The thrilling narrative of Suits: LA kicks off its third episode with Rick storming into Samantha's office, ready to tackle his latest assignment as Head of Entertainment with vigor. His mission: to scrutinize the employee records and identify the unfortunate three who will be parting ways with the company. With no time to lose, Rick dives headfirst into his responsibilities.
Meanwhile, across the hall at the adjacent law firm, Erica finds herself entangled with a new client by the name of Brian Baumgartner, a character known for his frequent and outlandish demands. Tasked with keeping Brian content amidst Ted's preoccupation with a pressing criminal case, Erica finds herself in a tight spot. Brian harbors ambitions of transitioning into Oscar-worthy dramatic roles and insists on a meeting with Tom Hanks—a fantasy unlikely to materialize. Seeking advice from Leah, she proposes a compromise: arranging a meeting with Patton Oswalt instead. However, initial attempts fall flat, until Erica pays a visit to Brian's residence that evening, determined to deliver her message with conviction.
Elsewhere, the murder trial unravels in a chaotic fashion, especially when Lester's temper erupts upon discovering his wife Val's infidelity. Ted allows Lester to vent his frustrations while he personally seeks out Val, only to hit another wall. She remains silent, shielded by her legal representation, Stuart Lane. Ted's visit proves futile, adding another layer of complexity to an already tangled case.
Later, Ted confronts Stuart about poaching his clients, issuing a stern warning to stay out of his affairs. Unbeknownst to Ted, that night brings an unexpected twist as Stuart sends an envelope to Ted's office, stirring up further contention. Stuart's recent appointment as Executor of Ted's father's Will adds insult to injury, pushing Ted's patience to its limits. Yet, the wheels of fate are already in motion, leaving Ted with little choice but to brace for what comes next.
In this episode, haunting flashbacks unveil deeper threads of history linking Stuart and Ted, transporting us back to their collaborative days in New York, 2010. It was then that they first embarked on a perilous case entangled with the Mob, with Ted forewarning that the waters they were navigating could prove treacherous. Kevin arrives, armed with meticulously color-coded charts, outlining potential Mob retributions should their endeavor falter. Stuart, however, dismisses these concerns with a nonchalant shrug, unbeknownst to others that he has been retained as Jimmy Patriale's defense attorney.
Ted's fiery temperament blazes especially bright when Stuart endeavors to broker a favorable deal for Jimmy, motivated by Jimmy's possession of crucial information that could bring down the mob boss and, incidentally, implicate Ted as well. It transpires that Pellegrini, through a hired lawyer, once attempted to recruit Ted by offering him a job, a revelation that, if unearthed, would tarnish Ted's reputation, suggesting he inherited his father's corruptibility. More devastatingly, it would strip him of his legal practice. Hence, Stuart's actions are seen as a crucial boon to Ted.
Later, Ted confronts his father, passionately declaring that Stuart embodies more of a familial bond than his own flesh and blood. And in a poignant turn, Stuart reciprocates this sentiment by appointing Ted as his best man for his wedding.
Switching to the present, Stuart and Ted find themselves face to face once more, this time for the divorce proceedings involving Lester and his wife, Valerie. Ted, allowing his personal demons to surface, unleashes a tide of anger towards Stuart, until Lester steps in to restore calm—temporarily, at least.
That very night, Kevin produces incriminating evidence suggesting Lester was aware of Simon's affair with his wife, a scandal poised to explode in the tabloids and further complicate Ted's standing. The photo, seemingly damning, paints a bleak picture until Lester reveals a crucial detail: he was sans glasses, clutching them in his left hand, rendering him "blind as a bat." This clarifies his obliviousness to the unfolding drama, despite his The gaze is unconsciously oriented in that direction.
Thus, the intricate tapestry of their past and present entanglements continues to unfold, each thread pulling tightly at the heartstrings and minds of all involved.
Lester has come to terms with Val's lack of affection for him and, in an attempt to mend fences, he extends an olive branch by offering her a fresh film role – mindful of the fact that she had abandoned her acting career for him. He earnestly hopes she will return to his side, while once again asserting his innocence in Simon's demise. Val, moved slightly, succumbs to the gesture, marking a minor victory for Ted's team.
As the episode draws to a close, Ted arrives to bid his father a poignant farewell at the graveside, where Stuart is also present, sharing in this solemn moment.