The sixth episode of Reacher's second season kicks off with the 110th division deliberating on the mysterious explosion that claimed the life of the sniper, the sole link to Swan. Russo enters the fray, offering a potential trail for Marlo Burns' whereabouts, revealing she's headed for Portland. The group quickly traces her abandoned vehicle near a convenience store, scrutinizing CCTV footage for clues about Burns' and her daughter's next move.
Neagley, sharp as a tack, notices Jane playing on a Nintendo Switch and devises a brilliant plan to uncover her gamer tag and track her down. Meanwhile, A.M. coldly eliminates a police officer for conducting a background check on him.
Inside Marlo's home, the 110th closes in. Neagley seizes the opportunity to acquire Jane's gamer ID, left unsecured on the television. She plots to mimic Jane's gaming habits, waiting patiently for the girl to surface online. Reacher, troubled by the gravity of the situation, seeks respite in sleep, Dixon joining him in bed.
Russo confronts his superior, Marsh, at his home, accusing him of betraying the 110th to Shane Langston. Marsh, invoking their past and Russo's father, reveals his allegiance to Langston and New Age as a "wise choice." He attempts to sway Russo to his side, but Russo stands firm, warning Marsh never to mention his father again.
Reacher and Dixon lie side by side, Reacher's mind fraught with concern. If Swan's guilt is confirmed, who will pull the trigger? Dixon offers comfort, reassuring him that if push comes to shove, she'll take that responsibility.
Neagley secures Jane's location, revealing that Marlo and her daughter are merely an hour's distance away. Marlo finds refuge at a friend's house, Chad. Reacher cunningly manipulates Chad, triggering his sprinklers to lure him out and then ushering him into the garage. He instructs Chad to summon Marlo without arousing suspicion.
Chad stubbornly refused, but as soon as Reacher ingenuity crafted a makeshift silencer from a water bottle and duct tape, his stance softened. Reacher quickly revealed the truth, laughing off the makeshift device's ineffectiveness. Marlo entered the garage, and Reacher assured her they had no ill intentions towards Jane, who was engrossed in an online game with Neagley.
The group confronted Marlo, demanding answers for all the troubles they'd faced due to New Age. Marlo claimed ignorance of the ambush, explaining she was merely given the address. O'Donnell mentioned Swan's involvement, but Marlo defended her innocence, explaining that Swan was actually trying to expose New Age's illicit activities. She had discovered that the company was falsely declaring chip batches defective, shipping them for "repairs" only to install them in missiles destined for war. Swan had recruited Orozco, Sanchez, and Franz to investigate.
Marlo insisted she didn't know Swan's whereabouts and claimed she was coerced to take the money to cover up the truth. Reacher instructed Marlo to call Langston and arrange a meeting, so the 110th could ambush him. Russo reluctantly agreed to watch over Jane while the rest embarked on the mission. However, Russo's car was attacked by Langston's henchmen after Reacher and the 110th, along with Marlo, departed.
Marlo inadvertently ruined the ambush by revealing the 110th's presence. Reacher ordered the 110th to extract Marlo and rush to Russo's aid, while he remained behind to confront Langston and his men. He disabled their vehicles, trapping them, and then opened a bus door, waiting for them. Reacher dispatched Langston's goons with brutal efficiency. As he confronted Langston, a helicopter appeared out of nowhere, rescuing him and thwarting Reacher's vengeance.
The episode culminated in a tense alleyway scene, with Russo and Jane cornered. Russo urged Jane to flee while he took on two of the shooters, but in the process, he was struck and fell. The third shooter closed in on Jane, but Neagley arrived in the nick of time, taking him down. She rushed to Jane's side, but the team noticed Russo lying wounded on the road. As they called 911, Neagley held Russo's hand as he slipped away, leaving them to mourn his loss.