Pachinko – Season 2 Episode 1

Published: Aug 26 2024

Episode 1 of Pachinko's sophomore season kicks off with the rumble of a train pulling into the station, signaling Han-su's return to the bustling town, yet his heart heavy with a dilemma. He possesses a trove of minerals, a treasure trove that could swing him towards either the Soviets or the Americans—a decision fraught with consequences. Amidst the chaos of 1945 Osaka, the throes of World War II grip the city tight, rationing a harsh reality for all, especially for Sunja.

Pachinko – Season 2 Episode 1 1

Pushing her kimchi cart through the streets, Sunja battles against adversity. Her sister scours for scraps to preserve, but hope dwindles as resources dwindle. To add insult to injury, American planes soar overhead, not with bombs but with leaflets, a plea to the people to halt the war by appealing to the Emperor, a dire warning of impending doom should they fail to heed the call.

In the village, the spirit of resilience burns bright, as evidenced by Mozasu's fierce jabs at the straw dummy, a poignant visual testament to the propaganda etched into their youthful minds. Yet, in stark contrast stands Noa, his youthful idealism fading amidst the disillusionment of school life. Once proud of his Korean heritage, he now finds himself adrift, his mind wandering through the pages of Tom Sawyer while growing up in Osaka's shadows, far from the heartland of his ancestry.

His teacher, a fellow Korean named Go Young-Ho, takes notice of Noa's disengagement, counseling him to strive for academia's escape from the slums. But Noa's heart is set on a different path—he dreams of becoming a pastor, steadfast in his wait for his father's return. Nevertheless, the teacher gifts him a book, a beacon of hope for his university aspirations, the Korean name etched on its spine a subtle bond between mentor and pupil.

Sunja, though, counts herself fortunate amidst this turmoil. Her brother-in-law's munificent support, garnered from his toil in a Nagasaki munitions factory, has been a lifeline. Yet, the tide is turning; promissory notes have replaced hard currency, leaving Sunja with her last batch of kimchi and a heart heavy with worry. The silence from her mother's pen has stretched into three long months, each day a reminder of the uncertainty that shrouds them all.

Sunja is presented with a tempting opportunity to augment her meager earnings by peddling rice wine, an illicit endeavor that lurks with dire consequences should she be caught. Despite the looming danger, the prospect glimmers with hope—it could be the lifeline her family desperately needs, ensuring their survival and securing a brighter future for her cherished children, whose hunger pangs, especially Mozasu's growling stomach that fateful night, echo loudly in her heart.

Kyunghee, her confidante, initially hesitates, her doubts casting shadows over Sunja's resolution. But love and necessity prevail, and with the assurance that Sunja would return unharmed each evening, Kyunghee reluctantly gives her blessing. However, fate had other plans. A swift raid on the clandestine market soon ensnares Sunja in its web, leading to her arrest. Kyunghee's frantic attempts to intervene with the authorities prove futile, for the officer on the scene already knew Sunja intimately. To everyone's surprise, instead of punishment, Sunja is granted her freedom, a move orchestrated by none other than Han-su.

Han-su's machinations unravel as he reveals the true purpose behind his involvement. The Tungsten mineral, first introduced in the episode's opening, emerges as a cornerstone in the war effort—its resilience making it indispensable for aircraft, missiles, and grenades. Han-su, a pivotal figure in this web of intrigue, confesses that he had Mr. Kim keep watch over Sunja, ensuring her safety all along. He warns of an impending American strike that threatens to raze the city to the ground, a prediction that Sunja struggles to comprehend, though the truth of it hangs heavy in the air.

Meanwhile, in Tokyo, 1989, Solomon's past entanglements with Shiffley's haunt him as he embarks on a job interview, his criminal record a formidable obstacle. Desperate for investment to fuel his dreams, Solomon encounters a wall of rejection at every turn. The vast metropolis of Tokyo, with its 11 million souls, suddenly feels like a claustrophobic village, where past deeds echo loudly.

In a twist of fate, Abe-san, his rival turned unlikely savior, steps forward. Harboring a grudge against Solomon yet acknowledging his past generosity, Abe-san decides to invest 200 million yen into Solomon's project, a gesture of repayment that transcends their bitter history. At a restaurant, over shared meals and candid conversations with Tetsuya, the tables are turned, and Solomon finds himself on the receiving end of a rare act of kindness in this unforgiving city.

Solomon's fortunes finally embark on a turnaround, heralded by the decisive entry of Mozasu and Sun-ja, who pledge a substantial $700,000 investment into his fledgling business. However, this grand gesture comes at a cost: they've mortgaged the pachinko parlor as collateral, casting a palpable shadow of uncertainty over Solomon's shoulders. The weight of this responsibility begins to crush him.

Tetsuya's call that afternoon serves as a chilling reminder of the pitfalls that await. Abe-san, privy to the investment news, has leveraged his influence to intimidate Tetsuya into withdrawing his support. Solomon's indignation and distress boil over in a supermarket confrontation, where he encounters the bitter backlash of racial prejudice from a Japanese vendor, who carelessly bungles their cake order.

Returning to the shop, Solomon confronts Sunja with a heavy heart, confessing that he can no longer shoulder this burden. With a tearful farewell, he shreds the investment check, falsely apologizing for her loss while in truth, he's shielding her and Mozasu from a perilously high-stakes game.

Undaunted, Solomon steels himself to confront Abe, braced for a confrontation that threatens to redefine the very fabric of his dreams and relationships. The stage is set for a clash of wills, where Solomon's resolve will be tested to its limits.

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