Not Dead Yet – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: Jun 11 2024

Episode 7 of "Not Dead Yet" kicks off with Nell engaging Edward in a revealing conversation. She confesses that despite sharing living quarters with him, she remains oblivious to the birthplace of her roommate. Edward, without hesitation, reveals that he was born in Cleveland. However, when Nell inquisitively probes about his maiden name, Edward curtly shuts her down, refusing to divulge any further information. The tense exchange is abruptly interrupted by Edward scolding Nell for her excessive tissue usage.

As Nell makes her way to work, she crosses paths with her next spectral encounter - a man named Carlos Garza. An avid fan of his work, Nell's excitement leads to a second car accident, much to her dismay. Fortunately, her friend Sam comes to her rescue, escorting her to the office where she stubbornly avoids taking calls from her father.

Meanwhile, Lexi announces that a performance review is looming, with her father eavesdropping on the proceedings, hinting at potential layoffs. Tina, a fellow worker, decides to take advantage of the situation and snatch some appliances. Dennis, the first to be summoned, is visibly nervous as he stumbles through his review, ultimately confessing his love for his boss in an emotional outburst.

Not Dead Yet – Season 1 Episode 7  1

Later, Nell's father swings by unexpectedly, prompting a casual chat. Curious about her workspace, he requests a tour. Nell, quick on the draw, guides him to Sam's office instead, keeping him in the dark while Sam plays along. Dennis, unable to contain his curiosity, asks Nell and Sam if they've ever confessed their affection to their boss. His question unexpectedly reveals Nell's presence in Sam's seat, leaving him puzzled and Nell scrambling for an explanation.

Mr. Serrano, Nell's father, presses on, inquiring if she is financially strapped. He senses that she has deceived him about her workplace and the morning accident. Accusing her of falsehoods about her life, he waits for an honest confession. Nell, her resolve weakening, confesses that the reality is harsher than she anticipated. She assures him that she is striving diligently to overcome her challenges. Her father suggests an easier path, offering her the chance to return home and take over the restaurant, a role he has always envisioned for her. But Nell rejects the offer, vowing to stand strong.

Later, Nell finds herself perched on a stone wall outside her workplace, when Carlos joins her. He offers solace, likening parents to umpires: we resent their mistakes, but acknowledge their correctness in most instances. He expresses his gratitude for Nell's decision to share his story.

Back in the office, Lexi summons Nell for a performance review. Lexi wonders what to do with her, and Nell reveals that she had intended to ask for her dismissal. But the prospect of being fired fills her with reluctance, knowing she has given it her all. Nell chastises them, insisting that no one should be let go solely based on their efforts. It transpires that Lexi's father has been absent from their calls, and Lexi feels betrayed, reluctant to lay off any staff.

Lexi returns to the common area,Sam inquisitively asks how she managed to save everyone, only to reveal that she had sacrificed her father's job. Meanwhile, Nell is seen writing and sharing Carlos's story with her father. He assures her that she will continue her journey with the paper, pursuing her dreams. He confesses his pride in her and accepts her choice.

The episode concludes with a mysterious phone call. A voice, purportedly Lexi's father, calls Dennis, professing his love and urging him to keep it a secret. However, my suspicion lingers; I doubt it was truly Lexi's father, but rather the assistant he had instructed to stand in for him during the meeting.

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