Episode 1 of Shadow and Bone commences with a captivating introduction to Alina, a youthful woman residing in the verdant lands of East Ravaka. With her belongings packed and ready, she joins a convoy of cartographers on their way to the enigmatic Shadow Fold. This otherworldly realm serves as a mysterious divider between the nations, and its malevolent grasp once claimed the lives of Alina's parents, leaving her an orphan. Now, she marches alongside the First Army.
As they step out of the carriage, the looming wall of the Fold stares ominously before Alina and the other young soldiers. Its colossal size takes their breath away, yet they remark that Mal, Alina's childhood friend and closest confidant, is perhaps the only one unfazed by its intimidating presence.
Mal's prowess is first witnessed in a spirited duel with another youth, where he swiftly subdues his opponent. However, a mysterious man wielding magic awaits him, testing his mettle. Mal, wise in the art of choosing his battles, elects to retreat.
Back with Alina, they find the camp buzzing with activity. The Grisha, soldiers endowed with extraordinary powers, are harnessing their abilities against straw dummies, preparing for the upcoming challenge.
Before long, Alina and Mal are summoned to a briefing. The perilous journey across the Fold, led by Sergeant Yure Teplov, is laid out before them. Mal's name is unfortunately drawn from the lottery, making him a part of this hazardous mission.
That evening, Mal encounters Zoya, a Squaller Grisha. She attempts to persuade him to share a tent for the night, but he declines, his fear of her abilities concealed beneath a calm exterior. However, later that evening, he confesses to Alina that the Fold itself is not the only thing that fills him with dread.
In the bustling streets of Ketterdam, an island nestled within the Kerch archipelago, Jesper, a skilled trickster, unmasked a counterfeit coin operation. His mentor, Kaz, arrived promptly, a stern warning in his eyes, instructing the youngster to retreat from the door of trouble. As Kaz ascended the stairs, he was greeted by Inej, who whispered of a lucrative opportunity - a mission worth a million kruge. Dreesen, a wealthy merchant, desired to escort a team through the ominous Fold.
Destiny, however, had a different plan. Dreesen sought a Heartrender, and the promise of riches lured not just Kaz but also the rival Dime Lions, led by the cunning Pekka Rollins.
As dawn broke, the formidable Black General, Kirigan, appeared in camp, eager to oversee the operation. Yet, Alina, her doubts simmering, set fire to a pile of maps, erasing the secrets of the Fold's other side. The officers' displeasure led to Alina and her crew volunteering to redraw the maps, securing their passage on the same ship as Mal.
Onboard the rickety skiff, the crew plunged into the gaping maw of the Fold, a gateway to the unknown. Thunder rumbled, and the dim outline of winged creatures, volcra, emerged from the darkness. As the skirmish erupted, Mal was wounded, prompting Alina to snatch a gun and shoot the beast clinging to his body. But the damage was done, and Mal bid her farewell, promising to meet her at the meadow. A volcra snatched Alina from behind, and a blinding flash of light revealed their silhouette.
On the far side of the Rift, West Ravka awaited. The General stood with his troops, ready to greet the survivors of Alina's ship. A bloodied figure, Alexei, stumbled out of the shadows, collapsing on the beach.
Meanwhile, Kaz appeared with his Heartrender, Milana, intent on claiming Dreesen's mission. The two timelines converged, revealing that the attack on Alina and Mal's ship had occurred two weeks prior.
While Alexei found shelter with Dreesen, Mal and Alina emerged from the dock, battered but resilient. Alexei, now under Dreesen's custody, recounted the event within the Fold - a flash of white light and the detonation of a device. This device, a Sun Summoner, was none other than Alina herself.
With Alexei's demise, a new mission unfolded for Kaz. He must bring Alina to Dreesen, or the job would fall into the hands of Pekka Rollins.