Secret Invasion – Season 1 Episode 2

Published: Jun 19 2024

Episode 2 of Secret Invasion kicks off with two captivating flashbacks, transporting us back to 1995 and 1997 respectively. In the earlier scene, we witness Fury collaborating with the Skrulls amidst the vast expanse of deep space. It was a time when the Skrulls presumably resided peacefully in Skrullos, undisturbed by the menace of the Kree.

The second flashback shifts to 1997, after the devastating destruction of Skrullos. Fury valiantly led the surviving Skrulls who managed to flee to Earth. He solemnly promised them that with Carol Denvers' assistance (known as Mrs. Marvel), he would find them a new homeland. His only condition was their sworn vow to safeguard Earth. Soren, the mother of G'iah and wife of Talos, was the first to take this oath, with others eagerly following suit.

Secret Invasion – Season 1 Episode 2  1

During this time, Fury also encountered Gravik, a young Skrull who had lost both his parents in the final standoff against the Kree. Despite this trauma, Gravik escaped and single-handedly manned a ship to reach Earth.

In the present day, Talos and Fury embark on a journey to Warsaw, where the tragic loss of Agent Hill still weighs heavily on their hearts. Fury probes Talos about the destruction of Skrullos, asking if there's "something he doesn't know" about it. Talos reluctantly confesses that thousands of Skrulls are now scattered across Earth, having been summoned by Emperor Drogge's colony. Fury is oblivious to this revelation and is furious with Talos for keeping him in the dark.

Later, Fury travels to London to pay his respects to Elizabeth, the grieving mother of Maria. As her body is prepared for burial, Elizabeth holds Fury accountable for her daughter's death, demanding justice for the perpetrators.

Meanwhile, Gravik's devious plan to manipulate America against Russia, igniting a war between these two powerful nations, seems to be taking shape. The police have apprehended Martin Wallace (whom we previously encountered in the previous episode), unaware that he is actually a Skrull in disguise. The stakes are higher, and the secrets deeper, as the intricate web of Secret Invasion continues to unravel.

Pamela Lawton, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and Sergio Caspani, the Secretary General of NATO, are among the vocal critics of the controversial act. It transpires that Gravik is a member of a mysterious Council that includes these high-ranking emissaries. However, what is truly shocking is the revelation that Lawton and Caspani are actually Skrulls disguised as humans. The Council also boasts the presence of Shirley, Chris Stearns, and Jack Hyuk-bin.

Gravik makes his intentions abundantly clear: he is determined to seize Earth for the Skrulls, regardless of the costs. Fury's failure to fulfill his promise has led to this standoff, and now the Skrulls are holding up their end of the bargain. Lawton suggests that they nominate Gravik as their wartime leader, endowed with absolute and unchecked powers. Everyone, except Shirley, acquiesces to Gravik's leadership, and she is promptly dismissed from the Council.

Shirley rushes to inform Talos of the developments, and he instructs her to arrange a meeting with Gravik, even if it means facing certain death when he sees Talos. Upon his return to the Skrull camp, Gravik is greeted with a hero's welcome. Meanwhile, G'iah follows Pagon as she heads to meet Dr. Rosa Dalton, who inquiries about the mysterious "Harvest." However, Pagon is clueless about its whereabouts, and even Gravik seems unaware of its location. The question remains: what exactly is the Harvest, and why does it hold such significance?

As the tension mounts, our attention shifts to the emergency security summit, where Colonel Rhodes represents the United States. He categorically denies all allegations linking Fury and Hill to the bombing, maintaining their innocence in the face of mounting suspicions.

Rhodes and Fury crossed paths shortly after the conclusion of the summit. Fury, with a serious demeanor, divulged that he had no involvement in the recent events and revealed a startling fact: every member of his security detail was a spy. Rhodes, who had already been briefed on the existence of the Skrulls, nodded in acknowledgment as Fury confirmed their invasion of Earth.

With a pleading tone, Fury sought Rhodes' assistance, but the latter's response was resolute. As a representative of the government, Rhodes could not blatantly disregard the rules. He effectively "dismissed" Fury, who vowed not to "relinquish his DNA" and declared his intention to wage the war alone.

Meanwhile, Sonya had captured Wallace, who was actually Brogan, and was interrogating him about the bombings. She mercilessly tortured him until he revealed that Gravik was constructing a machine that would "elevate their powers." He also spilled the beans about the Dalton couple, the leading scientists behind the operation.

Unbeknownst to them, Gravik had pinpointed Brogan's location, and Pagon led a team to the spot. As the gunfire erupted outside, Sonya made a hasty escape through a hidden hatch in the ground. The police soon arrived at their safe house, causing Gravik to suspect that Brogan had divulged crucial details about their operations. In a fit of rage, he executed Brogan in the midst of the woods.

The episode culminated in another shocking revelation. Fury, it turned out, was actually married to a Skrull named Priscilla. This unexpected twist added yet another layer of complexity to the already intricate storyline.

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