Romance in the House – K-drama Episode 6

Published: Sep 06 2024

Episode 6 of "Romance in the House" unfolds with Ae-yeon meticulously tidying up the villa, engaging in mundane chores like laundry and even bathing the pooch, all mere distractions to evade the tumultuous emotions sparked by Moo-jin's ambiguous confession-like revelation about his romantic entanglement with Jeong-in.

Romance in the House – K-drama Episode 6 1

Frustrated beyond measure, Ae-yeon confronts Moo-jin outside the serene confines of the villa, demanding he channel his energy into something productive. Little does she know, her call to action inadvertently leads to a surprise encounter. Remember the ostentatious car that persistently obstructed Mi-rae's path? Its owner, a burly individual with a shadowy gangster-like aura, emerges, furious over Moo-jin and Hyeon-jae's mischievous prank—decorating his vehicle with mischievous smiley-face flyers. A confrontation ensues, and tempers flare.

Meanwhile, Mi-rae's bond with Tae-pyeong deepens as they serendipitously cross paths at the supermarket, her cheeks blushing at the mere sight of him. However, Tae-pyeong's world is not without its own complications, as he grapples with an overbearing father who incessantly messages, urging him to attend a family gathering he'd rather avoid—the reasons for his reluctance will soon be unveiled.

Back at the villa, Ae-yeon's conversation with Jeong-in unravels a crucial truth: the scoundrel who abandoned her after conception was not Moo-jin. Before they can delve deeper, they're summoned outside to witness a stunning scene—Moo-jin, his tattoos on full display, has the villa owner in a painful submission hold. The man grovels for mercy, ultimately relinquishing any claim to monetary compensation. Moo-jin's parting words, "Be nice to people, huh?" leave Ae-yeon stunned, her expression a complex mix of disbelief and admiration.

This pivotal moment serves as a catalyst for the truth to finally see the light of day. Moo-jin and Jeong-in's shared past in Thailand comes to light; she was known as Joy, and he was the first Korean she encountered there. The photograph's significance transcends Moo-jin's presence; it's the sole memento of Jeong-in's pregnancy. In a selfless act, Moo-jin sacrificed his own fortune, urging Jeong-in to flee, echoing his own struggles and a desire to do what's right. Both found themselves at their lowest ebb, and she eventually found her way back to Korea. But what of Moo-jin? How did he amass such wealth? The question lingers, teasing at the edges of the narrative, promising further revelations to come.

Moo-jin, once a shoe store employee, donned heels with finesse, charming customers and amassing quite a fortune, despite his non-gangster facade. His sole ambition then was to reclaim his place in Ae-yeon's life, yet acquiring that luxurious villa demanded an extravagance befitting a tale. Was his high heel modeling the sole source of his success, or did the tale weave a more intricate web?

Meanwhile, Mi-rae's frosty relationship with her father persisted, even as she discovered Hyeon-jae's departure and subsequent shelter under Moo-jin's wing. Their cohabitation was a lesson in extravagance for Moo-jin, who found himself at a loss for how to navigate Hyeon-jae's lavish ways. A credit card, he mused, would suffice as a temporary solution.

The following day, Jae-cheol's nerves were frayed by Ae-yeon's ominous words, yet Moo-jin's relentless pursuit of his ex-wife's affections rendered Jae-cheol's concerns secondary. He surpassed all expectations, showering Ae-yeon with gifts, lending a helping hand at work, and embodying the very essence of a chivalrous knight.

When Ae-yeon's foot ailed her, Moo-jin swiftly offered his assistance. As he gently attended to her ankle, she teased him about his proficiency with shoes and foot care, her smile peeking through the corners of her lips. Moo-jin's heart swelled with joy upon witnessing that smile once more, his gaze lingering on her with longing.

That evening, Mi-rae weighed the pros and cons of confiding in her mother about Hyang-je's tuition fees. Ultimately, she decided to delay the conversation, opting to first embark on their planned trip to Thailand, where she would reveal all. The tickets were booked, and a respite was direly needed. Ironically, their destination mirrored Ae-yeon's own internal turmoil surrounding Moo-jin.

