On the fateful night of October 28, 1984, a gang of teenage rebels perpetrated a daring robbery that shook the city of Pittsburgh. The police chased them through the bustling streets, but the gang managed to evade capture, thanks to one member's mysterious psychic abilities that aided their escape. This member, distinguishable by a wrist tattoo branded with the numeral "008," remained a shadowy figure in the night.
Later, the gang converged at the Hawkins arcade, where Dustin's excitement was quickly dashed when he discovered that someone going by the moniker "MADMAX" had usurped all of his high scores. Meanwhile, Will was plunged into a vision of the Upside Down, a disturbing realm where he saw a violent storm approaching in the distance, foretelling trouble.
Meanwhile, journalist Murray Bauman prowled the streets of Hawkins, sniffing out rumors about Eleven and her extraordinary powers. He was convinced that he was on the trail of a conspiracy involving a secret Russian weapon. Hopper, aware of the dangers that Bauman's investigation could unleash, tried to dissuade him from digging deeper, while he himself delved into a mysterious blight that had infected Bob Merrill's pumpkin patch.
In school, Mr. Clarke introduced a new student named Maxine, alias "Max," to his class. Dustin and Lucas, intrigued by her reputation, conducted a discreet investigation and discovered that she was indeed the elusive "MADMAX" from the arcade. This revelation piqued their interest in recruiting her for their group. However, they kept their plans hidden from Mike, who had been in a dark mood since Eleven's disappearance.
At Hawkins Lab, the new head scientist, Dr. Sam Owens, examined Will after his vision. He assured Joyce that Will's experiences were likely symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Joyce, on the other hand, had found a new romantic interest in the mild-mannered technician Bob Newby, who had quickly won over Will's affection, while Jonathan remained more cautious.
Nancy and Steve shared a tense dinner with Barb's parents, who revealed that they were selling their house to fund Bauman's investigation into Barb's mysterious disappearance. Nancy was tormented by guilt, knowing the truth about her late friend's fate but unable to reveal it to her grieving parents.
Back at home, Dustin was startled by a noise emanating from the trashcan outside his house. Meanwhile, Will was plunged into another vision, this time revealing an enormous, spider-like creature lurking in the depths of the Upside Down.
Hopper retreated to his secluded cabin in the woods, where Eleven accused him of being late. The tension between them was palpable, hinting at deeper secrets and unresolved issues that lay beneath the surface of their relationship.