Stags – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Mar 19 2025

Episode 3 unfurls in 2016 on the serene Isle of Wight, where a figure cast in silhouette, ensconced within a tent, engages in a fleeting, mundane ritual of nature. Transitioning to the present, Stu (portrayed by Nico Mirallegro) endeavors to persuade The Man (Javier Godino) of his inherent goodness and the righteousness of his actions, which were undertaken in defense of his comrades. However, The Man's skepticism runs deep, hinting that his belief in Stu's innocence is hampered by his suspicion that Stu might have also been the one to eliminate his friends. Stu swiftly discerns that The Man intends to wield his knowledge as leverage against him.

Stags – Season 1 Episode 3 1

Concurrently, Kai (JoJo Macari) and his compatriots return to their cell to find their chicken missing, sparking a contentious debate about who should bear the blame for the fugitive fowl. At the climax of their squabble, Stu reappears, clutching the chicken by its wing. As they roast and consume the bird, Stu weaves The Man's ideas into his own narrative, presenting them with a seductive charm. John (played by Cavan Clerkin) is the first to embrace Stu's scheme to toil in the cocaine factory, speculating that it might even endear them to Selma (Paulina Galvz). It is John who also conceives the notion of holding a memorial service for Ant (Charlie Cooper), realizing the profound grief Ryan (Corina Silva) is enduring over his loss. Given Ryan's accusation of Kai for Ant's demise, tensions flare when he attempts to offer solace. Fortunately, thanks to John's intervention, the situation is defused, barely escalating beyond a few heated exchanges.

Elsewhere, as the others visit Luba (Alexandra Masangkay), Hugo (Paul Forman) is enlightened about the role Selma intends for him to play in the assassination of her brother, Gomez (Abel Folk). Instead of outright refusal, Hugo deftly counters that such a perilous endeavor would necessitate a substantial reward. To his astonishment, she concurs, agreeing to facilitate his escape, but solely for him.

Soon after their arrival at the compound for the Easter feast, Branco (Oscar Foronda) and Davide (Adria Escudero) warmly welcome them. However, the gathering is marred by a fleeting spat, eventually resolved when Selma introduces Davide to Hugo as the upcoming vocalist for Gomez (Abel Folk). Despite their permission to work in the cocaine facility, the situation does not unfold smoothly. Stu, sans footwear, finds himself in a pickle and resorts to fabricating tales about Greg (Asim Chaudhry) and a cell phone to Ryan. Meanwhile, Kai and John's incessant squabbling hinders any productive endeavors.

Concurrently, Hugo's predicament escalates drastically with the arrival of Clem (Sophie Lenglinger), accompanied by Gomez. She recognizes Hugo and is later unveiled as the street doctor assigned to perform Gomez's liver surgery. This eventuality prompts Hugo to confide in her about Selma's schemes, urging her to leverage the information to cultivate Gomez's favor. Instead, she manipulates it to coerce Selma into including her in the escape plan.

At the cocaine plant, Stu and The Man narrowly escape detection after triggering an alarm attached to the basement door. Though Kai eventually catches up with them, they cleverly persuade him to play along with their deceit, mere moments before Luba's appearance interrupts the tense tableau.

The sibling rivalry between Selma and Branco derails any immediate plans Selma harbored for terminating Gomez, casting a pall over the proceedings. Gomez confesses that his sole motive for attending the dinner was to confront Clem eye-to-eye before undergoing a critical operation. Meanwhile, the tension between Kai and Stu escalates dramatically after Kai overhears Stu belting out "Lyrical Gangster" during a particularly intimate moment, thereby realizing that Stu was indeed the culprit behind the defecation incident in the tent. However, these revelations soon pale in comparison to the chaos that ensues when Luba unexpectedly barges in on them. Matters take a turn for the worse as The Man triggers the plant's front door alarm in his haste to flee, prompting Stu to deflect attention from the blaring noise by revisiting the tent incident. This strategy, unfortunately, culminates in a physical altercation between Stu and John, resulting in John slipping and sustaining a devastating blow to the back of his head on the toilet. For the time being, it seems as though John's fate hangs in the balance.

As the Easter party's focus shifts to the ritual burning of Judas, Hugo capitalizes on the distraction to surreptitiously plant a landmine. Overwhelmed with guilt immediately afterward, he rushes to the nearby whiskey cart, downing shot after shot until he stumbles upon a recording device, which he reluctantly admits is his. Hugo further confesses to his CIA affiliation just moments before unwittingly seating himself atop the landmine.

In the midst of his escape, The Man catches sight of Ricardo (Antonio Comain) and his entourage. As Ricardo and his men unleash a hail of bullets towards the cell where Stu and his companions are supposed to be confined, Davide abruptly rises from his seat, inadvertently triggering the landmine. The episode concludes on a harrowing note with Davide appearing to meet his untimely demise, while John regains consciousness only to find himself grappled with amnesia, unaware of his identity or whereabouts.

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