Not Dead Yet – Season 1 Episode 9

Published: Jun 12 2024

Episode 9 of "Not Dead Yet" kicks off with Nell engaged in a profound therapy session. The therapist probes into her relationship with her inner child, and Nell confesses that it's been ages since they've had a heart-to-heart. She's in the midst of a snack-and-cereal deliberation, lost in the abyss of her choices.

Suddenly, Sam and Dennis barge in, asking Nell if she's alright. But as they depart, the therapist, whom we later realize is actually a ghost, inquires if she's shared her supernatural encounters with her friends. Nell shakes her head, declaring that she hasn't and doesn't intend to reveal the truth.

Later that evening at Crickets, Cricket reveals a profound decision: she's ready to scatter Morty's ashes. She hands Morty's hat to Edward and ropes in Nell to accompany her the following day.

Not Dead Yet – Season 1 Episode 9 1

The next day at work, Lexi poses a perplexing question to Sam: why do they visit the zoo if they can't bring the animals home? Sam patiently explains that it's about experiencing the animals in their natural habitat.

Meanwhile, they encounter Dennis and his husband, Ben. Dennis introduces Ben to Lexi, but Lexi's remarks are less than complimentary, snidely commenting on Ben's sperm being the fastest swimmer of the two. It transpires that Dennis is grappling with the daunting task of choosing an egg donor for surrogacy and is fraught with indecision. He fears that Ben might opt for a different candidate, and so he enlists Lexi and Sam's help in making this crucial decision.

Elsewhere, Cricket arrives at Nell's apartment with Morty's ashes and a list of forbidden scattering locations. Unexpectedly, Morty, the ghost, materializes and ropes Nell into assisting him. Together, they embark on a journey to Ojio, where Morty explains that he once witnessed a breathtaking sunset. Nell attempts to suggest this location, but Cricket interrupts, insisting that they visit her psychic, who purportedly communes with the deceased.

In the office, Lexi and Sam are immersed in Dennis' egg donor selection process. Dennis shows them the profiles of potential candidates, and Lexi and Sam scrutinize each one, weighing their suitability. Dennis' anxiety mounts as he strives to convince himself that he'll make a decision by the end of the day.

Meanwhile, Nell and Edward accompany Cricket to her psychic. As they await their turn, Edward quizzes Cricket on the scientific validity of the psychic world. She looks at him expectantly, and he concedes that there's no scientific backing. Cricket shoots him a glance and tells him to be quiet. Nell poses a question, inquiring if Cricket believes in communicating with the deceased. Cricket replies with a shrug, stating that she doesn't need to approve or disapprove of such practices.

The psychic finally enters, apologizing for the delay and instructing them to hold hands. She closes her eyes and senses a presence, which turns out to be Edward's deceased dog. Meanwhile, Morty growls in annoyance as Cricket carries the ashes towards the beach, unaware of the supernatural drama unfolding around her.

Back at the bustling office, Dennis encountered the individual Lexi and Sam had identified as his potential donor. However, upon meeting her, he realized she was just like him, and he abruptly departed, declaring that he didn't want any part of it. Sam gently reminded him to trust his instincts in choosing a donor.

Meanwhile, Nell, Edward, and Cricket exited the psychic's abode, but Nell insisted on returning to retrieve a gemstone. She confronted the psychic, accusing her of deceit, but the psychic retorted, urging Nell to be honest with herself and her friends about what she was hiding. They drove towards the serene beach, where Monty solemnly informed Nell that this was her final opportunity to confide in Cricket before it was too late.

With a heavy heart, Nell attempted to engage Cricket in a conversation about her decision, hoping to persuade her to reconsider. However, Edward intervened, asking Nell to consider Cricket's feelings and whether she was truly okay with her choice. Cricket then shared a poignant tale of driving aimlessly, ultimately finding solace by watching the sunset and weeping. She revealed that she had returned to that same spot for weeks, drawn by the beauty and comfort it provided.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, Lexi and Sam returned to Dennis's office, apologizing for any misunderstandings. Just then, Ben arrived, and they collectively decided to adopt, committing to the journey together. Excitedly, Sam and Lexi knocked on Dennis's office window, relaying the joyful news of his adoption plans. They leaped and cheered, celebrating this new chapter in their lives.

Back at the beach, Nell engaged in a heartfelt conversation with Monty, confessing that she had learned the valuable lesson of not seeking validation from others. As the episode drew to a close, Monty stood beside Cricket, the two of them watching the waves crash against the shore, symbolizing their shared journey and the strength they had found within themselves.

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