Ted Lasso - Season 3 Episode 4

Published: Jul 05 2024

The dawn of the fourth episode of Ted Lasso's third season awakes with a jolting clamor at Jamie's door, as relentless knocks and the piercing ring of his doorbell interrupt his slumber. Roy Kent, his scowling mentor, stands at the threshold, prepared to commence their rigorous training. It's a stark 4 am, and the revelation sinks in: Roy's 4 am workout regimen was no mere jest. He demands three rigorous sessions daily if Jamie hopes to surpass Zava. Reluctantly, Jamie retreats inside to gather his attire.

Ted Lasso - Season 3 Episode 4 1

Meanwhile, Nathan stares intently at a miniature football field board, adorned with tiny player figurines. With a flick of the ball, he topples the effigy of Ted, a smirk creeping across his face. Yet, the smile fleetingly fades, and he gently lifts the fallen figure, restoring it to its place.

At Ted's abode, the coach awakens to witness Sassy busily dressing. Amidst their casual chatter, he proposes a genuine date, hoping for some quality time together. However, she dismisses the idea with a laugh, claiming that Ted is currently in a state of disarray. She admits to her own chaos, but emphasizes that it's a different kind, one that has evolved over the years. She expresses her contentment with their current status and believes they should maintain it.

Out in the park's serene ambiance, Roy sits comfortably on a bench, munching on his breakfast, while Jamie diligently performs a hundred pushups. In Keeley's office, Rebecca fumes over Rupert's latest scathing remarks regarding the impending Richmond-West Ham match. Shandy enters, and Keeley shares with Rebecca how Shandy is orchestrating a promotional campaign for the dating app Bantr, enlisting the single players from Richmond's team as its ambassadors.

Rebecca cunningly probes for details and discovers that Sam is notably absent from this endeavor. Barbara then enters, requesting two tickets for the West Ham match from Keeley, revealing that she'll be accompanying Jack, her escort. Keen to delve deeper into the mysterious Jack, Keeley learns that he is, in fact, the Vice President of the organization that sponsors Keeley's company, her very own boss.

In the confines of the coach's office, Roy and Beard convened with Leslie, strategizing for the impending matchup against Nate. Their conversation weaved a tangled web of schemes, seeking to outmaneuver their opponent through intricate plays. After much deliberation, they settled on exploiting Nate's false nine position and deploying Zava in a defensive role. Leslie, however, cast a skeptical eye on this latter move, fearing potential pitfalls.

Just then, Ted entered the room, sensing the tense atmosphere. He sought to lighten the mood by jesting about his own disheveled appearance, asking if they thought he was a mess. As the diamond dogs' howls filled the air, Roy retreated to his desk. Beard and Leslie, unhesitating, concurred that indeed, Ted was a mess for trying to mask the pain Nate had inflicted upon him. Ted protested, yet even Roy's voice carried the weight of truth.

The television screens flickered with commentary, analysts making predictions for the upcoming match. Among the Richmond players, Colin's flippant gay joke caught the keen ear of Trent Crimm. Zava strode in, urging everyone to ignore the faces on the screens. A brief discussion ensued over the pronunciation of Zoreaux's name, ending with Zava's proclamation that individuals should choose their own names, which was why he allowed his children to do so when they turned seven. Jamie rallied the team, his spirit bolstered by Isaac, who slammed into the 'believe' poster for good luck. To everyone's astonishment, the poster ripped in two, revealing that someone had torn it apart.

Outside the restaurant that once held cherished memories with his parents, Nate paced nervously. He eventually stepped inside, encountering Jade, the waitress, who remained unimpressed by his newfound grandeur. He ordered his takeout, bragging about his lavish treatment of staff, yet his boasts fell flat. The restaurant manager, recognizing Nate, gushed over him and even offered his meal gratis.

Shandy guided the Richmond players through their one-liners for the Bantr promotion, including Zoreaux, who had now adopted the moniker Van Damme. When it was Jamie's turn, Shandy turned to Keeley for insight. Keeley reminisced about how he had once been insensitive and thoughtless but had undergone a transformation. However, Shandy was only interested in knowing if she could score with him.

