In the premiere episode of "Territory," Emily unveils the harsh reality of the territory: a perilous and uninhabitable land that they've somehow mastered the art of coexisting with. The scene shifts to the Marianne Station, Australia's grandest cattle station, a heritage passed down through five generations of the Lawson family. It's now under the stewardship of Daniel, the youngest son and president of the Northern Territory Cattlemen Federation. Other family members include Colin, the old-school patriarch; Graham, Daniel's elder brother who's perpetually drunk; and Emily, Graham's second wife.
Nolan Brannock, a drover with dreams of owning a cattle station to rival Marianne, finds himself hired by Daniel for the muster of the season. However, the air is thick with chaos as Daniel mysteriously goes missing. Colin, steadfast in tradition, refuses to greenlight the muster without Daniel. But Emily, determined and resourceful, has alternative arrangements. She pairs up with Nolan for the muster, while Graham embarks on a search for Daniel. Emily excels in her role, from wrestling a rogue buffalo to managing stray animals with ease.
Meanwhile, Daniel lies helpless in the middle of nowhere, having fallen off his horse with a shattered femur. His fate seems sealed as dingoes emerge from the shadows, attacking him relentlessly. Graham discovers his lifeless body, but Colin refuses to accept the fall as a mere accident, citing Daniel's prowess as a rider. He demands to see the horse and relentlessly scolds Graham for failing to retrieve it.
Elsewhere, Graham's son from a previous marriage, Marshall, is a conniving scammer who resides with his compatriots, Sharnie and Rich. The trio often indulges in theft and mischief. During a heated bar altercation, Marshall learns of his uncle's demise. His friends are taken aback by his identity, but he claims he's never felt a true part of the family since his mother's passing. However, Rich and Sharnie persuade him to attend the funeral, seeing it as an opportunity to plunder the Lawsons' possessions.
Meanwhile, Susie, Daniel's half-sister and Emily's flesh-and-blood daughter, makes an appearance at the station for Daniel's solemn funeral. Emily is distressed to learn that Susie has abandoned her college studies to pursue a career in the field, with aspirations of one day taking charge of Marianne. Graham greets her warmly, while Colin barely offers her the basics of civility.
The family's troubles deepen as whispers emerge that Daniel had promised Nolan a substantial $800,000 and Lawson's breeding cows to another. Colin dismisses this as fantasy, branding Nolan a liar who has a habit of abandoning his duties halfway. Graham attempts to mediate, highlighting the potential loss of $15 million if the cattle aren't transported. This only fuels Colin's frustration, who labels Graham greedy and even lashes out at Emily, accusing her of being a Hodge—a rival family notorious for their years-long theft of Lawson cattle.
Marshall and his companions finally arrive at Marianne, and he enjoys a heartwarming reunion with Susie and Emily. Even Colin is elated to see him and, during dinner, announces that Marshall will helm the station. This declaration incenses Graham, who believes the station is his by right. It becomes evident that Colin too harbors patriarchal beliefs, refusing to allow Susie a role in the station, fearing it would eventually pass to her husband upon marriage.
The constant squabbling gets under Marshall's skin, and he unleashes his anger on his father and grandfather before storming off.
The next day, Daniel's funeral unfolds, attended by mourners like Sandra and her son Lachie, who harbor plans to acquire a gold mine on Lawson land. Colin is incensed by the vultures who have descended upon the funeral, eyeing the station and offering generous sums to buy Marianne from him. Among them is another rival, Campbell Miller, Emily's ex and a potential contender for the federation's presidency.
Graham is anything but pleased with Campbell's presence, but Emily is indifferent, her attention diverted by Rich, who attempts to pilfer from their home. She threatens him with dire consequences if he dares harm Marshall, but he remains brazen, boasting that he has Marshall wrapped around his little finger.
Elsewhere, Lachie attempts to woo Susie by astride a steed, but his efforts culminate in an embarrassing fall. Emily's brother, Hank, also makes an appearance, sparking gossip that he is poaching some of the Lawson's livestock. Enraged by these whispers, Colin confronts Hank, leading to a fierce altercation that only ceases when Marshall intervenes. Graham, too, tries to assess Colin's condition, but Colin shoves him aside, announcing that Marshall will now oversee the station.
That night, Campbell stumbles upon Emily in the barn, declaring his intention to seize the station and present it to her as a token of their enduring love, despite both being married to others. Meanwhile, outside, a drunken Graham vents his frustration on Marshall, convinced that his son has betrayed him by usurping what is rightfully his and even questioning Marshall's paternity.
Marshall, incensed, reveals that he harbors no desire for the station and demands that Graham leave him in peace. Graham, overwhelmed by despair, turns to Emily, pleading with her not to abandon him.
The following day, Colin, Susie, and Emily witness Marshall and his companions spirit away a few items from the station before departing. Emily brokers a deal with Colin: they both acknowledge Marshall's animosity towards them and his unsuitability to manage the station. In exchange for her training Marshall to assume control, she insists that Colin grant Susie a place at the station.
As Territory Episode 1 concludes, someone discovers Daniel's horse, shot and wounded, explaining his initial fall.