Miss Scarlet and The Duke – Season 3 Episode 4

Published: Mar 04 2025

As the episode kicks off, Detective Sergeant Phelps (portrayed by Tim Chipping) mingles with Oliver Fitzroy (Evan McCabe) and fellow officers in the cozy confines of the local pub. Oliver mentions he's meticulously planning his next moves, prompting Phelps to accuse him of plotting to swipe their hard-earned cash. Oliver counters that they can't gamble for money since the establishment lacks a license for such activities. Phelps retorts that no one would dare arrest them, given their law enforcement status. While Oliver's attention wanes momentarily, he notices one of Phelps's game pieces missing, suggesting it might have fallen to the ground or inadvertently slipped into his pocket. Phelps, however, takes this as a personal affront and dares Oliver to a brawl. Despite Oliver's warning of his recent training, Phelps disregards it, ultimately ending up sprawled on the floor with a crimson-streaked nose.

Miss Scarlet and The Duke – Season 3 Episode 4 1

The following morning, Phelps informs his colleagues that the Duke has been dispatched northward for a brief spell. During his absence, Phelps assumes command, requesting Fitzroy to remain behind as he is now Phelps's right-hand man. Transitioning into the narrative, Eliza Scarlet (Kate Phillips) opens the door to Mr. Potts (Simon Ludders), informing him that Ivy (Cathy Belton) is absent, tending to her ailing mother. As Potts departs, Eliza inquisitively peers at Ivy, wondering about the nature of his visit. Ivy, reluctant to delve into it, hints that some matters are better left untouched. Eliza, believing that even she, despite her lack of romantic expertise, might offer a listening ear, persists. Ivy, slightly annoyed, responds that she'd surely sport a ring if she were adept at such affairs. She apologizes for her sour mood and changes the subject.

Eliza then ventures to the police station in search of Wellington (Stuart Martin), only to be told by Phelps that he's already left. Their conversation escalates into a dispute over a case Eliza was supposed to collaborate on with Wellington. Frustrated, Eliza storms out and vents her grievances about Phelps to Fitzroy, who enlightens her about his upcoming duties, including delivering food to the prisoners later.

Eliza passionately urges him to assert himself before Phelps emerges and whisks Fitzroy away to another location. Potts halts Eliza in her tracks, eager to confer with her about his struggles in courting Ivy. As they settle into their seats, Potts confesses his recent reluctance to be in Ivy's company. Eliza suggests that he address this with Ivy directly but also offers that perhaps a change in routine could spice things up. She proposes spontaneous outings such as a Saturday evening at the music hall, a surprise dinner, or an impromptu stroll through the park – anything to catch her off guard and reignite the spark. Potts gratefully acknowledges her suggestions. When he inquires if there's anything he can do for her in return, Eliza seizes the moment to broach the topic of allowing women in the morgue. He hesitantly agrees to reconsider.

Elsewhere, Phelps and Detective Fitzroy stand in anticipation, their eyes peeled for Michael Galanis (Alex Bhat), a potential suspect in a series of recent robberies. Phelps is confident of his arrival, knowing Michael's daily habit. As Phelps makes his move and seizes Michael, Fitzroy catches a fleeting glimpse of Phelps apparently planting evidence on him. Galanis instantly rejects the accusation, countering that Phelps had framed him by slipping the watch into his pocket. Fitzroy, however, insists he saw no such thing. Later, Fitzroy visits Michael in his cell, where the latter once again vehemently denies taking the watch, convinced that Fitzroy witnessed Phelps's deceit.

Troubled by his observations, Fitzroy seeks Eliza out, desperate to unburden himself. The incident was so swift that doubt creeps into his mind, prompting his visit to her. He expresses his desire to hire her to delve into the matter, seeking clarity. When Eliza discusses this with Moses (Ansu Kabia), he cautions her to stay out of it. However, she admits her hands are tied, having already accepted advance payment from Fitzroy. Moses continues, acknowledging that while Michael might be innocent of this particular crime, his background in a notorious crime family suggests otherwise. He explains how the family thrives on gambling and assorted thefts, with Michael's uncle, Nikos, at the helm. Moses hears whispers that Michael, young, naive, and prone to errors, is a source of disappointment to his uncle.

Eliza proposes to Phelps that Michael might be their target due to his perceived weakness, yet Moses urges caution, advising her to steer clear of the situation. Undeterred, Eliza insists on dragging him to the stores to delve into the theft mystery. They confer with Miss Tinsdale (portrayed by Grace Boyle), who reveals that the thieves stripped the place bare, exacerbating her fragile health. Upon arriving for work the previous week, she discovered her domain in shambles, with watches and clocks among the stolen items, one of which bore a resemblance to her late father's timepiece. As they depart, Eliza muses that transporting two grandfather clocks on foot would have been impossible, prompting her to search for any signs of struggle or dragging along the curb. Just then, three men approach, claiming that their boss wishes to speak with them.

