraged, confronted the girl's father, a TV producer named Walter. She demanded that he provide proper lunches for his daughter, ensuring that she no longer depended on Mad's kindness.

As Elizabeth left Walter with a recipe and a sample of her signature chicken pot pie, he seemed momentarily starstruck. Earlier in the episode, his boss had pressed him to hire someone younger to boost their ratings. Walter, seeing Elizabeth as a potential ratings savior, offered her a job hosting her own cooking show. Elizabeth, however, politely declined the offer. But as she returned home and caught her reflection on the TV screen, she couldn't help but wonder if she should reconsider...

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