Not Dead Yet – Season 1 Episode 8

Published: Jun 11 2024

Episode 8 of "Not Dead Yet" kicks off with Nell engrossed in an old movie, unaware that her next spectral visitor, Marlena Quintrell, was once a starlet in the very film she's watching. Suddenly, Marlena materializes beside her, ghostly yet vivid. Just then, Edwards strolls in, breaking the spell, and asks Nell to dispose of the trash and tidy up her utensils. He further requests her assistance in holding some boxes aside as his girlfriend is about to make her first visit, and he wants everything to be picture-perfect.

Nell wonders aloud why the girlfriend has never visited before, prompting Edward to reveal that their relationship is more casual, with him visiting her for tacos and late-night intimacy.

Back at the office, Sam and Nell are discussing the upcoming visit when Nell whips out a poster for trivia night and slaps it on the fridge. Sam frantically urges her to take it down before Lexi spots it, but their conversation is interrupted by Lexi herself, who decides on the spot to join them for game night. Sam tries to dissuade her, but Lexi interprets her hesitation as encouragement. Dennis joins the conversation and eagerly suggests he should come along too, making plans as he speaks.

Not Dead Yet – Season 1 Episode 8  1

That evening, as Nell returns home, she finds Edward's girlfriend, Charlotte, already there. Charlotte emerges from a room, greeting Nell with a cheerful smile. Marlena hovers by Nell's side, an unseen witness to the scene. Charlotte proudly announces that she's made Edward's favorite cookies, despite the mess of dirty bowls and flour strewn across the kitchen counter.

Edwards enters the room, embraces Charlotte, and remarkably doesn't chastise her for the mess. As they leave, Nell tests the waters by leaving crumbs everywhere, expecting a reprimand from Edward. But to her surprise, he doesn't bat an eye.

That evening, while the trio were engrossed in their viewing, Charlotte politely excused herself to attend to her personal needs in the washroom. Meanwhile, Edward attempted to restore order to their shared space, assigning Nell the task of reminding Charlotte to wash the dishes upon her return. Nell raised a quizzical eyebrow, inquiring if he desired her to emulate his every move. He nodded in agreement, seemingly oblivious to the underlying implications. Nell acquiesced, but not without stipulating that the rent should be divided into three equal parts, a condition that Edward accepted without hesitation.

The following day, in the bustling office atmosphere, Lexi approached Sam with a pleading expression, begging for a chance to relax during the upcoming trivia night and refrain from her usual competitive spirit. As Nell emerged from her room, she caught sight of Edward standing at the kitchen counter, clutching a picnic bag in one hand while scratching his neck and back in discomfort, evidently irritated by his attire. Nell couldn't help but comment on his apparent aversion to cotton, but Edward bristled and denied any such preference.

Charlotte emerged shortly after, greeting Nell with a cheery smile as they prepared to depart. Nell turned to Marlena, voicing her concern over Edward's seemingly exhausted state. She speculated if their intimate encounters could be the cause, but Marlena shook her head, recalling that when she first met her wife, they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Nell attempted to read Marlena's testimonial, but her mood suddenly darkened, and she angrily informed Nell that she was unhappy with the situation.

Suddenly, a beeping sound emanated from one of the boxes, drawing Nell's attention. She located one of Edward's toys and promptly turned it off. As Edward re-entered the house, Nell approached him, attempting to engage him in conversation. However, he dismissed her with a brusque remark, insisting that she was merely his roommate and he was content with their arrangement.

During the lively game night, Nell shared with Sam the intriguing tidbit Edward had confided in her. However, Sam cautioned her against meddling in the matter. Charlotte beckoned Nell back to their table, and the first trivia question about magic was announced. Charlotte's ignorance about the subject was evident, prompting Nell to offer a suggestion, which Edward swiftly dismissed. Curious, Charlotte inquired about his extensive knowledge of magic, and Edward crafted a story, claiming his nephew was fascinated with the mystical arts. Nell couldn't help but chuckle, remarking that at least he knew something about himself before excusing herself.

Outside, Marlena awaited Nell, her expression serious. She advised Nell to be more forthright with Edward about his personal relationships. Marlena confessed that Nell's testimonial, which revealed her own suppressed truths, had deeply resonated with her. She lamented the missed opportunities of a potential life with her wife, had she only been true to herself. "Pretending to be someone you're not on screen is one thing, but pretending in your personal life is a whole different story," she solemnly stated.

Nell returned to the game, determined, and requested a private conversation with Edward. She encouraged him to embrace his authentic self, unafraid of what others might think. Together, they successfully answered the trivia question, their team triumphant. Edward then confessed to Charlotte that beneath his exterior, he was a nerd who loved indulging in video games.

Later in the evening, it was revealed that Edward and Charlotte had decided to take a break from their relationship, acknowledging that they were not aligned in their personal journeys. As the episode drew to a close, Nell declared to Edward that she would no longer hide, boldly resting her legs on the table, a symbol of her newfound confidence and honesty.

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