Sweetpea – Season 1 Episode 1

Published: Oct 12 2024

Episode 1 of "Sweetpea" kicks off with Rhiannon divulging a sinister list of individuals she harbors a desire to eliminate, their transgressions ranging from mere irritations to outright atrocities. At the helm of this nefarious tally stands Julia Blenkingsopp, her schoolyard tormentor who once forced Rhiannon to resort to a wig to conceal the hair she'd brutally plucked out.

Sweetpea – Season 1 Episode 1 1

Visiting her hospitalized father, Rhiannon encounters a cruel prank as he feigns death, admonishing her for her inability to confront adversity and urging her to stand tall. Ironically, it's this very weakness that inadvertently seals his fate, as Rhiannon hesitates to summon aid during a coughing spell, leaving the overwhelmed nurse oblivious to his plight.

The funeral, a somber affair, is marred by a series of misfortunes. Her estranged sister, Seren, arrives tardily, her awkwardness palpable. Craig, a colleague who also shared a fleeting encounter with Rhiannon, ignores her presence, adding insult to injury. The emcee's mispronunciation of her name compounds the humiliation, and to rub salt into the wound, Julia Blenkingsopp, her nemesis, is in attendance. Julia, newly returned to town, remains oblivious to Rhiannon's presence, engaging in superficial chatter as if nothing had ever transpired. Rhiannon is stunned, while Seren, surprisingly, befriends Julia.

To compound Rhiannon's misery, Seren announces plans to sell their home to finance a move to France, entrusting Julia with the sale. Seren urges Rhiannon to put the past behind her and attend the upcoming class reunion, leaving Rhiannon reeling.

The now-vacant house echoes with memories, and Rhiannon stumbles upon her old wig, a tangible reminder of Julia's cruelty. Determined to assert herself, she arrives at work with a newfound ferocity, only to find that her presence goes unnoticed. Undeterred, she approaches her boss, Norman, voicing her aspiration to apply for the junior reporter position he once hinted would be hers for the taking.

He affectionately addresses her as "Sweetpea," yet admonishes her, insisting that ferocity is a prerequisite for a successful reporter's career. With a promise to hone her skills, he dismisses her abruptly, urging her to discard her CV into the trash bin. Fuming, she turns on her heel, only to encounter AJ, a new acquaintance who treats her kindly. However, her fleeting joy is shattered when AJ secures the junior reporter position, solely due to his mother's acquaintance with Norman. Rhiannon's disbelief echoes unheard amidst the chaos, her thoughts turning violent as she toys with her knife, trailing AJ with murderous intent. Accidentally injuring herself, AJ notices her plight, prompting her to feign interest in his email for professional purposes, wondering if he had usurped her opportunity. She hastily shoos him away, seeking solace in a walk with her beloved dog, Tink.

As they pass Julia's realtor advertisement, Seren's update about the property sale pierces her heart. Tragedy strikes when Tink is struck down by a speeding car, and amidst the chaos, a strand of Rhiannon's hair detaches, symbolizing the unraveling of her world. Drowning her sorrows in alcohol, she buries Tink amidst tears, leaving Seren a defiant voicemail, declaring her residency and intent to thwart Julia's sale plans.

Empowered by this resolve, Rhiannon marches to the reunion, ready to confront Julia. But the confrontation turns sour, Julia branding her as obsessed and delusional, blaming Rhiannon for her own misfortunes. As Julia's circle closes in, memories of prom night's humiliation resurface, when Julia ruthlessly stripped her of her wig. Escaping the suffocating crowd, Rhiannon overhears Julia's lies, weaving a narrative that negates her past cruelties.

Jostled by passersby, Rhiannon flees, her knife clenched tightly, her mind in turmoil. Suddenly, a man urinates on her, his laughter echoing in her ears as he claims ignorance. Enraged, she slashes his shirt, provoking his threat of violence. In a fit of rage, she stabs him, the act echoing in the stillness. As he lies mortally wounded, she demands recognition, her words echoing over his lifeless form. Regaining her senses, she heaves his corpse into the river, her stride triumphant as she returns home, parting the crowd like a knife through butter.

In the solitude of her room, Rhiannon unleashes a primal scream, her reflection in the mirror mirroring her ferocity, a testament to her newfound determination and the battles yet to come.

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