Seoul Busters – K-drama Episode 12

Published: Oct 12 2024

Episode 12 of "Seoul Busters" kicks off with Yu-bin introducing his team to the eager TV producers, seeking a collaborative partnership on their latest case. In a fleeting glimpse of the past, we witness Yu-bin initially hesitant to accept the offer, yet Jin-kyu's insistent push for those fleeting moments of fame and his proposal to enlist Professor Sim's expertise in criminal profiling swayed the decision. Yu-bin ultimately conceded, but on the condition that the episode would air only after the case's resolution.

Seoul Busters – K-drama Episode 12 1

With cameras looming, the team found their focus wavering. An unexpected twist reveals that Yu-bin and Professor Sim share a long history, bound by friendship yet fueled by heated debates on case strategies, making them seem more foes than comrades. The team's patience wears thin as they doze off amidst the ongoing spat, leaving the two protagonists to their intellectual sparring.

During a chance ride with Professor Sim, Min-seo delves into Yu-bin's past, seeking insights. The professor, loyal to Yu-bin's trust, offers a glimpse into a softer side of him—a Yu-bin who smiled broadly, a rarity seemingly linked to his former love. The mystery deepens around her disappearance, her volunteer work a potential clue, and a suspicious male volunteer who casts a sinister shadow, hinting at a possible connection to Yu-bin's quest.

Now, the team's focus sharpens on a romance scam case. Tan-sik masterfully crafts a decoy profile on the dating app frequented by the perpetrator. As the bait takes hold, a cat-and-mouse game of texts ensues between Tan-sik, posing as a mark, and Min-seo, until the ultimate ask for money arises. Min-seo cleverly agrees, stipulating a face-to-face meeting. However, the culprit proves one step ahead, enlisting a decoy to collect the package, foiling their initial plan. The arrest of this pawn alerts the culprit, who swiftly erases his trail, leaving the team to regroup and recalibrate their strategy.

After the thwarted operation, Min-seo and Jong-ryeok transform into a destitute duo, blending seamlessly into the streets to keep watch on a targeted ATM. As they bide their time, Jong-ryeok's narrative resumes, painting a sorrowful tale. A prophetic shaman had warned his beloved's mother that their union would lead to a life on the fringes of society. Undeterred, Jong-ryeok braved the wintry weather, standing vigil outside her home. But fate had other plans; she emerged, shattering his heart with the news of their breakup. Drowning his sorrows in alcohol, Jong-ryeok swore off love, only to find his former flame captivated by his newfound indifference.

Fate's cruel irony struck again when Jong-ryeok, disguised as a homeless soul, stumbled upon his ex. Misinterpreting his plight as confirmation of her parents' warnings, she resolved to move on. Trapped in his undercover persona, Jong-ryeok was powerless to explain, leaving him to silently suffer the absurdity of the situation. Oh, the humor in this drama knows no bounds!

Yet, amidst the chaos, their undercover mission bore fruit. The team snared a gang of scoundrels who exploited the homeless to procure fake phone numbers, a trail that led straight to the mastermind behind a romance scam. Ironically, the culprit was tying the knot that very day, plotting to swindle yet another unsuspecting woman. The team crashed the wedding like a storm, apprehending the perpetrator amidst the bride's stunned disbelief. She, who had envisioned her fiancé as a respected doctor victimized by clinic fraud, and her father, poised to invest in his future son-in-law, were both left reeling.

Coincidentally, the team's path crossed with Ji-seok, who was also celebrating his own nuptials. He extended a cordial invitation for a meal, but fueled by mischief, the team indulged in the fanciest fare, Yu-bin joining in with gusto. He slyly observed Ji-seok's infidelity with one of the guests, silently affirming that Min-seo deserved far better.

Meanwhile, unaware of Min-seo's fib about having a boyfriend, Jung-hwan, Tan-sik, and Jong-ryeok, each in their own way, confronted Ji-seok, each pretending to be her beau. The confusion mounted, leaving Ji-seok in a panic, fearing Min-seo was juggling three men simultaneously.

The episode drew to a close with Yu-bin engrossed in Professor Yu-bin's show, his mind wandering to memories of a past love and the perverted suitor who seemed ensnared by her charms. The narrative lingered, leaving a poignant aftertaste of love, loss, and the absurdities of life.

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