In the sixth episode of Shōgun, the intricate tale of Lady Ochiba's past unfolds, revealing a tender friendship that bloomed between her and Mariko. It was nearly two decades ago, at the scenic Azubchi Castle, when their paths first crossed as young girls. However, their bond was shattered when Ochiba's father fell victim to Akechi's murderous blade, Mariko's own father. As part of Akechi's machinations to safeguard her, the two friends were forcibly separated, a heartrending parting that Mariko still laments to this day.
Ochiba's gaze is now fixed unwaveringly on Toranaga, as she confides to Ishido the roots of her hatred. She reveals that while Akechi may have been the executioner, it was Toranaga's cunning plan that led to her father's demise. This revelation ignites a fiery animosity in her heart, a hatred that burns brighter still with each passing day. It is also hinted that beneath the surface of their former friendship, there might have been a spark of romantic longing between Ochiba and Mariko.
The flashbacks paint a vivid picture of Ochiba's past, revealing how she was chosen as a consort to the then Taiko of Japan, with the sole purpose of bearing an heir. Hundreds of other women tried and failed in this endeavor, but Ochiba succeeded, earning her the title of the "special one." However, this distinction came at a terrible cost, as the process Ochiba endured was fraught with challenges and trials.
In the wake of the devastating tectonic earthquake, Toranaga and his clan are engaged in the arduous task of rebuilding their shattered world. Despite the wreckage and destruction that litter the landscape, Toranaga strives to instill courage and morale among his men, knowing that this is a pivotal moment in Japan's history. As plans against him unfold in the shadows of Osaka, the clan braces for the challenges that lie ahead.
Mariko and John's relationship has also been thrown into turmoil. After the incident with Buntaro, she vowed to keep their interactions strictly professional, confining them to the realm of translation practice. Rumors about the pair have been circulating, reaching even Toranaga's ears, making Mariko increasingly cautious in her dealings with John.
As a token of appreciation for John's bravery and sacrifice, Toranaga offers him greater estates and a more prestigious title. John, however, is perplexed and somewhat bemused by these honors, feeling ill-prepared for the responsibilities they entail. Deep down, he longs to return to the sea and his crew, but Toranaga has other plans for him.
The Lord elevates John to even greater heights, appointing him as the general of the cannon regime. This decision angers Omi and Nagakado, who cannot fathom Toranaga's fondness for John and question his motives.
Meanwhile, in Osaka, Ochiba schemes to isolate Toranaga further. She whispers poisonous words into Ishido's ear, convincing him to take rash action. Ishido holds the families of Lords Kiyama and Sugiyama hostage in the castle, hoping to force a vote against Toranaga and install Lord Ito as the fifth member of the council.
As the political landscape shifts and alliances are tested, Toranaga and his clan must navigate the treacherous waters of intrigue and power plays to ensure their survival and prosperity in this uncertain time.
Ochiba is once again entangled in the intricate web of plotting, this time aiming to persuade Ishido to nominate Ito as a council member, although the true depths of her intentions remain shrouded in mystery. Meanwhile, the Portuguese remain on the fence, their allegiance hanging in the balance. Earlier, we witnessed Toranaga's resolute decision against harming the Portuguese and their formidable Black Ship, when John's cunning scheme was proposed. He's well aware that his allies are dwindling, and the Christians have given him no incentive to turn against them.
Martin, however, presses forward with his strategy, urging the Portuguese to distance themselves from the Regents and forge an alliance with Toranaga in the looming war. But his words fall on deaf ears. Hiromatsu, as the messenger of these unfolding events, relays the news to Toranaga. We are introduced to the ambitious plan titled "Crimson Sky," which aims to elevate Toranaga to the throne of Shogun, toppling the existing leadership held firmly by the Regent Council. Yet, Toranaga balks at the plan and pleads with his advisors to devise an alternative.
Mariko and Fuji embark on a tense negotiation with Gin, the proprietor of the town's most extravagant brothel, the Tea House. Following Toranaga's orders, Mariko is tasked with arranging a rendezvous between John and Lady Kiku, Omi's beloved, to "ease his tensions." The negotiations are protracted but eventually, a hefty price is agreed upon. While the expectation is physical gratification, we are soon enlightened to the true reason behind Kiku's allure.
In a revealing conversation that sees John mostly silent and Mariko as the observer, Kiku expounds on the significance of her companionship. She delves into the reasons why people seek solace in the Tea Garden, encapsulating their feelings of loneliness and suffering. Mariko is then asked to withdraw, leaving the pair to retire to Kiku's private chamber, from which they emerge only the next morning.
During the vote to induct Ito into the council, Sugiyama stands firmly against Ishido's wishes. This defiance prompts Ishido to act with ruthless vengeance, murdering Suguyama and his entire clan. This act only strengthens Ochiba's resolve to take action against Toranaga. And as the episode draws to a close, Toranaga, with no other viable options left, reluctantly approves the Crimson Sky plan.