Romance in the House – K-drama Episode 5

Published: Sep 06 2024

Episode 5 of "Romance in the House" gracefully unfurls with a poignant glimpse into the past, where Moo-jin and Ae-yeon pose for their wedding photographs, her eyes brimming with trust as she implores him to stand by her side, come what may. He vows to do so, and the echoes of that pledge linger as the narrative shifts seamlessly to the present.

Romance in the House – K-drama Episode 5 1

The scene seamlessly intertwines with last week's cliffhanger, where Jeong-in, intoxicated and vulnerable, calls out for Moo-jin, her voice tinged with familiarity as she affectionately addresses him as "Khun Mooy," a testament to their fateful encounter in Thailand where he selflessly bestowed his fortune upon her. Amidst the revelation that she lost her child shortly after returning to Korea, Moo-jin remains stoic, his silence deafening as he exits the scene.

Back at the villa, Ae-yeon's words of wisdom to Mi-rae resonate, counseling her against engaging in petty rivalries with Moo-jin. Mi-rae, wounded by the advice, retreats to the realm of her workplace, fatefully stepping into the elevator once more. This time, however, luck smiles upon her as she finds herself in conversation with Tae-pyeong, their exchange laced with a subtle chemistry that leaves her smiling wistfully after he departs, only to abruptly halt herself, realizing the depth of her feelings.

The burgeoning attraction between the duo is undeniable, with Tae-pyeong tossing and turning, his mind a maelstrom of emotions as he grapples with his feelings for Mi-rae.

Moo-jin, determined to rekindle his bond with Ae-yeon, persuades her to join him for dinner, where he confesses his unwavering devotion, proclaiming her as his sole soulmate. Yet, Ae-yeon, a pragmatist at heart, gently reminds him that they belong to the past and urges him to embark on new romantic horizons. She adheres steadfastly to the belief that divorce is a catalyst for forward momentum, not a reason to dwell in nostalgia's embrace.

Moo-jin strives to convey his transformation into a more mature, evolved individual, yet his words ring hollow to Ae-yeon. Beyond the superficial gloss of financial gain, his core remains unchanged, a fact that is not lost on her. She firmly shuts the door on any possibility of him reentering their intimate circle, now more of a triangle with only three members. However, she does implore him to act with integrity towards their children.

As Moo-jin grapples with his newfound role as a responsible father, Mi-rae and Ae-yeon embark on a lunch date, the latter's companionship notably devoid of Hyeon-jae's presence; he seems to have faded into the background, his ties to the family tenuous at best. Over their meal, Ae-yeon shares her thoughts on Moo-jin, summarizing her recent experiences and urging Mi-rae to relax, her gratitude for Mi-rae's unwavering support echoing through their conversation.

Ae-yeon's mind is made up, yet the prying eyes and ears of the neighborhood persist, peppering her with questions during a mundane manicure session. She stands firm, reiterating her desire for Moo-jin to move on and find happiness with someone else. Unbeknownst to her, Jeong-in eavesdrops from across the room, her conscience pricked by her own connection to Moo-jin. That night, consumed by guilt, Jeong-in finds solace in alcohol, eventually stumbling into a drunken confession to Ae-yeon, wishing she could be her—with the kids, the life, and even Moo-jin, though she slurs the last part before passing out. Ae-yeon, however, doesn't need the full confession; the sight of a photo of herself and Moo-jin together is a stark reminder, leaving her reeling in shock and denial.

As Ae-yeon grapples with her emotions, those around her speculate about a potential midlife crisis. Meanwhile, another storm brews at work. J-Plus convenes a Board Meeting, the CEO's dissatisfaction palpable as they fail to reign supreme in their industry. Just when tensions seem to peak, the owner of the Sokcho Factory calls, and the President delivers a devastating blow—they're severing their supply ties. With a product launch looming in two days, the pressure falls squarely on Mi-rae's shoulders to salvage the situation.

Overhearing the chaos, Tae-pyeong decides to lend his support, realizing that his connections with the CEO could sway the odds in their favor. Together, they set out to secure the deal, Mi-rae leading the charge. She confronts the President directly, going so far as to kneel and plead her case. Her desperate measures yield no immediate results, but Tae-pyeong's timely arrival changes the tide. With his charm in full swing, he brings the President's favorite snacks and even pulls off a humorous hug, eliciting a chuckle from the usually stoic figure. In a comical turn, Mi-rae attempts a playful airplane maneuver aimed at the President's lips, a gesture that unexpectedly breaks the ice and opens the door for negotiation.

It appears the President's rationale for terminating the deal holds water. Two years back, when she introduced the seafood tofu stew, her aspiration was for J-Plus to shine a spotlight on the divers. However, her pleas fell on deaf ears, and Mi-rae feels she's been taken for granted, refusing to be duped again. She's steadfast in her conviction that Diver Tteokbokki will be a resounding success, her pitch brimming with confidence, seemingly captivating hearts and minds.

Elsewhere, Ae-yeon engages Jeong-in in a probing conversation, delving into her Thai sojourn. Armed with the photograph and aware of her connection to Moo-jin, Ae-yeon struggles to divulge the truth, opting instead to flee the scene for a baseball game. Her inner turmoil mirrors Moo-jin's as he grapples with how to be a more present father to Mi-rae.

His anguished cries to the heavens echo unanswered questions about his return and the path to paternal excellence. Fatefully, he finds himself on the same beach as Tae-pyeong and Mi-rae, their disbelief turning to acceptance as he confesses. Apologetic for being a burden, he reveals his genuine intentions to ease her load, though reality has painted a different picture. With a heavy heart, he prepares to depart, yet he keeps his word to Mi-rae, repairing the security camera outside their home.

Mi-rae's ire soon shifts to her brother, spying Hyeon-Jae outside, engrossed in a business plan discussion with a friend. Amidst exam week, where studies should reign supreme, Mi-rae's shock deepens upon discovering his secret endeavors. Hyeon-jae's neglect of studies in favor of shadowing successful entrepreneurs from the Entrepreneur's Club has led him to squander two semesters' worth of tuition fees—a staggering 8 million won—in pursuit of advice. Confident Moo-jin will bail him out, Hyeon-jae unwittingly mirrors his father's financial recklessness.

Mi-rae, incensed, summons her father for a coffee rendezvous, the atmosphere thick with tension. She chastises him for fostering false dreams in Hyeon-jae, even as Moo-jin sly slides an envelope across the table. Inside lies a deed transfer form, signifying the apartment's transfer to their names and his impending departure. Moo-jin believes his absence will jolt Hyeon-jae into reality, but Mi-rae sees it as a cowardly retreat. She insists he stay and guide Hyeon-jae rightly, accusing him of succumbing to a midlife crisis akin to her mother's. She demands he embrace his responsibilities as a parent.

As Ae-yeon enters the bar, Moo-jin attempts to divert her attention, but the conversation takes a sharp turn when Jeong-in and her Thai past resurface. Ae-yeon's accusatory tone wonders if Moo-jin is the one who abandoned Jeong-in after a pregnancy. Moo-jin hesitates to confess, prompting Ae-yeon to crack an egg over his head, leaving him stunned and the situation irrevocably altered.

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