Partner Track – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: Jul 16 2024

Episode 7 of Partner Track kicks off with Ingrid proudly showcasing her sparkling new engagement ring, nestled in the comforts of her bedside retreat with Nick. The ring glistens, a symbol of her newfound commitment, and she seems to have embraced the idea with open arms. Nick, in turn, continues to endearingly refer to her as "sugarplum," a term that perhaps elevates their affection to new heights.

However, Ingrid receives a welcome piece of news - her apartment renovations have been completed, and she's ready to move back in. Nick, however, isn't entirely sold on the idea, suggesting they continue their blissful cohabitation. Ingrid, despite her newfound joy, refuses to wear the ring to the office, fearing it might jeopardize her ambitions of attaining partnership status. Nonetheless, she eagerly agrees to introduce Nick to her parents at the gala that evening, her smile warm and reassuring.

Partner Track – Season 1 Episode 7 1

Meanwhile, Rachel prepares for her follow-up interview for a writer position, her partner Justin standing by her side, offering encouragement and support. But a part of this newfound confidence also entails keeping a distance from Ingrid... until fate throws them together on a case.

The Victoria divorce settlement doesn't sit well with Alistair, who sees straight through the proposal and realizes he's getting the short end of the stick. Rachel, exasperated, reproaches Ingrid for even offering such a deal, her words harsh and pointed. In the heat of the moment, Rachel blurts out that she's cheating on Justin, unaware that he and Victoria had just entered the room. The air is thick with embarrassment.

After Ingrid's hasty exit, Rachel takes charge, determined to uncover more about Alistair. She discovers his penchant for gambling and uses this knowledge to her advantage. She orchestrates a meeting with Alistair, where she plants incriminating documents, detailing his past misdeeds. Upon returning to the room, she finds Alistair with a changed heart, ready to settle the matter.

Elsewhere, Ingrid and Jeff are reunited on a case, greeting a prospective client named Cleo Bajaj. Cleo is the heiress of a real-estate empire in India and heads Intersection Principal Investment, a powerful private equity fund. Marty sees her as a potential cash cow and aims to lure her in, showcasing Valentine's reputation as the best M&A firm in New York.

Cleo arrives with her partners Nella and Lacey, immediately probing into Valentine's business dealings. While Valentine boasts of its high success rate, the unresolved Sun Corp deal hangs over their heads like a dark cloud. Cleo expresses surprise but also reveals her intention to venture into the green tech sector, aligning with socially responsible companies. Ingrid, however, senses an undercurrent of suspicion brewing beneath the surface.

After the conclusion of the meeting, Ingrid found herself reliving the nuances of the clients' interactions. With a sharp eye for detail, she realized that these individuals were in fact agents of NewLeaf, probing for insights on the Sun Corp matter. Her timely intervention steered the situation in the right direction, averting a potential disaster. They promptly reported their findings to Marty, who expressed his gratitude for their diligent efforts.

With the Mins as guests at the Diversity Gala, Nick presented Ingrid with a dress to wear, but the yellow hue left her indifferent. Although it wasn't her favorite, she obliged and wore it gracefully. Marty was also in attendance, where he had the pleasure of meeting Ingrid's parents.

During Marty's address, Ingrid was surprised to receive a prestigious award for her contributions to Diversity. Feeling slightly uneasy, she rose to accept the accolade. Her speech, crafted by others, painted Tyler as a "rogue element" while Ingrid, with some discomfort, acknowledged that Parson Valentine's were spearheading the movement for fairness, diversity, and inclusion. After depositing the award, Ingrid took a moment to gather her composure.

Ingrid's mother trailed after her daughter to the bathroom, where Ingrid confessed that this wasn't truly her. However, she also caught sight of a ring box in her mother's purse and received some profound advice. Her mother reminded her that it was essential to remain true to oneself, even if it meant causing discomfort to others. On that night, Ingrid chose to spend the evening in her own apartment, bidding Nick farewell as he headed home.

Upon returning to her apartment, a knock on the door revealed two officers, poised to take Ingrid into custody.

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