One Day – Season 1 Episode 9

Published: May 27 2024

Episode 9 opens with the familiar formula, revisiting the life of one of the show's dual protagonists, Dex. It's 1996, and Dex has ascended to the pinnacle of fame as one of the country's most renowned television personalities. His days are a blur of sleek automobiles and exclusive nightclubs, a lifestyle he relishes.

Currently, Dex is in a romantic relationship with Sylvie, and the prospect of meeting her parents for dinner fills him with both excitement and trepidation. He is eager to make a good impression on this formidable couple, whose constant bickering over trifles only adds to the challenge.

One Day – Season 1 Episode 9  1

The dinner proceeds with polite but tense conversation, punctuated by playful yet pointed jibes from Sylvie's parents regarding Dex's supposed lack of knowledge and sophisticated taste in wine. Just when Dex thinks he's handling the situation well, his phone rings, interrupting the tense dinner.

It's his agent, delivering news that shocks Dex to the core. Game On, one of his biggest and most lucrative clients, has decided to drop him and is not considering him for a second season of their popular show. The revelation leaves Dex stunned and struggling to maintain his composure in the face of Sylvie's parents' unwavering scrutiny.

They claim to be aiming for a younger demographic, yet casting Dexter Mayhew seems an improbable path to achieving that. Nevertheless, his agent assures him that a lucrative and appealing opportunity will soon arise, allowing him to return to the spotlight. The revelation of his dismissal comes as a crushing blow to Dex, who is now mulling over the idea of joining the BBC and taking up the mantle of a news anchor. This is surprising news, as Dex never imagined himself even entertaining the thought of joining the BBC.

Already rattled and agitated by the bad news, Dex eventually loses his composure during the "Are You There Moriarty" game, striking Sylvie across her face without warning. The blow leaves her with a black eye, and it seems inevitable that their relationship will be affected.

As the night draws in and Dex lies beside Sylvie, his mind wanders back to the fateful night he first crossed paths with Emma Morley. He muses that, unlike Sylvie and his family, Emma would probably find the situation amusing.

As the episode comes to a close, Dex confesses to Sylvie that he loves her deeply. He also reveals that, despite their flaws and mistakes, he cares deeply for his family.

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