Moses assertively introduces them as agents working under Inspector Wellington of Scotland Yard, clarifying that they are actually employed by Galanis, who seeks an audience. They find themselves in the presence of Nikos (Stavros Demetraki) and his father Andreas (Svetozar Cvetkovic), who inquisitively demand to know who is compensating Eliza for probing into their family affairs. She cryptically responds by mentioning only her client, while Moses explains his role as Eliza's translator. Nikos, suddenly coughing up blood, vehemently denies his nephew's involvement in the store robbery, expressing a deep distrust in the police but acknowledging that a few officials at Scotland Yard might prove helpful—individuals whom Eliza might influence. Nikos implores her to disclose the true culprit's identity, handing her a photograph of the suspected thief before he and his father depart.

Once alone, Moses informs Eliza that Scotland Yard has been actively searching for Logan Cooper (Matt Concannon) for quite some time. He finds it suspiciously convenient given Cooper's gang's ongoing feud with the Galanis family. She tasks him with discreet inquiries to uncover more information, while she intends to visit the nephew to gather his side of the story. Moses, however, remains tight-lipped about his reasons for being in Athens.

Fitzroy grants Eliza access to the cell, urging her to be expedient, given Phelps's uncertain whereabouts. She attempts to pry information from Michael regarding his whereabouts during the robbery, but he remains tight-lipped, declining to divulge anything.

Eliza inquires whether he fancies the prospect of incarceration, doubting that a jail cell would befit his character. Upon hearing his revelations about his whereabouts, Eliza resolves to visit Sasha (played by Maja Susa), whom she encounters with a dismissive remark about not fitting into her usual company. After compensating Sasha for her time, Eliza delves into the matter of Michael's overnight visits on the Friday preceding the last. Sasha reveals that Michael makes a weekly pilgrimage to her on Fridays, and their evenings consist merely of sitting, sipping, and conversing at her nearby abode.

Sasha unveils that their chats often revolved around Michael's gang members' disdain for him. Notably, the sole member who harbored fondness for him met an untimely demise, his throat slit, plunging Michael into a state of profound distress. Eliza learns that this tragedy occurred just the previous week. Determined to uncover more, she heads to Potts, seeking insights into the murder. However, Potts refuses her entry into the morgue, citing her earlier advice that had been met with disdain.

Fitzroy secures the files for Eliza and narrates Potts's peculiar demeanor. As Fitzroy exits, Ivy enters, sharing with Eliza Potts's surprise proposal of marriage. Eliza vigorously denies influencing his decision, prompting Ivy to confess her bewilderment, stating that Potts was fragile and wonders why Eliza couldn't have let matters be. Ivy assertively informs Eliza that she can fend for herself this evening, managing meals and laundry.

After Fitzroy hands over the files to Phelps, he anticipates the commencement of his night shift, only to be told by Phelps to head home. Phelps elucidates that he couldn't allow people to perceive him as unpunished for striking someone. Fitzroy is reinstated to his regular duties. Phelps then inquires about the reason behind Fitzroy's earlier acquisition of Michael's cell key, to which Fitzroy claims he was delivering requested sustenance.

Meanwhile, Moses uncovers that the watch Phelps planted on Michael was among those stolen. He also discovers that the Galanis family has placed a bounty on Cooper's head due to a dispute involving Cooper and one of his men. Additionally, Cooper boasts a cousin serving in Scotland Yard. Eliza surmises that Phelps must be involved.

The subsequent day, Moses tails Phelps while Eliza pays a visit to Solomon.

She inquiries of Solomon, portrayed by Brian Bovell, about the venue where one might dispose of watches and clocks. Instead of providing her with a straightforward answer, he attempts to peddle one of his mystical concoctions to her. Asserting his greater familiarity with weapons, her curiosity shifts to the recent homicide. After scrutinizing the wound, Solomon concludes that it was inflicted by a lengthy, curved blade, a weapon he recognizes being wielded by two individuals—one deceased and the other, a questionable character. Eventually, he divulges that the latter's name is Logan Cooper, hinting at possible safe houses affiliated with the Cooper gang. However, he cautions her against approaching them due to their perilous nature. Armed with the addresses, she proceeds to inspect the first one.

Eliza spots a man resembling Logan and decides to tail him. Eventually, he confronts her, gun in hand, demanding an explanation for her pursuit. Mentioning Phelps' name elicits a fierce reaction from Logan, who insists he hasn't laid eyes on Charlie Phelps for years and harbors deep resentment towards him. Before a gunfire exchange erupts, he claims the robbery was an internal scheme and flees the scene. Returning to Moses, Eliza acknowledges her narrow escape and is convinced that Galanis' men were the ones targeting Logan. Moses suspects Phelps is orchestrating something sinister, as evidenced by his trailing Phelps to an abandoned bar where mysterious deliveries were being made, the contents of which remain a mystery to Moses.

