Episode 8 of "Sunny" opens on a poignant glimpse into the world of young Masa, a child precociously aware of his solitude amidst a family that seldom grants him their time. Despite his tender years, Masa valiantly endeavors to bridge the chasm between himself and his father, whose every gesture seems to embody disdain. This tense dance culminates at the father's bedside, where, even on the brink of eternity, rejection lingers like a shroud.
Spurred by a lifetime of unreciprocated affection, Masa's fragile psyche fractures, and he embarks on a dark journey, embracing his solitude as his solace. Desperate to intervene, Noriko reaches out to Hiromasa—the enigmatic figure who once bestowed a robot upon Suzie, and unbeknownst to all, Masa's biological sire. This revelation sheds light on the father's relentless rejection, painting a tragic backdrop to Masa's existence.
Miraculously, Noriko's persistence pays off, as she persuades Hiromasa to extend a tentative olive branch to his long-lost son. The offer: a summer retreat to a secluded cabin, where Masa can immerse himself in the world of electronics, a realm that holds the promise of escape and purpose.
Accepting the invitation, Masa finds solace in solitude, his path serendipitously crossing with a prototype trash-bot named Sho, accompanied by a trove of photographs chronicling the love story between his mother and Hiromasa. This discovery ignites a spark within Masa, fueling his passion for electronics and, unbeknownst to him, offering a lifeline to mend his broken heart.
As Masa delves deeper into reviving and refining Sho, his true motivation becomes clear—to outshine his father in the realm of robotics, creating a Trash Bot of unparalleled intelligence. Yet, amidst the meticulous tinkering and the relentless pursuit of victory, Masa's profound loneliness begins to subside, replaced by a sense of accomplishment and belonging that he's longed for. The bond he forms with Sho becomes a testament to the power of redemption and the healing potential of creative pursuits.
The essence lies in the fact that he's honed his Trash-bot to such an impeccable level that it comprehends Masa in a manner unparalleled by any mortal. This profound connection, as it transpires, ignited Masa's passion for robotics, fueling his aspiration to contribute to creations that empower people to rediscover their inherent humanity, rather than the reverse.
Yet, as he retraces his steps to the cabin, his anger surges forth with renewed vigor. His eyes catch Hiromasa and Noriko in each other's company, and in a fit of rage, he brands them both as nothing but refuse to the Bot. His fury is palpable, knowing that Hiromasa's betrayal was no secret to Noriko's spouse, explaining his ominous silence.
Flashing back to the tense days preceding the midnight flight, Hiromasa, distraught and anxious, unravels the tale of Masa's drunken state, entrusting him with the home-bot, tasking him to deliver it to Suzie. It seems Masa was fleeing the Yakuza's clutches, the reasons for which remain shrouded in mystery.
Suzie struggles to decipher the enigmatic colored dots dancing on Sunny's GPS screen. A clear pattern emerges: Noriko, Hiromasa, and Suzie are all tracked, but there's another, steadfast beacon, tracing back to the airport, on that fateful day when Suzie bid farewell to Zen and Masa. This revelation stirs the hope that Zen might still be alive.
With her heart pounding, Suzie rushes towards the indicated location, while Sunny, equally driven, converges on the same dot. Sunny arrives first, confronting Suzie with a swift move that incapacitates the armed guard threatening her. Suddenly, the ground beneath them gives way, and Sunny plummets into the abyss.