Red Swan – K-drama Episode 6

Published: Sep 09 2024

Our recap of Red Swan's sixth episode dives straight back into the fray, with Wan-soo's vehicle caught in the maelstrom of a drone assault. Do-yoon's driving prowess is put to the ultimate test as he maneuvers the car through a barrage of explosive drones. Despite his valiant efforts, a drone latches onto the undercarriage, sending the vehicle tumbling end over end.

Red Swan – K-drama Episode 6 1

In a shocking revelation, the assassin is unveiled as none other than So-dam, the enigmatic female bodyguard. She flees the scene, hoping the wreckage will ignite and consume all evidence. Miraculously, Do-yoon regains consciousness mere moments before the vehicle explodes, heroically rescuing the other bodyguard and Wan-soo, only to be struck by shrapnel as the car explodes in a fiery inferno.

The aftermath sees the injured rushed to the hospital, where Do-yoon undergoes a harrowing emergency surgery. The media speculates wildly, linking the attack to ISIS. Amidst the chaos, doctors miraculously save Do-yoon's life, but So-dam's deadly intentions linger, thwarted only by the hospital's vigilant surveillance system. Wan-soo's first conscious words reveal her deep concern for Do-yoon, much to Yong-guk's dismay.

Meanwhile, Kyeong-ju embarks on a fact-finding mission to the police station, seeking clarity amidst the smokescreen. Tae-era and her mother, desperate to salvage their tarnished reputation, attempt to capitalize on the tragedy, but their efforts prove futile.

The day following the attack, the Commissioner General's visit to the Grand Palace stirs up the already tumultuous waters. The Chairwoman demands answers, but Mr. Han cunningly manipulates the situation, offering a bribe to pin the blame on ISIS. His cunning plan aims to stabilize Hwain Group's stock prices.

Parallel to these events, Do-yoon convenes with an old police comrade at the hospital, securing vital footage of the attack. Kyeong-ju reports back with frustrating news: the police trail has gone cold, leading only to a mysterious biker who vanished without a trace. Yong-guk insists on staying abreast of any new developments and orders Kyeong-ju to make another payment to the notorious 8-Star Gang.

Unbeknownst to Yong-guk, Mr. Han discovers his scheme to use the gang as a hiding place for his ill-gotten gains. This revelation sparks a fiery confrontation between him and Chairwoman Park. Yong-min stubbornly refuses to accept the Wow Foundation, deeming it insignificant compared to his ultimate goal of becoming chairman. Mr. Han's attempts at persuasion fall on deaf ears, as Yong-min scorns the foundation as mere pocket money, established solely to pave his path to power.

Before bidding farewell to the hospital's confines, Wan-soo makes a detour to Do-yoon's room, where she tenderly comforts him. Her voice laced with gratitude, she thanks him for saving her life and offers a heartfelt apology, urging him never to jeopardize his own safety for her again. Do-yoon's resolve is unwavering; he vows to do it all over, fueled by a desire to avenge Ju-hyuk's memory.

Back at home, Chairwoman Park's demeanor towards Wan-soo remains frosty, her words dripping with skepticism as she ponders Do-yoon's motives. Wan-soo's indignation simmers when the elder woman insinuates that Do-yoon's actions were merely driven by financial gain. The conversation takes a turn as Chairwoman Park brings up the Chinese FDA controversy and reveals Tae-ra's brother's offer of assistance, which Wan-soo firmly rejects, her resolve unshaken.

Meanwhile, Tae-ra's mother makes an uninvited appearance, only to be met with Ms Byeon's implacable barrier. Wan-soo, witnessing the altercation, steps in, her tone stern as she warns Tae-ra to mind her own business or face the consequences.

Later, Wan-soo ventures to the foundation, her mission clear: to persuade her brother, Hyun-soo, to relinquish the foundation's original ledgers. Hyun-soo's resistance is firm, his words a dire warning of the dire consequences that await them if they cross Hwain.

That night, a surprising turn of events unfolds as Chairwoman Park humbles herself, visiting Mr. Han to apologize for their recent spat. A long-buried secret is revealed: they have been romantically entwined for years. Yong-guk's fateful discovery of their affair looms large, a betrayal his mother never bothered to shield him from. If our suspicions hold true, Yong-min's true parentage becomes clear – a son of Mr. Han.

Days pass, and Do-yoon returns, engaging Kyeong-ju in a candid conversation about his reasons for coming to Hwain. His suspicions linger, centering on Kyeong-ju and Yong-guk's involvement in Ju-hyuk's murder. Kyeong-ju confesses to paying off the 8 Star Gang after the attack but vehemently denies any hand in Ju-hyuk's demise, cautioning Do-yoon to tread carefully.

In the dead of night, Wan-soo stealthily enters Do-yoon's room, her eyes set on a dangerous task: to coerce him into stealing the original ledgers from Mr. Han. Do-yoon's admonishment falls on deaf ears; she insists on being part of the fight. The next day, So-dam catches a glimpse of Do-yoon infiltrating Mr. Han's residence, but he emerges victorious, the ledgers in hand, and a camera planted to uncover the safe's combination.

By the time So-dam alerts Mr. Han to the intrusion, Do-yoon and the vital documents have vanished into thin air. He rushes to the foundation, triumphant, presenting the ledgers to Wan-soo. Their conversation is abruptly interrupted by the arrival of prosecutor's officers, armed with a warrant for Hyun-soo's arrest on charges of embezzlement. The stage is set for a climactic confrontation, the threads of deceit and betrayal tightening their grip around Hwain's very core.

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