Swamp Thing – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Jul 23 2024

The consistently stellar quality of "Swamp Thing" is a harsh reality to embrace, not because it teeters on the brink of collapse but precisely because it shines so brilliantly. With only one season in our grasp, and the show delivering such captivating episodes lately, it adds a poignant sweetness to the bitter fact.

The week opens with Avery contemptuously disposing of the banker's body in flames, while two kids, Todd among them, embark on a vine-clearing mission in the swamp. However, their tranquility is shattered by teeth and a grotesque corpse raining down from the treetops, driving them into a panic. As they flee, Alec emerges to investigate.

Swamp Thing – Season 1 Episode 4  1

In the aftermath, Todd sustains a cut, which triggers hallucinations at his workplace. He sees a snake coiling around his arm and, in a state of terror, stabs himself repeatedly, only to plunge his fingers into the garbage disposal. The ghastly scene is heightened by the sight of his severed hand dangling, fingers dangling.

Meanwhile, Abby delves into studying Swamp Thing samples, intent on uncovering its secrets. Jason arrives, pointing out errors in her database entries, but she allows him to study the samples on one condition: absolute secrecy. Jason, seemingly bewildered, agrees readily.

After leaving Jason with the samples, Abby visits the hospital, where Susie is recovering but worried about Alec's safety in the swamp. As Avery throws a lavish party, his wife requests a private conversation with Susie. Suddenly, a call summons Abby to a crime scene, where she witnesses the ghastly effects of Todd's scratches on Delroy.

With a Herculean effort, they subdue Delroy after wresting his shotgun from him, but not before he scratches Officer Cable, who arrives to assist. This revelation sheds more light on the mysterious infection, which seems to spread from host to host, originating from a World War I veteran and eventually infecting Todd. It appears to seek a new host whenever the victim scratches someone else. Realizing Cable's exposure, Abby rushes to Avery's party, hallucinating that her partner lies bloodied on the floor.

As she brandishes her gun, aiming it at the revelers, she unknowingly scratches Abby, forcing her to flee back to the swamp, the origin of the infection. As Abby's mind is assailed by terrifying childhood memories, Alec swoops in to save her and quell the virus. While Avery attempts to keep Susie under his thumb, Abby learns from Alec that the delicate balance between light and dark has been dangerously skewed, and this is merely the prologue.

"Swamp Thing" continues to dazzle with another impeccable episode. The production design is impeccable, and the seamless transitions between the swamp's depths and the town's periphery are masterfully executed. The pervasive sense of dread and tension complements the mystery surrounding the swamp's secrets, unfurled at just the right pace.

The characters are engaging, with Alec exhibiting both menace and empathy, while Abby flawlessly embodies the resilient female archetype without preaching. It's all marvelous, but the fleeting nature of this one-season wonder is heartbreaking. However, if this is the benchmark DC Universe sets, I eagerly anticipate their next endeavor. Nevertheless, "Swamp Thing" continues to lay the groundwork for a thrilling second half of the season.

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