Sweetpea – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Oct 12 2024

Episode 3 of Sweetpea unfolds with Rhiannon venturing into the dimly lit alley the morning after, her heart heavy as she finds the second victim's body still lying untouched. The scene shifts abruptly to a poignant flashback, transporting us to her high school days, where Julia's relentless bullying casts a long shadow over Rhiannon's memories. Presently, a seething resentment fuels Rhiannon's every move as she shadows Julia, envying the perfect facade of her life.

Sweetpea – Season 1 Episode 3 1

Seeking solace in dark fantasies, Rhiannon immerses herself in crime thrillers, meticulously jotting down notes on obscure tactics – from depleting freezer stockpiles to acquiring tarps. Her chance encounter with Craig offers a sliver of hope as he remorsefully seeks forgiveness for his past harshness. Offering to safeguard her father's construction empire, he unwittingly invites himself into Rhiannon's cunning plans. Under the guise of discussing business, she invites him to dinner, where she mischievously dumps a rude clerk's phone into her beverage, signaling a newfound daring.

Buoyed by this minor victory, Rhiannon spreads cheer at work, treating her colleagues to pastries and coffee. However, her mood sours when she learns Jeff has neglected to credit her for her work on Ryan Lloyd's story. In a fleeting moment of revenge, she slips laxative into his drink, narrowly evading AJ's flirtatious scrutiny before a distraught Mrs. Lloyd storms in, lambasting AJ and Rhiannon for their perceived betrayal. Jeff steps in to defend them, but Rhiannon boldly reveals Ryan's bullying past, earning her only scornful glances from all but AJ, who tenderly checks on her.

As the day turns, Rhiannon finds solace in Jeff's incapacitating ordeal. Dressing for her date with Craig, she finds herself the unwitting object of AJ's affections. His awkward proposal of a date is politely declined, leaving the air charged with tension. Yet, at the restaurant, Craig's tardiness and initial focus on business quickly dissipate as they embark on a charming evening, culminating in an intimate encounter.

The morning after brings an unexpected twist as Rhiannon is summoned by the police, merely as a witness to the night's murder. Their questioning is unassuming, the sergeant even friendly and overly chatty. Seizing the opportunity, Rhiannon weaves a tale of a menacing gang causing chaos, her eyes never leaving the ignored Marina, the second detective. Their shared empathy blossoms as Marina recalls a karaoke mishap, the two women sharing a fleeting connection amidst the chaos.

Her interview abruptly terminates as the police make a grim discovery of the second corpse, sending Rhiannon into a tailspin of fear. She hastily cancels her plans with Julia and rushes to work, her mind reeling. AJ's observant eye catches her wearing yesterday's attire, eliciting a wave of self-consciousness within Rhiannon.

With the evening stretching ahead barren of activities, she reaches out to Craig via text, hoping for solace. His response, though tender, is tinged with the mention of a new client, leaving her feeling disheartened. Determined to surprise him, she arrives only to find Julia occupying the client's seat. Revealed is Julia's intention to purchase and renovate the house, a revelation that stirs up a storm of emotions within Rhiannon.

Consumed by anger and jealousy, Rhiannon acts impulsively, stealing Julia's phone and sabotaging her car. As Craig departs, Rhiannon insists on offering Julia a ride, leading her unsuspecting prey to her own abode. In the musty basement, the atmosphere thick with tension, Rhiannon confesses to the murders, her voice heavy with the weight of long-suppressed rage against the bullies. Julia, misinterpreting the confession as related to the house deal, dismissively urges Rhiannon to keep it.

Rhiannon's desire for an apology for the high school torment goes unmet, igniting a fire of resentment that Julia refuses to acknowledge. In a desperate bid for escape, Julia attempts to flee, but Rhiannon's grip tightens, and a struggle ensues, ending with Julia sprawled unconscious on the floor. As Sweetpea's third episode draws to a cliffhanger, Rhiannon looms over Julia's prone body, only to be met with a chilling sight—Julia's eyes flicker open, revealing a new layer of complexity to this already twisted tale.

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