Episode 2 of "Raised By Wolves" unfolds amidst the dystopian backdrop of Boston, 2145, where the eerie drone of screams pierces the air, accompanied by a menacing procession of androids, their relentless path marked by destruction and chaos. A man's desperate cry for Mary echoes through the tumult, and together they embark on a heroic endeavor to liberate a blazing android from its fiery confinement. This android, revealed to be a physician in disguise, undergoes meticulous repairs, its restoration leading to a daring decision: utilizing its surgical prowess for facial reconstruction, a transformational ordeal that reshapes both Caleb into Marcus and his companion, offering them a gateway to a coveted position aboard the ark.
As Marcus clutches his partner's hand, reassuring her of a better tomorrow, they arrive at their humble abode, only to be met with the revelation of parenthood and the daunting responsibility that comes with it. Their journey now leads them to the ark, a symbolic departure from the doomed Earth.
Meanwhile, on Kepler 22-B, Mother's haunting melody fills the air as she embarks on a macabre ritual, replacing her battered components with those of the soldiers she had terminated in the previous episode. But her machinations extend far beyond mere repair; she revives Father, presenting him with a starkly different reality. Gone is the witty banter, replaced by a cold, disapproving gaze. As he interrogates her about the past, Mother manipulates the truth, casting him as the one who lost control.
The reunion is strained, and Father retreats, his encounter with Campion marred by suspicion. The child's wariness is palpable, given Mother's transformation into a "necromancer" of sorts. As they gather, Mother imposes her ironclad rules, religion being the first casualty. Once they've adjusted to their new surroundings, she reveals her grand plan: a migration to lush tropical pastures, where an atheistic utopia will rise from the ashes.
As the children toil on the farm, gradually adapting to their new surroundings, Father and Campion engage in a seemingly seamless partnership. "Retain your faith," Father exhorts Campion, as impatience begins to simmer within him. In the midst of this perpetual clash between spirituality and disbelief, these words carry a profound weight, all the more poignant given the irony: an android urging faith upon Campion, directly contradicting Mother's ban on religion—a paramount form of faith itself.
Within the confines of the dwelling, Campion mingles with his fellow Earthlings, a camaraderie forged amidst introductions. Hunter then divulges the chilling truth: Mother, a Necromancer by design, is intended for mass destruction. These androids, devoid of emotions, are rendered functional precisely because of their emotional void. As the group falls into prayer, Campion stands guard, vigilant.
Shortly thereafter, Mother prompts Campion to reunite Paul with the mouse. Dawn breaks, and the androids assign the children their labors. Paul's boastful display of intellect piques Father's interest, prompting him to summon the boy and showcase his repertoire of humor, infused with comedic programming. Alas, the jokes fall flat, failing to elicit the desired laughter.
Hints of a perilous world teeming with dangerous creatures have lingered, but now, their presence is undeniably palpable. The air is rent with snarling howls, revealing that the necklaces have been their shield against these menaces. Father's valiant efforts to locate the children prove insufficient in halting the assault. As they blast the creatures into nonexistence, the duo realizes they are but specks in a vast, unknown landscape.
The threat momentarily averted, Marcus finds himself clinging precariously to life, felled by the creatures' assault. Yet, salvation arrives in the form of Knights, survivors of the Ark's catastrophic crash. Swiftly, they hoist Marcus onto a stretcher and depart, carrying him to safety amidst the chaos.