Running Point – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: Mar 06 2025

Episode 7 of "Running Point" kicks off with Isla confronted by yet another daunting challenge. The team's fortunes have been on the rise, having triumphed in three executive games and inching closer to the play-offs with just three matches left. However, a significant obstacle looms on the horizon that could potentially derail their progress.

Running Point – Season 1 Episode 7 1

Travis's mother and manager, Bonnie, has relocated from Florida to LA, and her constant presence at the court has transformed practice sessions into a nightmare. She finds fault in Jay, shouting down players, and creating an unbearable atmosphere. It's clear that she needs to be removed from the equation, but Jay hesitates to intervene between a player and their mother. He emphasizes that many of the team members come from single-parent homes, where their mothers have sacrificed everything to pave the way for their success. Consequently, these mothers hold a special place of trust in their children's hearts.

Isla steps in to tackle the issue head-on. She catches Bonnie at the court just as practice wraps up. Bonnie wastes no time in unloading her life story to Isla, detailing how she resorted to stripping after Travis's father passed away. Isla then gently but firmly discusses the importance of not disrupting practice, and Bonnie reluctantly agrees to comply.

Later that evening, Bonnie and Travis confide in each other about potential brand deals and strategies to boost their earnings. Bonnie also reveals that Travis is battling knee problems, which he has kept hidden from the team. Elsewhere, Sandy strives to mend fences with Charlie, while Jackie faces a health scare after contracting chlamydia from his promiscuous behavior. Jackie panics, but Ness calms him down, reassuring him that it's a minor issue that can be easily addressed by the team doctor.

The next morning, Bonnie shows up unannounced at Isla's office, arriving so early that Isla finds her asleep on the sofa. Bonnie expresses her desire for a job, revealing that she wants to be more than just Travis's mother. Moved by her sincerity, Isla agrees to help and assigns Ali the task of mentoring Bonnie and finding her a suitable role within the organization.

Meanwhile, Steven bursts into Isla's office, furious that Jackie has given his daughter an STD. He demands that Isla terminate Jackie's employment immediately, vowing never to see his face again. Isla confronts Jackie, urging him to take responsibility for his actions. He must devise a way to rectify the situation or face Steven's relentless wrath.

Bonnie persists in causing disturbances for Isla, prompting Sandy to summon her to the VIP lounge where Bonnie's antics and over-the-top behavior are making the high-profile fans increasingly uneasy. Accompanied by a camera crew that shadows her every move, Bonnie seems intent on turning her life into a reality show spectacle. Isla, having reached her limit with Bonnie's shenanigans, sternly demands that she leave自愿 or face ejection by security. In a moment of rage, Bonnie strikes Isla before storming out. Elsewhere, the Waves celebrate yet another victorious game. Jay offers Isla companionship at the bar as she awaits her Uber, the victim of Bonnie's sabotaged tires.

Meanwhile, Ness arranges a dinner outing for Sandy, still reeling from his breakup with Charlie. With the intent of lifting Sandy's spirits, Ness tries to cheer him up. Ironically, Charlie happens to be on a date at the very same restaurant. Ness impulsively drags Sandy over to their table for a polite greeting, but the encounter degenerates into a tense confrontation between Sandy and Charlie. Sandy is deeply hurt to see Charlie already out with someone new barely a month after their split.

As the episode draws to a close, Travis appears at Isla's office to convey that he harbors no resentment towards her for the incident involving his mother. Sharing her sentiments, Travis confesses his own discomfort around his mother and thanks Isla for her support. Prior to practice, Travis discreetly swallows a handful of pills.

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