Sweetpea – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Oct 12 2024

Episode 4 of Sweetpea kicks off with Marina Farrow, harboring a clandestine hit list that extends from her pesky landlord to the office bullies who burden her with endless overtime. Her prime targets, however, are the brazen murderers who believe they've evaded justice's grasp.

Sweetpea – Season 1 Episode 4 1

Elsewhere, Rhiannon finds herself in a power struggle, tying Julia up and attempting to provoke her into submission. But Julia, a hostage unlike any other, retorts with her trademark sass, taunting Rhiannon to let go of her grudges. Frustrated beyond measure, Rhiannon lunges for the kill, only to realize the act is beyond her. Fleeing in tears, she catches a glimpse of her hair thinning once more, a stark reminder of her turmoil.

Fueled by anger, Rhiannon storms into the construction office, where she engages in a fierce yet calculated sexual encounter with Craig. As he succumbs to her charms, she reveals her true colors, coldly dismissing him and absconding with crucial CCTV footage. On the bus ride home, confronted by a fellow passenger's brazen 'manspreading,' Rhiannon retaliates in kind, leaving him squirming and scrambling for a new seat.

At the office, Rhiannon's ambition takes center stage as she demands a promotion to junior reporter, armed with a promising lead. Jeff, skeptical, resists, but Norman, intrigued by the prospect of a third victim in an ongoing kidnapping case, agrees to a probationary period. AJ, overjoyed for her, engages in playful banter, divulging that the second victim was a predatory landlord, fueling speculation that a vigilante is on the prowl. Rhiannon smiles mischievously, urging AJ to keep his eyes peeled for any signs of a third murder.

Meanwhile, at the police station, Marina's struggle for recognition is palpable. Every attempt to assert herself is met with dismissal from her superior, who redirects her focus onto Rhiannon's list of likely suspects. With a heavy heart, Marina is left drowning in paperwork, her dreams of justice momentarily deferred.

In the meantime, Rhiannon cunningly exploits Lucille, Julia's subservient accomplice, to fabricate a narrative for her fictitious missing persons' tale. She ventures to the girls' company, her frustration palpable as she finds no discernible foe or pressing circumstances to blame for the supposed abduction. To her surprise, the girls are enamored by Rhiannon's charm, and one even finds herself empathizing with her bullying tactics. They eagerly agree to spend time with her, much to Rhiannon's delight.

Marina, relentless in her pursuit of truth, pores over the CCTV footage and makes a startling discovery: Julia forcefully pushing Rhiannon. As she traces Rhiannon's movements, it becomes apparent that she departed at 9:30 PM, contrary to her assertion of leaving at 11 PM and staying out late. Further perplexed, Marina struggles to make contact with Julia, leaving her in a state of confusion.

Meanwhile, Rhiannon makes a calculated move by visiting Julia's fiancé, Marcus. Disappointed once more to find no signs of discord, she seizes the opportunity while Marcus steps inside to retrieve a photo for the article. In a bold stroke, Rhiannon steals a bottle of wine and Julia's blouse. With her tale now published, Rhiannon and AJ revel in their success, their excitement palpable.

However, this triumph is abruptly interrupted by Seren's call, her tone brusque as she informs Rhiannon that she has dispatched a surveyor. Incensed, Rhiannon rushes to the scene, swiftly dismissing the surveyor with a firm declaration that the house is not for sale, her actions reflecting her fierce determination to maintain control over the narrative.

She subsequently donned Julia's exquisite top, reveling in the spotlight her maiden news article about Julia had garnered. Unfazed, Julia retaliated with sarcasm, asserting that the attire and pageant-worthy makeup merely detracted from Rhiannon's natural charm. Deflated, Rhiannon retreated to change and sought solace at the bar with AJ, where they indulged in laughter and camaraderie.

However, their idyllic evening was abruptly disrupted by Craig's unwelcome appearance, cloyingly clinging to their space. AJ, feeling the awkward tension, excused himself, and Rhiannon, in pursuit, stumbled upon a drunken Marcus. Her concern led her to escort him home, where he rambled about Julia's alleged torment of him, perplexing Rhiannon further.

Curiosity piqued, she delved into his phone, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Returning to Julia, Rhiannon gleefully recited Marcus's texts aloud, painting Julia as the abuser. Initially, Rhiannon rejoiced in the revelation that Julia's life was not as flawless as it seemed. But the truth dawned upon them: Marcus was the one wielding the abusive hand, as Julia's tears silently betrayed her pain.

As Sweetpea Episode 4 drew to a close, the DI chastised Farrow for the lack of missing persons reports on Julia, juxtaposed against Rhiannon's sensationalized article. Prompted, Farrow's mind raced back to the CCTV footage, a spark of realization igniting within him. He knew they were onto something significant.

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