Episode 2 of Season 2 of "Paatal Lok" unfolds amidst the labyrinthine alleys of the slums, where a mother sternly scolds her son for concealing a found phone within their rice container, hoping to dry it out after retrieving it from the railway tracks. Unbeknownst to them, this very phone belongs to Rose Lizo, setting the stage for an intriguing twist.
Meanwhile, Ansari finds himself exasperated by the red tape as Bhardwaj dismisses his proposal to bring Chaudhary on board and connect the dots between the cases, having scrutinized the surveillance footage from the police station. Despite this setback, a tense reunion ensues between Ansari and Chaudhary, their dynamics shifted by the reversal of power dynamics where Ansari now holds the superior position.
Chaudhary, undeterred, sets his sights on Jigo's shop, which stands abandoned and locked, hinting at a hasty departure. Suspecting a connection between this locale and the mysterious happenings involving Rose and Raghu, Chaudhary decides to break in under the cover of night, rummaging through the premises in search of clues.
His investigation soon leads him to the train, where he encounters the same shadowy figures from the hospital, including Jogi, who exits the station to join a group of men led by Ranga. Chaudhary, adept at trailing suspects, manages to follow them to an abandoned warehouse serving as the base of their clandestine operations – a massive drug racket.
In no time, Chaudhary apprehends Ranga and promptly calls Ansari, urging for assistance and emphasizing the urgency of the situation. Meanwhile, oblivious to Chaudhary's capture, Jogi and his cronies search frantically for him, prompting Chaudhary to whisk away the laborers to a concealed location to safeguard them from harm. Their delaying tactics prove fortunate as the police arrive in due course, raiding and dismantling the entire operation.
This significant bust makes headlines, but while Chaudhary was instrumental in uncovering and handling the situation, it is Ansari and SHO Virk who receive the accolades, stealing the spotlight in the public eye.
Now, it seems that this operation is intricately tied to Mallik, the nightclub proprietor with connections to Rose. But before delving deeper, Chaudhary and Ansari vigorously interrogate Jogi, their questions ratcheting up the intensity! It transpires that Gita had discovered their scheme and intended to report it to the police. The henchmen, caught in a tizzy of panic, roughly shoved her, resulting in her tragic death under the wheels of a passing vehicle.
Raghu, it appears, was dismissed from his duties after being caught with 50,000 rupees at the police station. The money, meant for his "lady," hinted at his infidelity with Rose. Their plans to elope were dashed when Mallik, discovering their affair, administered a severe beating to Raghu.
Mallik voluntarily appeared at the police station to give his testimony. On the surface, he calmly argued that Rose was just his employee and there was nothing wrong between them. After all, he was about to get married. However, both Ansari and Chaudhary sense a cover-up and resolve to procure Mallik's phone records from that fateful night.
Meanwhile, news breaks online about mercenaries claiming responsibility for Jonathan Thom's demise. Chaudhary finds himself in a domestic storm with Renu. He brings Gita's child to stay with them, adding another mouth to feed in an already strained household. Moreover, his unannounced arrival with the child doesn't sit well with Renu, especially as Chaudhary prepares to depart for Nagaland the very next day.
Part of the reason for this visit stems from Rose being spotted at the local police station, only for her to slip away cunningly, leaving a trail of pressing questions about her true involvement in this saga.