In the second chapter of "Territory," Graham expresses his gratitude to Daniel in a somewhat macabre fashion, thanking him for passing away and paving the way for Graham to seize control of the station. Meanwhile, Susie is assigned the humble task of cleaning, with Emily emphasizing that she must start from the ground up if she aspires to become a part of the station's fabric.
As Graham, now sober and resolute, prepares to run for president, he harbors a deep-seated fear that anyone else in charge would dismantle the esteemed Lawson legacy. Seeking Colin's endorsement in the wake of Marshall's absence, Graham faces an uphill battle, as Colin harbors doubts about Emily's ability to locate his grandson. In a bid to reclaim Marshall and the stolen quad bikes, Colin enlists the aid of the McKenzie brothers.
Elsewhere, Marshall and Sharnie embark on a perilous journey, stealing and selling crocodile eggs. Their camaraderie and playful banter grate on Rich, who can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He seizes every opportunity to clip Marshall's wings, seeking to dim his shine.
Emily, determined to track down Marshall, turns to Hank for assistance. Initially, Hank plays coy, dangling the carrot of rebranding his stolen cattle before finally relenting. Though Emily may disapprove of her family's thieving ways, she proves adept at navigating their underhanded tactics. During their search, she aids Hank in extricating himself from a dicey situation involving loan sharks. In gratitude, they reveal Marshall's hideout.
Concurrently, Nolan grapples with the challenge of revitalizing his cattle station, an endeavor that seems futile. Adding insult to injury, he's forced to mentor Dezi, a troublemaker extraordinaire. The duo attends the federation meeting, where Colin lends his support to Graham, while Campbell also throws his hat into the presidential ring. As votes are secured and alliances forged, Sandra tempts Graham with a lucrative offer, sweetening the deal with a tantalizing sip of liquor.
If he decides to exclude Colin, she vows to stand by his side unwaveringly. He hesitates, torn between defiance and distress, yet ultimately succumbs to the temptation, consuming the offered drink. With a few more rounds, he succumbs to intoxication, stirring up a commotion that leaves Nolan with no choice but to chauffeur him home. In a moment of vulnerability, Nolan opens up to Dezi, declaring the Lawsons' reign over.
During the meeting, the voting process unfolds, leaving Colin in a state of disgrace before he storms out. Hank and Emily arrive at the hideaway anticipating a confrontation, but instead, they encounter Rich, who, in a fit of defiance, throws their keys aside and escapes with the Lawson's quad bikes. Amidst their fruitless search for the keys, a heated dispute arises between Hank and Emily. Hank resents her betrayal, while Emily insists on prioritizing their daughter's future, revealing her secret pact with Colin to include Susie.
Meanwhile, Lachie cunningly orchestrates a meeting with Marianne by pretend to lose wallet, eventually spending time with Susie, who is engrossed in horse riding lessons. Their tender moment ends in a kiss. Elsewhere, Susie's half-brother indulges in cattle rustling for a butcher, leading to another clash between Rich and Marshall, who finds Rich meddling with the livestock. Tragically, Rich is trampled by the cows and rushed to the vet, who alerts Hank out of familiarity. The Hodges rush to the scene, but once again, Rich has vanished.
Marshall and Sharnie make their way to the butcher and, after securing their payment, retreat to their secluded hideaway, sharing laughter and confessing their mutual affections. Their almost-kiss is interrupted by the unexpected arrival of the McKenzies, who threaten Marshall with a gun. Fortunately, Hank and Emily intervene, saving the day. Emily pleads with Marshall to reconcile with his family, but he rejects her, believing Colin's indifference towards him. Instead, he urges her to leave with Susie.
As the Hodges depart empty-handed, Hank ponders over Emily's deal. Emily, herself uncertain of her next steps, receives a call from Sandra. Back at home, Susie and Graham share a quiet moment until Colin bursts in, lashing out at Graham and terrifying Susie. As Territory Episode 2 concludes, Marshall, fueled by anger towards Colin, resolves to steal his cattle. Arriving at the station, they discover that someone else has beaten them to the punch.