In Episode 3 of "Like A Dragon: Yakuza," we catch a fleeting glimpse into the harrowing backgrounds of Aiko and Yumi. The scene unfolds as the sisters stand in stunned silence, watching their mother plunge into the depths of a lake, while police officers are hot on their trail. Tragically, their mother takes her own life.
Flashing forward to 2005, Yumi emerges from the hospital, her spirits lifted by a reunion with Haruka, whom Kazuma thoughtfully brings to her side. Both young women survived the fiery ordeal, but Yumi remains deeply troubled, desperately seeking answers about her troubled sister Aiko. Kazuma eventually departs, revealing that Aiko was nowhere to be found at the manga shop.
Later, Kazuma seeks out Nishiki, where tensions between him and the clan are palpable. They surround him, trying to intimidate him, but he stands his ground. The two sit cross-legged on the stairs, facing each other, and share sake. As they delve into the nitty-gritty, it becomes clear that the Omi Alliance was behind the attack on Yumi, their Kansai accent a dead giveaway. It also appears that they struck the manga store, though we already know the Devils played a role too.
Yumi believes that one man holds the key to unlocking the mysteries surrounding her sister's disappearance, but she's hesitant to approach him. This man is the Florist of Sai, and Yumi has a deep-seated distrust of him, as evidenced by haunting flashbacks.
Cutting back to 1995, we see Yumi frequenting clubs, her search for her sister relentless. Finally, she uncovers a crucial clue suggesting that Aiko is in Osaka, involved in dubious dealings with a man named Indy at one of the bars there. Determined to find her sister, Yumi sets out on a search, with Miho inevitably joining her side. Their quest reveals Yumi's unwavering loyalty to her family, her resolve as strong as ever.
Nishiki and Kazuma are on an urgent mission, hot on the trail of Alice Beale at the hotel where she is lodging. The stakes are incredibly high, as Alice undoubtedly possesses the invaluable hanko. However, they are not the only ones in pursuit. Other clan members arrive on the scene, all with the same objective. When they descend upon the hotel, Alice slips away through the fire exit, sparking a frenetic chase.
In the midst of the commotion, Taiga is shot and wounded, while Kazuma and Nishiki manage to seize Alice and make a hasty escape to a hiding spot. Goro Majima, relentless in his hunt, catches up with the duo. He boasts of his undefeated record in battles, but Kazuma eventually disables him with a well-placed knockout. Kazuma swiftly reminds his partner of their unwavering code: they do not take lives.
Yet, Nishiki is shaken to his core and, in a moment of desperation, trains his gun on Alice, demanding the hanko. Just then, the police arrive, forcing the pair to abandon their pursuit and flee, leaving Alice in a more perilous situation than before. To her misfortune, the hanko is stolen from her in the chaos.
Elsewhere, Dojima converses with the Chairman, who receives the grim news of Taiga's demise. Majima faces severe reprimand and is brutally stabbed through the eye for his audacity and the loss of sponsors due to his reckless display of a firearm in public. However, his shock deepens when the cunning inspector from earlier appears, bearing roses... and the hanko he had cunningly stolen from Alice.
Dojima dubs him the Florist of Sai, a moniker lacking in admiration, likening him to a greedy scavenger picking from the fallen. Despite this, Dojima secures the hanko, leaving Kazuma and Nishiki empty-handed once again.
Meanwhile, in Osaka, Yumi and Miho arrive at Heaven's Bar. However, Indy betrays them by presenting the wrong girl as Aiko. Yumi threatens him with a knife, but as they depart, Aiko slips out from the back and secures a portion of the money that Yumi was forced to relinquish.
Back in 2005, Yumi and Kazuma made their way to visit the Florist, who was running a colossal clandestine operation beneath the surface. The scene was a labyrinth of computer screens and pervasive surveillance, with a bevy of individuals diligently engaged in mass monitoring. The Florist's modus operandi was to exact payments from those desperate for personal information, turning his clandestine empire into a lucrative venture.
As Kazuma expressed his earnest desire to witness the Dragon fight once more, he was offered as a pledge—a stark alternative to parting with a hundred million yen. After inking his name on the dotted line, the Florist unveiled his cache of knowledge. Katsumi Oishi, a Sagawa Family affiliate in Osaka and a member of the formidable Omi Alliance, had been spotted in her company three days prior. Moreover, Katsumi happened to be Aiko's sweetheart, adding credence to the notion that she had been ensconced in Osaka throughout this time.
Switching gears to Osaka, Indy found himself severely bested and roughly hauled to the recesses by the infamous Devil of Shinjuku, his formidable presence commanding absolute authority.