Episode 2 of "Ninja Kamui" kicks off with an intriguing narration that unveils the existence of a covert ninja clan stealthily operating within the shadows of Japan. However, the tranquility of their secretive existence is shattered by a harrowing terrorist attack, compelling them to reluctantly share their closely guarded secrets with foreign nations. This clandestine clan adheres to an unwavering code of conduct where traitors and defectors face swift and fatal consequences. Intriguingly, it transpires that Joe, alias Higan's kin, might have been entangled in such treacherous waters.
The scene shifts, unveiling Higan being tended to by Kagari, a loyal companion from his bygone days, keenly attuned to Higan's ninja heritage. Despite his wounded condition, Higan persists in instructing Kagari to administer only the bare minimum of care, enabling him to hobble into the adjacent chamber where a ninja, spared alive merely for interrogation purposes, awaits his impending doom. Upon regaining his footing, Higan subjects the captive to relentless and brutal torment, desperately seeking crucial information. When the ninja's resolve remains unyielding, Higan cruelly sets him ablaze, as merciless as roasting a marshmallow over an open flame.
Elsewhere, Mike is forcibly removed from the investigation following the gruesome hospital massacre and faces the stark warning of termination if he dares to pursue the matter further. Yet, Mike’s resolve remains unyielding, and he, along with his partner Emma, delves deeper into the enigmatic case. Their findings are astonishing – Joe's family appears to be a phantom, absent from any public records, adding layers of complexity and intrigue to the already perplexing case.
On the flipside, Higan exhausts every possible avenue to uncover any trace that might lead him to his adversary, yet his efforts remain fruitless. In desperation, with no viable alternatives left, he turns to Detective Mike Morris for assistance. He reaches out to Mike, requesting a face-to-face conversation, asserting that he harbors pressing inquiries demanding answers. Meanwhile, Emma endeavors to pinpoint his whereabouts, but Higan continuously terminates the calls, a maneuver that hints at his seasoned prowess in such intricate scenarios. Mike, complying with his request, furnishes a meeting spot, and soon the two reunite.
Higan inquires of Mike whether he possesses any insights into the serial killings that have cast a pall over the metropolis. However, Mike's intentions swiftly shift towards apprehending him. But before he can act, a ninja suddenly vaults onto Higan, seemingly out of nowhere. Mike attempts to fend off the menacing ninja with gunfire, but the latter demonstrates supernatural prowess by bisecting the bullets in mid-air and wounding Mike in the process. A fierce clash erupts, and as anticipated, Higan emerges victorious, vanquishing the ninja.
Furthermore, Higan unmasks himself to Mike, disclosing that he is, in fact, Joe Logan, and proceeds to activate a digital disguise through an enigmatic device. However, just as they prepare to delve deeper into their discussion, a hail of bullets and an RPG strike them. The shop is ravaged by the explosion, turning it into a pile of rubble, yet somehow Mike remains unscathed. As for Higan, he capitalizes on the confusion and makes his escape amidst the turmoil.