Territory – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Oct 25 2024

The third episode of "Territory" kicks off with Marshall, Rich, and Sharnie hot on the trail of the stolen Marianne cattle. Meanwhile, Susie confides in Emily about Colin's brutal attack on Graham, expressing a wish that they could intervene. Yet, Emily responds with a sense of resignation, insisting that they must move forward.

Territory – Season 1 Episode 3 1

Elsewhere, Colin is seen creating a makeshift grave for Daniel at the spot where he was killed. Once Emily departs in Sandra's helicopter, he unleashes his fury on Graham. He's also incensed by Campbell's ascension to the presidency and his meddling, evident in the cancellation of their hay delivery.

Sandra extends an offer to Emily. Having grown up in Australia, she considers it her home and desires to protect it. She proposes giving Emily her pastoral lands, but when the latter declines, Sandra reveals her true intention. She seeks to take over Marianne's debt, transforming it into a corporation where the Lawsons would hold the majority of the shares.

Marshall, Rich, and Sharnie observe that the thieves are deeply entrenched, having corrupted government officials at checkpoints to allow the stolen Marianne cattle to pass unnoticed. Rich, eager to strike back, proposes stealing both trucks, but Marshall. Frustrated, Rich contacts the butcher, Vernon, while keeping a wary eye on Marshall and Sharnie, who are engrossed in conversation. Unbeknownst to Rich, Marshall harbors a hope that Sharnie will join him on his next journey once their mission is accomplished.

At Nolan's station, Dezi finds himself increasingly frustrated with the mundane tasks assigned to him. Nolan reprimands him, sharing his own hardships and the unfairness of life, pointing out that they are neither accepted by the White community nor by their own Aboriginal kin. However, once Nolan leaves, Dezi aligns himself with Bryce and the Aboriginal cattle owners, who are still awaiting payment from Nolan.

They seize Nolan's truck and boldly traverse the Lawson territory, laying claim to it as their own while engaging in a hunting expedition. Subsequently, they venture to Daniel's grave, where they encounter the enigmatic gunman, Elton, a solitary figure who barters Daniel's saddle for a meal. He reveals that the horse and saddle were discovered on Hodge's property, casting a shadow of mystery over their origins.

Meanwhile, Nolan finds himself entangled in a meeting with Sandra, who has severed ties with Emily. She proposes an ambitious plan involving his coastal land for a port, a venture that initially fills him with reluctance due to haunting memories of his family's exploitation by white settlers. However, upon returning home to find his truck in disarray, his frustration boils over, and he vents his anger on Dezi.

His dismay deepens when he discovers Dezi in possession of Daniel's saddle. He confronts Bryce, but the elderly man scorns him for seeking validation from whites while abandoning his own people. Dezi, too, rejects him and vandalizes the truck's window in a fit of anger. Desperate and frustrated, Nolan eventually caves in to Sandra's offer to construct a port on his land.

Elsewhere in the woods, Rich provokes a confrontation with Marshall, who he catches glancing at Sharnie. He senses betrayal, even though neither has acted on his suspicions, and demands that Marshall leave. Once Marshall departs, Rich urges Sharnie to do the same, albeit after they dispose of the stolen cattle.

Emily returns home to find Colin scolding her for entertaining Sandra. She attempts to explain Sandra's offer but Colin refuses to listen, informing Graham of Emily's secret deal to include Susie in exchange for Marshall's cooperation. Their argument intensifies as Colin remains deaf to Emily's explanations, dismissing the potential benefits of Sandra's proposal.

Driven by fury, Colin expels her, and she storms away upon realizing Graham's allegiance to his father. Empowered by this turn of events, Colin asserts that the preservation of the Lawson legacy falls solely on their shoulders, as everyone else, including Emily who shares Hodge blood, is plotting against them.

Elsewhere, Susie, Lachie, and Hank venture to a bull auction in support of Marianne. Susie aspires to play a more dynamic role at the station and, with bravery, engages in a bidding war with Campbell, ultimately acquiring a collection of esteemed bulls using her college grant money. To commemorate their triumph, they all adjourn to the bar.

At the bar, Hank's son Ethan, provoked by Lachie's perceived preppiness, picks a fight. However, Lachie lands a few solid punches before Emily intervenes to disperse the altercation. Thrilled to be entwined in Susie's world, Lachie seizes the moment, planting a kiss on her and proceeding to embark on a passionate liaison in her car. Meanwhile, Campbell and Emily exchange flirtatious glances, clearly enjoying each other's company.

Regarding the stolen cattle saga, Vernon betrays Rich, leading the thieves to corner him and Sharnie. Mistaking Rich for Marshall, they attempt to execute him. Rich and Sharnie find refuge until Marshall arrives and orchestrates a diversion. In the chaos, Rich is separated from them, and Marshall, at his bidding, flees with Sharnie.

Nolan appears at the Lawsons' with Daniel's saddle, informing Graham of its discovery on Hodge territory. However, he declines to engage in familial strife and proceeds to his home, where he discovers Dezi has torched his truck. Graham, meanwhile, armed with a rifle, storms into the bar and trains his weapon on Hank, convinced of his guilt in Daniel's demise. Hank calls Graham's bluff, believing him too frail to carry out such an act. As Territory Episode 3 reaches its climax, Graham's finger tightens on the trigger, just as Susie lunges forward to halt his deadly intent.

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