In the midst of Hawkins's sunny summer, the main characters have been sailing smoothly through their days. Hopper and Eleven have settled into a cozy existence in their cabin, preferring it to Hopper's dilapidated trailer. Eleven is no longer confined, free to roam and reunite with her friends, particularly Mike, whenever the urge arises. Lucas and Max's bond continues to grow stronger, while Dustin, fresh from his summer camp experience, reveals a newfound romance with a Utah-based sweetheart named Suzie. Excitedly, he invites the gang to join him on an adventure to the outskirts of Hawkins, hoping to set up a radio antenna and officially introduce Suzie to his friends via the radio he crafted at the science camp.
Meanwhile, Jonathan and Nancy have embarked on summer jobs as newspaper reporters. Nancy, however, finds herself trapped in a sexist work environment, relegated to menial tasks, and yearns for a groundbreaking story that will catapult her career forward. Billy, on the other hand, has secured a position as a strict lifeguard. Steve has moved on from Nancy, but to his dismay, his romantic endeavors have been futile. To make matters worse, his father has forced him to take up a summer job at the newly opened Starcourt mall's ice cream parlor, threatening to withhold his college funds. Fortunately, he finds solace in his coworker Robin, whom he's desperately trying to impress.
However, as the Fourth of July approaches, a dark cloud begins to hover over Hawkins. Hopper starts to feel uneasy about the amount of time Mike and Eleven are spending together. He seeks guidance from Joyce, who advises him to approach the young couple with diplomacy. But when their response lacks respect, Hopper resorts to scare tactics, pulling Mike aside and warning him to back off. Worse still, Dustin's new radio fails to reach Suzie but instead picks up a mysterious Soviet broadcast that seems eerily close by. Will's intuitive senses of impending doom start to flare up again, particularly whenever he's within the confines of the Starcourt Mall.