Episode 1 of "Love Next Door" unfurls with a picturesque backdrop of a hiking expedition among a clique of friends, punctuated by the rivalry between two neighbors who incessantly parade their illustrious offspring. Choi Seung-hyo, a stellar architect who co-founded a renowned firm, basks in accolades, while Bae Seok-ryu, a U.S.-based corporate highflyer earning untold fortunes, arrives mid-celebration amidst buzz surrounding her impending nuptials.
Amidst the friendly feud, Baek Seok-ryu's cherished pal, Jung Mo-eun—daughter of another matriarchal acquaintance—graciously greets her at the airport, rekindling childhood memories over a steaming plate of tteokbokki. Little do they realize, until Seok-ryu frantically seeks refuge from her sibling, that her unexpected return harbors a shroud of secrecy.
Mo-eun, a dedicated paramedic, hastily departs, leaving Seok-ryu to reconnect with another childhood compatriot, none other than her "mother's friend's son," Seung-hyo. But their reunion lacks the warm embrace one might anticipate; instead, it's marked by a playful yet tense "What are you doing here?" from Seung-hyo's lips.
As they bicker over territorial boundaries, Seok-ryu ingeniously hides within a cavernous shipping crate as her mother and companions return from their hiking adventure. Seung-hyo, despite their frosty dynamic, relents and aids in diverting her mother's wrath. The drama escalates when Seok-ryu inadvertently infiltrates Seung-hyo's sleek office tower, narrowly escaping disaster by sparing a million-dollar metallic masterpiece—an artifact, as Seung-hyo declares—from her clumsy clutches.
Their exchange unveils a childhood rife with mishaps, where Seok-ryu's unintended clumsiness left a tangible scar on Seung-hyo's back, a poignant reminder of the time she accidentally propelled him into a treacherous barbed wire trap.
Elsewhere, Mo-eun's world spirals into chaos as she rushes to an emergency call, encountering a challenging homeless man. Amidst the fray, she crosses paths with Kang Dan-ho, later revealed as a writer seeking heartwarming narratives about everyday people.
As night falls, Seung-hyo and Seok-ryu traverse towards their abode, with Seok-ryu armored in layers of clothing, steeling herself for a confrontation with her formidable mother. Aware of her misdeeds, she braces for the inevitable reckoning.
Seok-ryu hadn't foreseen the unintended audience of her confession—her parents and Seung-hyo, eavesdropping as she disclosed her engagement's demise. Chaos erupted in a slapstick frenzy as her mother, armed with a bunch of leeks, lunged at her, turning the moment into a comedic catastrophe. It transpired that Seok-ryu's rebellion extended beyond just the wedding; she'd also quit her job and retreated to the familiar shores of her childhood home.
Amid the fracas of her mother's furious vegetable-wielding assault and her father's melodramatic swoon, Seung-hyo and Seok-ryu cunningly slipped away, finding solace in a park's embrace until the storm passed. Miraculously, Seok-ryu's layers of attire served as armor, shielding her from her mother's leek-fueled onslaught.
As they sought refuge, Seok-ryu poured her heart out to Seung-hyo, detailing the weight of relocation, career beginnings, and wedding plans that had overwhelmed her. "It was like running a race with the throttle wide open, straining my metaphorical CPU until it froze, the screen went dark, and the keys refused to budge. I had to reset myself, start anew," she confessed.
Their retreat home was tenuous, with Seung-hyo receiving a false reprieve from Seok-ryu's brother, accompanied by her mother's solemn promise to abstain from Asian-style disciplinary measures. Yet, it was but a ruse, as turmoil reignited, this time trapping Seok-ryu indoors amidst Seung-hyo's mischievous antics.
The episode concludes with a poignant flashback, showcasing a youthful Seok-ryu valiantly shielding an equally vulnerable Seung-hyo from bullies. Seung-hyo's wistful observation, "With her back, the chaos resumes," echoes as the scene fades, leaving viewers to anticipate the tumultuous adventures yet to unfold.