Episode 7 of "Sunny" unfolds with the ominous news that the Yakuza's reign of criminality is about to be disrupted by a clampdown orchestrated by the governor, who's making steady strides towards cleansing the streets. However, within the confines of his own home, a sinister turn takes place as a masked assassin, revealed to be none other than Hime, stealthily emerges. She expertly manipulates a bot, using it as a pawn in her deadly game, pushing it against the unsuspecting governor, who succumbs to a fatal wound, bleeding out helplessly. Hime meticulously stages the scene to deceive all, erasing the bot's memory and leaving it as a mute witness to her crime.
Meanwhile, at Sunny's abode, Suzie endeavors to rouse her companion from slumber. Mixxy, reluctantly preparing to depart for work, apologizes profusely, her words laced with a touch of melancholy as she bids farewell. Amidst lighthearted quips about attire, Suzie gives Sunny a gentle shake, only to witness her transition from a static image to a screen filled with zzz's.
Alas, when Suzie revives Sunny once more, the bot emerges transformed—irritable and sharp-tongued, she keeps Suzie at arm's length, preferring the solitude of the outdoors and the glow of the television screen. Suzie, perceptive as ever, senses a profound change in Sunny, suspecting that the bot might be grappling with the aftermath of traumatic experiences, akin to PTSD. Her suspicion is further fueled by Sunny's abandonment of even the most mundane chores.
In the stark contrast of a prison cell, Noriko thrives, forging bonds among her fellow inmates and even reaching out to Sunny with a cheerful phone call. As the two reminisce and share laughter, Mixxy's unexpected return casts a dark shadow over the moment. Dismissed from her job for the merest of delays, Mixxy vents her frustration on Suzie, accusing her of being the root cause of her misfortune. Her words are sharp and unforgiving, accusing Suzie of harboring a grief shield that shields her from accountability and enabling her to act as she pleases. Mixxy's indignation overflows, questioning Suzie's moral compass and lamenting her lack of effort in learning Japanese, adding another layer of complexity to the already tumultuous dynamics.
Meanwhile, Hime finds herself embroiled in the tumultuous heart of a coup, as the group convenes to cast their votes for the next oyabun. Standing in front of an incredulous audience, Jin coldly told Ji that her father had lost faith in her and handed him the throne of glory.
Returning to Mixxy and Suzie's side, they escort Sunny to the engineers, who make a startling revelation—a tracker is embedded within Suzie, observing her every step. The possibility of Yakuza surveillance looms large, yet another clue, a stagnant green dot, hints at Masa's involvement.
Back at their lair, Suzie embarks on a frantic search for the tracker, ultimately uncovering its hiding place—within her cherished wedding ring. Her memory jogs; the only time she'd removed it was during a shower, a moment now tinged with suspicion as it appears Sunny may have been compromised and used as a conduit for the nefarious device.
Just as tensions mount, a message from Dee pierces the air, its contents read aloud by Mixxy. Dee's unequivocal rejection stings, and Suzie, fresh from her shower, unleashes a torrent of words, a poignant mix of introspection and resolve. Suzie hesitates to let Mixxy join her on her quest, but the latter, driven by a mysterious motive—be it to shield Suzie's feelings or conceal something deeper—erases Dee's message and decides to accompany her nonetheless.
Suzie devises a cunning plan, inserting her wedding ring into Sunny's system, transforming the bot into a tracking device. Together, Suzie and Mixxy set off, their destination: the apartment complex where the mysterious green dot on their screen beckons. Their mission: to locate Zen and Masa.
Descending into the bowels of the building, they encounter the man who had initially gifted Sunny to them. He ushers them into a conversation fraught with urgency, and as the episode draws to a cliffhanger, we're greeted with a fleeting glimpse of Sunny, slowly stirring from slumber, her awakening portending a new chapter in this intricate web of deceit and intrigue.