As episode 2 unfolds, we are privy to the bustling morning routine in Sylvia and Charlie's household. Charlie leads the charge, claiming the solitary bathroom as his domain. Sylvia follows suit, and then the trio of children, each in turn, based on their age hierarchy. The chaos is a symphony of domestic life, filled with both disarray and warmth. Despite their financial stability, the family remains rooted in their current abode. However, as Sylvia drops her offspring at school, a glimpse into their future reveals that they are on the hunt for a new home.
Dianne, a fellow mother from their informal school "mom group," doubles as a real estate agent. She eagerly urges Sylvia to secure the property they've eyed in Encino, signaling that their search has reached a critical juncture. The ladies dive into their daily homemaking duties, each a stay-at-home mother in her own right.
Will's persistent calls interrupt Sylvia's domestic bliss. When she ignores his rings, he cleverly disguises his desire for her companionship as an urgent matter. Sylvia, realizing she's left her credit card at his place, reluctantly agrees to meet him. But the sour memory of their argument from the previous night still lingers, and she's hesitant to see him, despite their subsequent amicable exchanges.
Desperate to mend fences, Will finds himself at Sylvia's doorstep, only to be confronted with a toilet overflowing with water. The unexpected visit turns into a saving grace as Will quickly resolves the plumbing issue. He assists Sylvia in cleaning up the mess, charming her enough to invite him along to inspect the property in Encino.
Over their inspection, Will mentions his frequent visits to Audrey's place to retrieve his belongings. His pet lizard, Gandalf, remains in her care, as she believes he's not responsible enough to take proper care of it alone. Sylvia suspects that Audrey's true motive is to maintain contact with Will and prolong the drama surrounding their divorce.
Sylvia reluctantly confesses that the prospective home is a former assisted living center, still retaining its original character and ambiance. Will, in a comedic fashion, highlights the property's shortcomings, pointing out how extensive renovations would be required to transform it into a cozy abode resembling their current home. The duo is startled when a cabinet mysteriously swings open in one of the rooms, adding a surreal touch to their already eventful morning.
As they found themselves alone, Will solemnly cautioned Sylvia about the potential costs of converting the property into a habitable abode, emphasizing that it could be as expensive as the purchase price itself. Sylvia, with a hint of nervousness, alluded to their tight budget, pointing out that Charlie was the sole breadwinner in the household. She also drew a clear distinction between their respective lifestyles and choices, noting that Will did not share the same family responsibilities as she did. Finally, she confessed that she was reluctant to proceed with the purchase.
After some discussion, they reached a compromise - Sylvia would reject Dianne's offer if Will would finally retrieve his belongings from Audrey's house. Fortunately, she managed to accomplish this with some assistance from Dianne herself, who aptly described the house as a "shit burger." With Will's affairs now the next priority, Sylvia offered to drive him to the house.
Audrey was not at home when they arrived, but Sylvia was riding high on the success of her earlier victory. She boldly made her way through the pet door and unlocked the entrance for Will, effectively committing a minor act of trespassing, but they were too caught up in the moment to care. However, they were startled to discover that Audrey was actually home. The pair struggled to justify their unexpected visit, but Audrey seemed more concerned with how Sylvia and Will's relationship had disrupted her marriage.
Audrey's anger was not unwarranted, given Sylvia's interference in their dates and her late-night phone calls to Will. Before leaving, Sylvia snuck Gandalf into her purse for Will. As they parted, they expressed gratitude for each other's support during their respective ordeals. Suddenly, Will offered Gandalf to Sylvia, acknowledging his inability to take care of anyone else, including himself.
Sylvia initially rejected the idea of bringing Gandalf home, but she ultimately relented, as seen when Charlie and the children warmly welcomed the new addition to their family. Charlie's face betrayed a fleeting moment of concern when he learned that Will had been with Sylvia while they were looking at the house, leaving them both to wonder if this would pose a problem in the future.