Red Swan – K-drama Episode 7

Published: Sep 09 2024

Our recap of Episode 7 of "Red Swan" plunges headfirst back into the tempestuous fray, where prosecutors have tightened their grip around Hyun-soo, accusing him of financial embezzlement. Wan-soo, shattered yet resolute, stands tall as Hyun-soo's solitary familial bastion, her hand intertwined with Do-yoon's in a poignant gesture of unwavering support. Just as this moment of solidarity takes hold, Yong-guk's untimely intrusion shatters the fragile tranquility, his presence an unwelcome intrusion. Witnessing their closeness, he chooses to disregard it, instead fruitlessly pursuing Mr. Han, whose attention is elsewhere.

Red Swan – K-drama Episode 7 1

Mr. Han, ignoring Yong-guk's persistent calls, convenes with Yong-min and his wife Ji-yeon, where tensions reach a fever pitch. The elder's words lash out, implicitly accusing Yong-min of nefarious dealings that have far-reaching consequences. Though the specifics hang unspoken in the air, the underlying truth is inescapable: Yong-min's anonymous betrayal, a calculated strike at an inopportune moment, has set Hyun-soo's arrest into motion, a maneuver aimed at wresting control of Hwain from his brother's grasp, leaving a trail of betrayal and intrigue in its wake.

Elsewhere, Wan-soo braves the prosecutor's office, her resolve unwavering as she stands by her brother. Hyun-soo, unbowed, reveals his trump card—evidence that could implicate Hwain, vowing to fight to the bitter end. Mr. Han's subsequent arrival adds a layer of intrigue, his near-admiration for Hyun-soo's spirit evident as he promises swift intervention. In a bid to rattle Hyun-soo, he sows seeds of doubt, suggesting the anonymous whistleblower might be the true possessor of incriminating ledgers.

Meanwhile, Mr. Han weaves a web of deceit, informing Chairwoman Park that he suspects Do-yoon of stealing the ledgers and exposing Wow Foundation. Assuring her that he'll rectify the situation, he and the Chairwoman turn their sights on Wan-soo, coercing her into confessing her role in orchestrating Do-yoon's theft. They chastise her for her foolish infatuation with a former cop, entrusting him with such sensitive information. As murderous intent flickers between them, Wan-soo stands firm in Do-yoon's innocence, vowing to retrieve the ledgers and denying his involvement with the prosecutors.

On Do-yoon's end, a thorough examination of the ledgers uncovers a shocking revelation—Chairwoman Park stands poised to bear the brunt of exposure. Amidst Mr. Han's threats and demands for the ledgers' return, Do-yoon's curiosity piqued, refuses to comply, his mind racing to unravel why Mr. Han would betray his own benefactor. When Wan-soo's call invites him for a jog, he pours his heart out, only to find himself grappling with her renewed doubts and her plea for the ledgers' safe return.

His concern lingered, fearing that she'd be left defenseless if he entrusted her with the ledgers. Urging her to trust in him and let him shield her, they embraced, acknowledging their profound feelings yet vowing to restrain their impulses.

Elsewhere, Ta-era bristled at Mr. Han's brusque dismissal of her brother's assistance. Seeking solace in a call with her confidant, they hatched a plan to expose Hyun-soo's arrest, stoking the fires of scandal.

The dawn brought fury to Chairwoman Park's face as she scanned the headlines. Mr. Han once again pledged his intervention, summoning an urgent meeting amidst the media's relentless queries about Wan-soo's involvement and the possibility of divorce.

Revisiting Hyun-soo, Mr. Han secured his cooperation, dangling the promise of freedom in exchange for his silence. Hyun-soo, desperate for liberty, dangled secrets of Hwain Group as bait, urging swift action.

Reporting back to Chairwoman Park, Mr. Han strategized using Hyun-soo's capitulation to coerce Wan-soo's resignation from the foundation. They devised a scheme to leak compromising photos of Wan-soo and Do-yoon, but sought more damning evidence. Their plan: lure Wan-soo to Busan for the Hwain Resort's anniversary, where Yong-guk would join her for a photoshoot, ostensibly to quell divorce rumors.

Wan-soo, unsuspecting, agreed to the trip. Unbeknownst to her, Mr. Han dispatched So-dam to tail her, tasked with capturing incriminating images and eliminating Wan-soo, framing Do-yoon for the crime. A flashback revealed Mr. Han's desperation as the Chairman's legal will neared execution, the Chairman having traveled to New York to ensure Mr. Han wouldn't lay claim to it before his 70th birthday.

As the Chairman's milestone approached, Mr. Han conspired with a New York lawyer, Ailee, who, after much coaxing and a hefty bribe, hinted that the Chairman's fortune would benefit the Wow Foundation. Empowered with this knowledge, Mr. Han tempted Yong-min with the Hwain Group's reins if he agreed to helm the Wow Foundation.

Chairwoman Park, exhausted from a day of crisis management, sought solace in spiritual healing. Meanwhile, Wan-soo and Do-yoon embarked on a picturesque journey to Busan, pausing to bask in the sea's embrace and share a tender hug, oblivious to So-dam's lurking lens.

Settled in their Busan abode, they awaited Yong-guk's arrival, unaware that Mr. Han had orchestrated delays to hinder his timely presence. Left unguarded, Do-yoon volunteered to safeguard Wan-soo's chamber, only to be lured away by a ruse, granting So-dam a window of opportunity.

Alerted by Wan-soo's intuition, the assassin's strike was thwarted in a fierce confrontation. Wan-soo's screams summoned Do-yoon, who whisked her to safety, urging her to flee through the window while he confronted the foe. Recognizing the assassin's deadly prowess, Do-yoon struggled to unveil her mask amidst a brutal battle that left him wounded yet undaunted.

Wan-soo fled, hiding aboard a portside vessel, only to encounter So-dam once more. In a desperate struggle, Wan-soo struck her head, losing consciousness. Do-yoon's timely intervention saved her, and the fight raged on, fueled by determination and danger.

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