Eliza reveals that she was assigned to another case but got sidetracked by Phelps. She compiles information on similar crimes and discovers a recurring name. They revisit Miss Tinsdale, and Eliza elucidates that several other robberies have occurred, with the stolen goods presumably not ending up on the black market. Instead, it becomes evident that these were targeted thefts. Amazingly, out of the six shops robbed, Miss Tinsdale was employed at five. They press her on how she manages to maintain her apartment with her salary. Tinsdale confesses that Galanis is her secret sponsor, informing him of new deliveries and facilitating the subsequent thefts. Although she is unaware of who robbed her current workplace, a policeman had previously advised her to remain silent.

Later, Eliza witnesses Phelps receiving an envelope from Andreas, which piques her curiosity. She promptly sits beside him, her eyes probing as she inquires about his dealings with Phelps. Andreas responds with a sigh, acknowledging that everyone is aware that Michael is ill-suited for such undertakings, yet his son, Nikos, remains obstinate in his refusal to accept this truth. Michael had confided in Andreas about the clock theft, prompting Andreas to instruct the now-deceased individual to carry it out. Unbeknownst to Nikos, Michael himself had executed the heist. The unfortunate soul met his demise due to his ill-advised decision to wander into the wrong part of town, inebriated and seeking confrontation. The subsequent day, Nikos placed a bounty on Logan's head, making him a plausible perpetrator of the murder. Should Michael be liberated from his confines, the looming threat of his capture would undoubtedly compel him to eliminate Cooper. Andreas's motivation for hiring Phelps to apprehend Michael stems from his desire to spare him a grim fate, be it by hanging or vengeful hands. By the time Michael regains his freedom, Nikos will have met his end. However, if Scarlet manages to prove Michael's innocence, his release will be immediate, yet he'll be pushed into a corner, forced to take a life. Eliza grapples with the moral dilemma of condoning injustice.

Returning home, she attempts to mend her bag, her thoughts in turmoil. Ivy, sensing her distress, finally confesses that she's been steering clear of Potts because her feelings for him have blossomed. The prospect of where this could lead fills her with dread, as she cherishes her daily routine with Eliza under the same roof. Marriage itself leaves her uncertain and apprehensive. Recollections of childhood, where the script was written for growing up, marrying, and having children, haunt her. Eliza, ever the pillar of support, urges Ivy to follow her heart, assuring her of unwavering backing.

As Ivy tinkers with her bag, Eliza unburdens herself, sharing her dilemma. Ivy, recalling their childhood where Eliza always found an alternative to undesired choices, offers a reminder of resilience. Eliza retrieves the bullet fragment fired by Logan and compares it to the one used in the robbery, presenting her findings to Fitzroy with the conviction that they came from the same weapon. Determined, Eliza takes Fitzroy along to confront Nikos, hoping to persuade him with her proposal. She intends to demonstrate Michael's innocence by revealing that Logan was a suspect in a botched bank robbery earlier that year. Though the case against him crumbled, Eliza possesses irrefutable evidence tying him to the crime.

The ballistic evidence unmistakably points to Logan's firearm as the one discharged amidst the chaotic robbery. Eliza insists on Logan's custody being transferred to her, with the intention of handing him over to Scotland Yard. When Nikos voices his desire for Cooper to endure, Eliza assures him that Cooper's fate is sealed, anticipating a sentence of fifteen years or more of arduous labor. Subsequently, they confront Phelps, accusing him of accepting bribes to apprehend Michael. Eliza sternly warns Phelps that his failure to disclose his connection to a fugitive could result in his dismissal. She offers amnesty concerning his cousin's involvement, contingent on his withdrawal of charges against Michael. Phelps vehemently denies being a corrupt officer, explaining that Michael's incarceration was for his own welfare. He admits to accepting money for the first time, albeit stating he would have acted without compensation. Phelps justifies his action by highlighting the benevolent use of the funds: transforming the building into a gymnasium where at-risk youth can find refuge and learn self-esteem. Meanwhile, Logan is incarcerated while Michael walks free.

Eliza and Fitzroy engage in a reflective discussion about their professional paths. Back at her abode, Ivy and Potts share their engagement news with Eliza, hinting at a lengthy engagement period, according to Ivy's teasing tone. Phelps later visits Scarlet at her workplace, delivering the news of Duke's return with a hint of schadenfreude, relishing the opportunity to witness her reaction upon learning whom Duke accompanies. Elsewhere, Eliza observes with fascination as William affectionately kisses Arabella (Sophie Robertson), painting a tender moment amidst the intricate web of intrigue.

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