Not Dead Yet – Season 1 Episode 10

Published: Jun 12 2024

Episode 10 of "Not Dead Yet" kicks off with a lively conversation between Dennis and Sam, recapping the wild party Nell had thrown the night before, rocking the house like a bona fide rockstar. Lexi happens to eavesdrop on their lively chat, and Sam quickly apologizes for not including her in the festivities. Lexi feels a pang of exclusion, eager to prove to Sam and Dennis that she can be fun too. She wonders aloud if Nell's tardiness is due to the excessive drinking from the night before, speculating that perhaps she's nursing a hangover. Dennis and Sam chuckle, brushing off her concerns with assurances that Nell never gets hungover.

Technically, they're correct; Nell isn't hungover, but she's far from well. She arrives at the office a mess, barely able to hold her head up. Dennis suggests she take the day off, but Nell insists on finishing her latest assignment; the ghost haunting her is driving her to distraction. Lexi steps in firmly, ordering Nell to leave before she infects the whole office. Nell reluctantly departs, working on her assignment from the comfort of her own home.

Not Dead Yet – Season 1 Episode 10 1

Meanwhile, Edward returns home to find Nell sick and orders her to quarantine in her room. Nell feels it's unfair, but Edward isn't about to risk catching the flu too. Back at the office, Dennis confesses to Sam his struggles asking Lexi for a raise; his last one was a distant memory, two years in the past. As they discuss their predicament, Lexi pops in, inviting them to lunch at one of her favorite fancy restaurants. Sam suspects Lexi is trying to prove she's fun, but she assures her there's no need; they already know she is.

Dennis seizes the opportunity, hoping to finally broach the subject of a raise with Lexi. Sam, outnumbered, reluctantly agrees to the fancy lunch outing. As for Nell, at home, Edward catches the flu and demands that she attend to his every need. He cares not that Nell is sick and needs rest; he wants to be pampered and has strict instructions for Nell to ensure his comfort.

After fulfilling Edward's outrageous demands, Nell retreated to her bed, seeking the solace of sleep. But her rest was rudely interrupted by the apparition of a spectral couple - Suzie and Bill, once vibrant high school music teachers. Their fate was a tragic one, crushed beneath the weight of a piano while maneuvering it on a flight of stairs.

Frustrated, Nell reached out to Dennis to voice her complaint. However, he gently advised her to prioritize her well-being and complete the assignment at her leisure, once she felt refreshed. But with the ethereal voices of the ghosts singing in her ear, finding peace was a challenging task.

Reluctantly, Nell conceded and decided to embark on the assignment with renewed determination, aiming to finish it as swiftly as possible. She politely requested the spectral couple to share their past with her, and they obligingly unfolded their lives in intricate detail. After hearing their stories, Nell proposed emailing a few of their old friends to solicit quotes for the assignment, but Bill was adamantly opposed to the idea.

Meanwhile, Sam, after indulging in a lavish lunch consisting of sixteen courses, was eager to return to the office and resume his duties. But Lexi had other ideas, and Dennis, still grappling with his courage, struggled to broach the subject of a raise. His anxiety had even manifested in the form of a sudden British accent.

Lexi proposed a trip to a bar to continue their celebrations, but Sam insisted on calling an Uber and returning to the office. However, Lexi had other plans. Instead of hailing an Uber, she impulsively ordered a party bus, intent on hijacking Dennis and Sam's plans and whisking them away on an adventure. Sam found Lexi's behavior highly unusual and out of character.

As the party bus roared through the streets, Lexi called Nell, seeking advice on how to keep the party lively and fun. Nell recounted a wild trip they had taken to Las Vegas, and Lexi, inspired, decided that their next destination would be the glittering city of Vegas.

Sam furiously dialed Nell's number to voice his grievances about Lexi, but to his surprise, Lexi abruptly interrupted the conversation, hanging up the phone. Infuriated, Sam confronted Lexi head-on, declaring that he was fed up with her antics and childish antics. He sternly informed her that he already had Nell in his life and didn't need her antics anymore. She needed to be the Lexi he once knew.

As for Nell, she stumbled upon a revelation about Bill and Suzie. It turns out that Bill had kept a secret from Suzie, motivated by his desire to shield her from harm. The startling truth was that Bill had been offered a coveted spot in the London Symphony Orchestra, but he had politely declined the offer because they only wanted him. Suzie, feeling betrayed, engaged in a heated argument with Bill. Similarly, Nell's patience with Edward had reached its limit, and she lashed out at him, accusing him of being the sole reason he had no other friends to lean on in times of need.

After being deserted by Sam and Dennis, Lexi sought solace with Nell, confessing that her marriage was crumbling, and she was embroiled in a divorce. Fearful of spending her evenings alone in her silent abode, Lexi hesitated to reveal her situation to Sam, fearing he would label her a failure. She longed to know how Nell managed to remain vulnerable and authentic in the face of such challenges. Nell, with compassion, advised Lexi to embrace honesty and trust in her friendships, urging her to take the leap and confide in Sam.

As the ghosts eavesdropped on the heartfelt exchange between Nell and Lexi, they reconciled their differences, and Edward and Nell followed suit. Realizing that their shared illness was a bond, they vowed to care for each other in their mutual weakness. With Nell's assistance, the assignment was completed, and she finally had the opportunity to rest. Dennis also engaged in a meaningful conversation with Lexi, and she grudgingly agreed to grant him a raise.

Unfortunately, Lexi herself succumbed to the flu's clutches, yet she stubbornly refused to acknowledge her frailty and persisted in attending work.

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