Rabbit Hole – Season 1 Episode 5

Published: Jun 14 2024

Episode 5 of Rabbit Hole opens with a flashback to 11 days prior. John convenes with his team, laying out the intricate plan to investigate Tom. He emphasizes the need for them to vanish for a period, aware of the menace Crowley poses. Determined to safeguard his team from potential harm, John reveals that he had orchestrated the gas leak explosion, involving even his trusted compatriots. Despite Ben's urgent warnings about Kyle, the unsuspecting intern caught in the blast, John remains resolute, refusing to let Kyle become collateral damage.

Ben persists in his argument, suspecting Kyle could be a mole working for Crowley. But John brushes aside his concerns, focusing instead on getting his team ready. The preparations are meticulous, down to the finest detail - tooth extractions and hair samples removed to ensure authenticity.

Rabbit Hole – Season 1 Episode 5  1

Back in the present, John embarks on a grueling task, poring over a lengthy list of numbers in a bid to track down the last person to speak with Valence. The process is arduous and far from enjoyable. Haley watches sympathetically, sensing that this is John's way of coping with the PTSD that has gripped him since Miles' demise and the string of casualties. She spins a tale of her own, relishing the fact that she holds no secrets, while yearning for John's complete trust.

Meanwhile, Edward Homm has been busy sleuthing. The political donations and PAC contributions made by Intaverse are all public knowledge. The challenge lies in the sheer number of organizations - over 141 across a diverse spectrum of political ideologies - making it a daunting task to pinpoint any specific connection. Ben stubbornly resists bringing in more help, even refusing to enlist John's team.

Madi arrives on the scene, seeking a clandestine meeting with John's ex-wife. With the FBI breathing down her neck, she opts for discretion, staking out the house with her daughter in tow. Posing as a saleswoman, she manages to slip inside, casually surveying the pictures and engaging in light conversation while sneaking peeks into other rooms.

Her attention is drawn to an expensive bottle of Chateau wine. This piques her curiosity, leading her to contact Anna at the office. She instructs them to monitor any unusual activity on Weir's employees' credit cards and cell phone numbers. Madi suspects that the woman knew something significant was brewing and surmises that the large wine order could have been distributed among the employees. These same employees whose DNA was found in the devastated office. While her theory may convince others, Madi is far from satisfied and decides to trace Cara Spader's phone, given the mysterious incoming call from a burner phone.

Ed has made a breakthrough now, narrowing down the donations to individual employees rather than companies. Astonishingly, he discovered that all donations were funneled to a single PAC—the America SOS Committee. And this PAC has a singular focus: supporting Senator Nora Evers of New Jersey, who is rumored to be a rising star in politics and has been trending on Twitter for days.

However, the excitement was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of a pair of heavily armed guards who let loose a barrage of gunfire, throwing smoke and flashbang grenades. Ben, in retaliation, created a commotion to distract them, giving the group enough time to sneak out the back and flee. Ed, unfortunately, sustained a gunshot wound to his arm, and despite the bullet passing through, he was making quite a racket, temporarily deafened and acting as if he'd been mortally wounded.

John soon realized that Ben was the one who had betrayed them. It was he who made the final call to Valence, seemingly tipping him off. John's anger boiled over as he confronted Ben, but their argument was cut short by the armed guards catching up to them. They were forced to flee again, this time into the woods, pursued by the guards.

While on the run, Ben revealed the truth about Kyle. He had followed Kyle, suspecting him of being Crowley's agent, and they ended up in a parking lot. Kyle knew he was being followed and ambushed Ben, stabbing him in the gut. This explained the wound that Kyle had been sporting throughout this timeline.

Kyle managed to escape, but what about Weir's team? Tragically, they were all dead. Kyle had returned and executed each member, shooting them in the head. He tried to dispose of the bodies by moving them to the elevator shaft but got caught in the explosion.

As for Ben, he had indeed called Valence that day to warn him about Weir's team's fate. But that's when he realized Miles had turned. That's when he uttered the words, "You tell him I had no choice," which was a coded message to John, acknowledging his own compromise.

The team remained compromised, and Weir finally pieced together what was happening. The whiskey bottles they'd been carrying had tracking IDs on the bottoms, explaining how they'd been tracked. They abandoned the whiskey and resumed their journey.

Determined to bring this to an end, John Weir decided to confront Senator Evers herself, who had just announced her candidacy for the presidency of the United States.

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