Episode 6 of "Nevertheless: The Shapes of Love" unfolds with a tender scene of Ren seated beside Chiaki's hospital bed, a remnant of their childhood days when she battled a terminal illness while he stood as her unwavering companion. Her miraculous recovery was a beacon of hope, yet he remained steadfast, introducing her to the enchanting world of art.
As college life unfolded, their bond blossomed into romance, albeit briefly, as Ren ultimately requested to revert to friendship. Chiaki, though heartbroken, accepted his wish while striving to keep him as close as possible, acknowledging his paramount importance in her life. Her actions, though loving, inadvertently curbed his freedom, a reality she couldn't reconcile with her emotions.
Days prior to the narrative's commencement, Chiaki's condition took a turn for the worse, leaving Ren deeply disturbed. Accepting her impending fate with a courageous heart, she beseeched Ren to infuse her remaining days with exhilaration. In a fit of frustration and grief, he channeled his emotions into creating a vandalized mural.
Presently, Chiaki awakens to find Ren hovering over her with concern etched on his face. Despite her fragile state, she attempts to smoke, prompting a stern rebuke from Ren. She, with a sorrowful smile, reminds him of her dwindling months, reducing both to tears before he envelops her in a comforting embrace. In a poignant plea, she asks him to be her boyfriend once more, surprising him with her request. Together, they venture to the university, where Ren remains her steadfast shadow.
Elsewhere, Megumi presents Usami's nephew, Shintaro, with Saki's vintage artworks, sparking his intrigue. Recognizing Saki's untapped potential, he extends an invitation to his Mashiko atelier, hinting at the need for her relocation. Their conversations are laced with ease and playfulness, and Megumi watches as Shintaro safely delivers Saki home. Inside their apartment, Saki fills Megumi in on the developments, who responds with joy, mischievously expressing her wish to be the one who cherishes Saki the most.
Saki, with a heartfelt warning, cautioned Megumi against speaking hastily, revealing her affection that transcended mere friendship. In the same breath, she shared her uncertainty about relocating to Mashiko, prompting Megumi's strained smile, genuinely delighted for Saki's artistic pursuits but hastily excusing herself for "ice cream."
Elsewhere, Miu was acutely aware that in Ren's life, it was Chiaki, not herself, who held the paramount position. Just as these thoughts settled, Ruki beckoned her to a café, where he boldly reaffirmed his feelings with a bouquet of flowers. Though unable to give an immediate response, Miu expressed her willingness to explore their connection further.
Concurrently, Ren and Chiaki embarked on a romantic outing, paralleled by Miu and Ruki's own date at the mall, where Miu appeared utterly astonished. While Ren wandered through the mall's aquarium with Chiaki, his mind was preoccupied with memories shared with Miu at the same venue. Coincidentally, he stumbled upon a picture of Ruki and Miu on Instagram, causing an awkward encounter when Ren and Miu unexpectedly caught each other's gaze on separate dates.
Returning to the café, Ruki, attempting to deepen their bond, leaned in for a kiss. Miu gently halted him, expressing her regretful affection for Ren. Ruki, comprehending her sentiments, encouraged her to confess her feelings, resulting in a poignant yet bittersweet return to their lighthearted conversations.
Later, on the bus journey back home, Ren and Chiaki faced an emotional crossroads. Chiaki, understanding Ren's unreciprocated feelings, initiated a heartfelt "breakup," appreciating his honesty about loving someone else. She bestowed him with a kiss, urging him to pursue Miu without hesitation.
As Ren disembarked alone, both Chiaki and Miu realized the significance of Ren in their lives. Ren called Miu, requesting a meeting at the park. Both, brimming with anticipation, raced towards it. Miu arrived first, eagerly awaiting his arrival. The episode of "Nevertheless: The Shapes of Love" concluded with Ren still close to the bus stop, receiving a call that visibly moved him to tears – a moment that hinted at a tragic revelation: had Chiaki perhaps passed away?