Well, the celestial bodies conspire in a harmonious alignment, propelling the monumental launch of the Diver Tteokbokki forward, necessitating the unfortunate cancellation of their well-deserved annual vacation. Yet, Mi-rae, determined to maintain her plans, devises a shrewd strategy: to advance the product debut by a day, ensuring her escape remains unscathed. Having marathoned through over 30 hours of relentless work, she surrenders to a fleeting respite within the confines of her vehicle.

Tae-pyeong, ever vigilant, spots her in this unexpected tranquility and swiftly approaches, his heart racing with concern, mistaking her solitude for distress. Far from trouble, Mi-rae nonetheless grumbles at fate's irony, as Tae-pyeong's timely arrival seems to coincide with her most unguarded moments. Despite her self-deprecating thoughts of being a burden, Tae-pyeong surprises her with a heartfelt compliment, marveling at her unwavering work ethic and relentless dedication. Mi-rae dismisses it with a shrug, believing that procrastination holds no sway over her inevitable workload.

Meanwhile, the facade of a familial outing for Tae-pyeong crumbles to reveal a somber reality—a funeral, where they gather to pay their respects to a patriarchal figure revealed to be none other than Tae-pyeong's grandfather. Whispers among attendees paint a picture of the family's struggles, with Tae-pyeong's presence seemingly a source of discontent. Comparisons are drawn, emphasizing Tae-pyeong's resemblance to the late chairman over his father, Chi-yeol, fueling whispers of discontent.

A bold inquiry from Tae-pyeong, directed at Chi-yeol amidst the solemnity, ignites a tumultuous scene. He challenges the very essence of their familial bond, leaving no room for ambiguity. Outside, the confrontation intensifies as Chi-yeol scoffs at Tae-pyeong's perceived foolishness, implying his inability to secure what is rightfully his. The truth unravels: Tae-pyeong is, in fact, Chi-yeol's younger half-brother, born of a different mother, and strategically recorded as Chi-yeol's son to avert a scandalous revelation. This revelation sheds light on Chi-yeol's ascendancy to the CEO position and explains Tae-pyeong's perpetual reluctance to embrace Chi-yeol's shadow, his relentless drive to forge his own path, unencumbered by the ghosts of the past.

At the idyllic villa, Ae-yeon stumbles upon a surprising revelation: Hyeon-jae, her son, has been residing with Moo-jin, and the young man confides in her his intention to abandon his academic pursuits, having vanished from school's halls for an entire year. Moreover, he unravels the intricate web of deception spun by Mi-rae, Ae-yeon's daughter, behind closed doors, igniting a flurry of emotions.

With a fleeting respite, Ae-yeon takes solace in hitting balls at the cages before sharing a drink with Moo-jin, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic tale of his financial success post the Thailand shoe fiasco and its mysterious connection to the carp tattoo adorning his body. The tattoo, it seems, is merely a veil, concealing a prominent scar, while the intricacies of his wealth remain shrouded in secrecy.

As the night deepens, Ae-yeon's emotions overflow, her tears betraying the weight of motherhood's hardships and the struggles of her children, Mi-rae and Hyang-jae, whom she feels she has unwittingly burdened. Moo-jin gently reminds her that the true culprit of these struggles lies within him, fostering a moment of intimacy that threatens to blossom into an embrace, only for Ae-yeon to steel herself against the tide of emotions.

Meanwhile, the grand work gathering proceeds without a hitch, with Mi-rae immersed in a team celebration, marking the triumphant launch of their product. Amidst the revelry, she makes a chance encounter with Tae-pyeong, his solitary drunkenness and smoldering cigarettes a stark contrast to the festive atmosphere. Their paths cross again when Mi-rae stumbles upon him, unconscious and disoriented, mistaking the cold streets for the comfort of his bed.

Unable to abandon him in such a vulnerable state, Mi-rae offers to escort him home, where he, in a haze of inebriation, extends an invitation for her to stay. Coincidentally, as their paths intertwine, Ae-yeon and Moo-jin find themselves unwittingly entangled in the same motel, setting the stage for a series of misunderstandings that spiral out of control.

In a fiery climax, Ae-yeon's pent-up emotions explode, her words lashing out at Mi-rae, labeling her a term laden with contempt. As she lunges towards her daughter, the episode draws to a dramatic close, leaving the audience on the precipice of a heart-wrenching revelation.

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