Episode 7 of Paper Girls opens with a captivating scene of Tiffany reliving her 1994 graduation video, even echoing Spider-Man's profound words, "With great power, comes great responsibility." As they grapple with the revelation from the previous episode that they're trapped for at least seven years before the next Folding, Tiffany decides to take her younger self out for a heart-to-heart coffee session. She warns her younger counterpart that MIT won't be a bed of roses, but a relentless pursuit of approval that could cost her precious family time. Young Tiffany dismisses the warning, only to be shocked by a revelation of her adoption, a knowledge her older self already possesses. This knowledge begs the question: if Tiffany alters her path based on this foreknowledge, wouldn't it alter the timeline itself?
Meanwhile, KJ accompanies Mac to the cemetery, uncovering Mac's grave and the shocking date of her death in 1992. As they hide and observe Alice, Mac's step-mother, laying flowers at the grave, they realize that the current date, July 5th, is Mac's birthday. An accidental encounter with Alice leads the kids to hastily retreat, avoiding any major timeline alterations.
At Tiffany's place, Larry arrives, urging Erin to join him. Before she does, Erin reveals Larry's fate, a revelation that begs the same question: would this knowledge disrupt the future timeline? Larry's existential crisis is abruptly interrupted when Erin spots her bike in Larry's truck, realizing it could be a sign of the Folding. She convinces Larry to take her to the farm to investigate.
With the two Tiffanys reunited at home, tensions flare. The younger Tiffany is enraged by the revelation of her adoption, accusing her older counterpart of ruining her carefree life. She even goes on to reveal her future plans for an Institute and demands her older self to return to MIT, unaware that Tiffany was expelled and cannot. Learning of Erin's disappearance, the Tiffanys rush to the farm, where a pink sky is still spitting out debris from the past, a sight that strangely hasn't caught the attention of the community.
As they survey the scattered remnants of 1988, including KJ's hockey stick and Tiffany's walkie, they discover a more pressing issue. The Old Watch has sent a probe, currently trapped beneath a metal bucket in the kitchen. Fearing that the Old Watch has discovered their location, the kids realize their only option is to flee. With the probe destroyed, the kids prepare for their escape, the future uncertain but filled with endless possibilities.