In the gripping fourth installment of NCIS: Sydney, titled "Ghosted," the team embarks on a harrowing quest through the eerie corridors of the past. The episode kicks off with the harrowing sight of US Petty Officer Baker's lifeless body, shattered through a glass window and impaled on fence stakes at a Sydney locale riddled with ghostly whispers. Adding insult to injury, he bears gunshot wounds to his chest, plunging the case into an enigma of epic proportions. Led by the relentless Michelle Mackey and the seasoned Jim "JD" Dempsey, the NCIS squad must decipher the intricate tapestry of Baker's untimely demise.
The investigation commences with an autopsy conducted by Dr. Penrose, who detects grass stains adorning the victim's feet, hinting at a possible altercation at a separate locale preceding the fatal plummet. Meanwhile, Gleeson's meticulous examination of the gun shell casings unearths fingerprints belonging to Petty Officer Frank Doherty, a deserter presumed lost since 1971. This revelation propels the team onto a trajectory to unravel the truth about Doherty's enigmatic past and his nexus with Baker.
Mackey and Dempsey's probe into Baker's abode yields a business card from Armen Standish, a curator at the Navy Heritage Museum. Standish offers a vital clue—Baker's fascination with medal authentication. An ISBN number inscribed on the reverse of the card links to a newspaper article chronicling Doherty's valorous deeds during the Vietnam War and his subsequent desertion. The team hypothesizes that Baker might have been entangled in the illicit trade of medals, a suspicion fortified by the discovery of a Navy Cross within Baker's quarters.
As the team delves deeper into the labyrinthine narrative, they glean insights into Doherty's past through his military file and a love letter signed with a single initial, "M." Gleeson's facial recognition technology proves instrumental in identifying and locating Mei Koo, Doherty's long-forgotten sweetheart, now residing in Sydney. Jackson and Cooper's visit to Koo's abode uncovers Doherty, who has been in concealment for a half-century.
At NCIS headquarters, Doherty's initial confession to the murder is met with a wall of skepticism, owing to the absence of gunshot residue and his physically frail condition. Dr. Penrose's revelations about Baker's last meal steer the team towards a pub in proximity to the crime scene, where they uncover testimony of Baker being seen in the company of an elderly American man, subsequently identified as Doherty. This revelation raises questions about the essence of their relationship and the authentic circumstances surrounding Baker's death, casting a haunting shroud over the case.
The team's investigation takes an unexpected twist as they uncover that Baker's hands were not tainted by medal trading but were instead engrossed in repatriating medals, striving to restore them to their rightful owners. This startling revelation paints a multifaceted portrait of Baker's character and intentions, hinting at a far more intricate background story than originally perceived.
As the intricate puzzle pieces gradually fit together, the team discovers that Doherty and Koo were being ruthlessly extorted by an anonymous individual, culminating in a tense confrontation at their abode. Doherty's hesitation to disclose the extortionist's name stems from a profound fear that Mackey, with her own haunting war experiences, alone can comprehend and utilize to gain his trust.
The truth behind Baker's untimely demise finally comes to light through Doherty's narration of the events on the fateful night. Baker, who courageously stepped in to assist Doherty in confronting the extortionist, lost his life in a desperate struggle over a pistol. The team's focus shifts to Armen Standish, the museum curator, who is unveiled as the extortionist and Baker's murderer. In a dramatic climax, the NCIS team races to the museum and the scene of Baker's death, where they find Koo pointing a gun at Standish. The perilous situation is defused, and Standish is apprehended, bringing justice for Baker's murder and providing closure to Doherty and Koo's decades-long ordeal.
The episode concludes with a poignant resolution as Doherty and Koo, finally tying the knot after half a century, celebrate their union with a modest reception. Doherty's heartfelt salute to Mackey serves as a moving gesture, expressing profound gratitude and respect for the team's relentless pursuit of truth and rectification of a historical injustice. "Ghosted" is a profound episode that delves into themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the enduring impact of war on those who have served. The NCIS team's unwavering commitment to solving the mystery and securing justice for Baker and Doherty underscores their dedication to their mission. This episode stands out for its engaging narrative, well-developed characters, and the profound emotional depth it contributes to the series.