Sunset x Vibes – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Sep 24 2024

Sunset X Vibes: Episode 3 plunges us once more into the airborne chaos, where Lin, huddled against Sun, battles the turbulent skies. But as the ride steadies, Lin inexorably retakes his solitude. Upon touchdown in Hong Kong, Sun embarks on a rejuvenation quest, whereas Lin's heart remains reluctant to budge.

Sunset x Vibes – Season 1 Episode 3 1

At the conference, Sun dazzles, seamlessly weaving through languages like a polyglot dream, with Lin gracefully stepping in to grace the French conversation. Amidst the bustle, Sun divulges their plans to linger, marking their inaugural joint voyage. Over a chef's culinary masterpiece, Sun strives to woo Lin with promises of retail escapades, only to find that a simple stroll suffices for Lin's heart. They seal the deal for the next dawn's wanderings.

Their serene interlude is interrupted by Sun's acquaintance, a fellow traveler intent on joining their circle. The trio embarks on a city stroll the following day, Lin and Sun secretly intertwining fingers, skillfully evading their unexpected companion. Within the sacred confines of a temple, Sun confesses his long-held prayers for their union. Fate finally conspires to free them from Chris' unwitting chaperonage, who, in a moment of clarity, realizes his own superfluity, urging Sun to seize the moment lest Lin be swept away by another.

In the solitude of their hotel haven, Sun tenderly apologizes for his initial disclosure shortcomings, rooted in fears of past exploitation. Lin, serene amidst the revelation, admits to no anger, but a quiet resolve to reclaim Sun's heart. As punishment beckons, Lin deftly deflects with a shower summons.

A video call from Lin's friends interrupts their intimacy, their scrutinizing eyes seemingly perceiving another presence. Lin, ever resourceful, smoothly spins the phone, deflecting suspicion. Sun, mischievous as ever, seizes the moment, baring Lin's shoulders and stealing a kiss along his thigh, earning a swift rebuke from Lin—followed by a hesitant concession, a kiss granted, but only if Sun keeps his eyes tightly shut. Amidst giggles and fumbling, they tumble gracefully to the floor, immersed in their own private world.

Meanwhile, in the office, Sam toils over a necklace design, secretly aided by Mon, in a race against Yo. Their creative tensions simmer, Sam lamenting the need for solitude amidst Yo's tardiness. After Sam's departure, Pim ponders Yo's recurrent lateness, wondering if family troubles weigh heavily on his heart.

On the return flight, Sun mesmerizes the cabin with a sleight of hand, transforming a humble napkin into enchanting sun-moon couple rings. Lin, captivated, accepts the gift yet inquires about the nature of their burgeoning bond. As their lips finally intertwine in a tender kiss, the steward's timely arrival with the drinks cart interrupts the moment. Sun, candidly, suggests they embark on a romantic journey together, gently acknowledging the eight to nine-year age disparity, if Lin finds it unobjectionable. Lin, however, proposes a more gradual pace, advocating for discretion, particularly within the confines of their workplace. Sun nods in agreement, earning a gentle peck on his cheek as a token of affection.

Back at the office, Yo's mind races with speculations about the mysterious presence that accompanied Lin. As he and Pim indulge in gossip, they inadvertently stumble upon Sun, seated at a conference table, a serene observer. He invites them to inquire about Lin's solo trip to Hong Kong, his presence a subtle reminder that he's aware of their curiosity. With each subsequent arrival, the employees awkwardly find themselves caught in Sun's watchful gaze, yet he encourages them to maintain their composure, secretly sending heartfelt gestures to Lin.

During a board meeting, Sun confidently presents his vision for a collection overhaul, his ideas resonating with purpose. Meanwhile, within the design team's huddle, news spreads that the interns have been sidelined from the upcoming client project. Prim, a champion of inclusivity, steps forward, advocating for a level playing field, her support a testament to her belief in giving everyone a fair chance. Yet, to her, this gesture marks the fulfillment of her duty. Later, Pim seeks Prim's critique on her draft, only to receive a cool reception, sending her back to refine her work.

After hours, Lin's department is a solitude of his presence when Sun makes a surprise visit. Just as Sun leans in for an encouraging kiss, Pim and Yo return, their guilt palpable. Lin swiftly diverts their attention, allowing Sun a narrow escape, but not before being caught red-handed by his secretary. Sun's quick-witted excuse about carpet inspection fails to quell the air of intrigue.

As Sun chauffeurs Lin home, the latter insists on discretion, wary of public displays. Sun secures a promise of responsiveness to texts, a pact to alleviate their shared anxiety and avoid awkward encounters.

Walking the streets, Yo senses a tail, his paranoia escalating into a sprint when he witnesses men accosting his mother. Sam, the persistent follower, intercedes, offering his protection and revealing his true intentions—a deeper connection with Yo. He presses for more than just friendship, his words a gentle nudge for Yo to open up.

In the solitude of his home, Lin engages in a digital dialogue with Sun, exchanging playful selfies, Sun's taken from the confines of his bath. The following dawn, Lin's early arrival at the office prompts amused comments from his friends, who jest about his overzealous dedication. Rising from his desk, Lin is beset by fleeting visions from his dreams, ultimately succumbing to a sudden faint.

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