Episode 6 of Orphan Black: Echoes opens with Kira's call to a mysterious Josh, whose evasive nature prompts her to suspect he's recreated the machine. Meanwhile, Neva, now privy to the entire truth, vows to aid Jules, but her husband James calls in Pam, and together with Darros Security, they pose as child protection officers and abduct Jules.
As Kira returns home, she's delighted to find Eleanor back from her work trip. After a month of Lucy's disappearance, Josh reveals a plan to replicate Eleanor to her state two years before Alzheimer's struck, utilizing detailed CT scans that preserve her memories. A new drug trial offers hope of delaying the progression of the disease. Initially hesitant, Kira eventually agrees, and Eleanor is successfully cloned. However, when Kira attempts a tender kiss, Eleanor pushes her away, leaving Kira puzzled yet distracted by Lucy's mission to track down Josh.
Elsewhere, Darros brings Jules to his farm and discloses that he is her creator. He refuses to divulge further information or grant her access to the locked room before her. Claiming she's free to leave, she rushes out of the HQ but is soon halted by sonic barriers scattered throughout the farm.
A worker, Xander, chances upon her and offers assistance. As they head back to the HQ, they discuss Darros Foundations and its fascination with plant life. Pleading with him, Jules convinces Xander to disable the sonic barrier, and he obliges. Together, they locate the clicker and make their way through the nearest barrier.
Meanwhile, Lucy and Kira make a beeline to the nearest vet hospital, where they stumble upon Josh's records. Unfortunately, the address he provided leads to a post office box, forcing Lucy to enlist Jack's help. Kira, on the other hand, rushes home, mindful of Eleanor's medication schedule.
However, she conceals her actions, compelling Eleanor to indulge in "tea" even when her heart isn't in it. The awkwardness persists during dinner as Lucas arrives with his Quaker companion, Rhona. Kira's disdain for religion is palpable, and Rhona attempts to alleviate the tension, but Eleanor is agitated and chastises Kira.
As the couple retires for the night, Kira catches Eleanor surreptitiously texting her lover. Despite her surprise, Kira remains surprisingly serene, emphasizing that her happiness hinges on Eleanor's. Eleanor, bewildered, accuses Kira's indifferent attitude of alienating her. Unable to fathom Kira's motivations, Eleanor triggers Kira's haunting flashbacks of her lifeless body. Kira claims a transformation and retreats to the living room.
Meanwhile, Xander and Jules' efforts to dismantle the sonic barrier falter. Xander sees it as a sign that Jules should remain and contribute to humanity's betterment. However, Jules begs for solitude, weeping in the open field. She reluctantly returns to the headquarters and stumbles upon Xander immersed in Darros' memories. It transpires that he is a facsimile of Darros, destined to carry on his legacy. Jules confronts him, and he apologizes for deceiving her, explaining that Darros had instructed him to gain her trust. He reveals that Darros is their master, and there's no escape. Furious, Jules rushes off and breaks into the locked chamber, encountering Eleanor's file, which shocks her.
In another part of the city, Jack acquires Josh's address, and Lucy passes it to Kira, who decides to check on Jules after a day of failed attempts. Kira barges into Josh's house, finding him hastily packing and scrambling to flee before Darros catches him. As she debates the morality of allowing a billionaire like Darros to acquire the machine, Josh breaks down. He apologizes profusely, confessing his admiration for Kira, and then takes his own life, marking the end of Orphan Black: Echoes Episode 6.