Thanks to Trent Crimm's diligent efforts, the coaches stumbled upon a security footage showcasing Nate's valiant, albeit unorthodox, attempt to tear down the Believe poster. With a leap of faith, he utilized a chair, stumbled, regrouped, scaled the chair once again, and finally succeeded in rending the paper into two. The coaches believed such a resilient spirit, captured on camera, could undoubtedly ignite a fire within the team. Ted, after a moment of contemplation, dismissed the group, urging them to rest for the night.

Meanwhile, Rupert caught sight of Nathan toiling late into the evening and approached him with concern. Facing a degree of hesitance in Nathan's eyes, Rupert gently assured him that he had committed no fault and urged him to channel his energy towards surpassing Ted.

Ted scrolled through his chat history with Dr. Jacob, finding only reminders of their counseling sessions. Rebecca's arrival broke the silence, her eyes burning with a fierce desire to emerge victorious. She inquired about his well-being, and Ted reluctantly opened up about the "mess" comment, his voice laden with emotion. Rebecca comforted him, assuring him that Sassy's instincts were often spot on. She pressed further, ensuring he was truly alright, invoking their Oklahoma card as a safeguard for honesty. With a sigh, Ted confessed that he was indeed a "work in progress."

The match day dawns, and the teams march in with purpose. Keeley and Rebecca arrive side by side, but Keeley quickly veers off to the ladies' room, eager to ensure her appearance is flawless. Her mind is clouded with thoughts of impressing Jack, the esteemed Vice President. Meanwhile, Rebecca collides with Rupert and his wife, Bex, their greetings perfunctory yet polite as they move on.

In the sanctuary of the ladies' room, Keeley realizes she's begun her monthly cycle. Embarrassed yet resourceful, she borrows a tampon from the woman in the adjacent stall. Ted enters the elevator, and as the majority of the crowd disperses, he spots Nathan attempting, albeit unsuccessfully, to hide in the shadows. Ted, his cheerfulness unwavering, approaches him as he always does. Nate opens his mouth to speak, perhaps to explain his departure from Richmond, but the elevator doors slide open, and Rupert's voice interrupts their conversation.

Keeley rejoins her companions, Rebecca, Shandy, Barbara, and Leslie, to greet Jack, who reveals herself to be a woman. The same woman who had kindly offered her a tampon earlier. Rebecca makes a jest about procuring drinks, and Barbara's laughter rings out louder than the rest, causing Shandy to observe her apparent obsession with Rebecca.

Inside the local Richmond pub, a patron wearing a West Ham jersey dares to enter, but Mae, unforgiving, shows him the door. As the stadium roars with the melody of West Ham's anthem, Ted approaches Nate once again, but his handshake is met with stiffness and Nate soon departs. Coach Beard and Roy exchange glances, their disapproval evident.

The match commences, and West Ham appears cautious, unwilling to take undue risks. Zoreaux thwarts a goal, and Jamie narrowly misses scoring. Zaav finds himself in an open position but chooses not to pass. However, West Ham eventually breaks the deadlock, scoring a goal. And just as halftime looms, Nate calls for a change in strategy, shifting from defense to attack, and they capitalize on the shift, scoring another goal.

As Ted caught sight of Rebecca eagerly awaiting him, he instructed the coaches to enter and address the team. Despite her resolute words urging him not to let her pressure him and to relish the game, Rebecca's stern demeanor contradicted her assurances. Upon returning to the team, Ted discovered that the coaches had shown them the video of Nate tearing the poster. They believed the anger would invigorate the players, but instead, it propelled them into recklessness and violence, resulting in numerous yellow and red cards and a final score of 4-1, sealing West Ham's victory. Rebecca, visibly disappointed, rose to leave.

During an interview, Zava reflected on the match. On her descent, Rebecca caught Rupert flirting and touching his secretary in a way that didn't sit well with her. Roy and Beard confessed their blunders, expecting at least a scolding from Ted, but he surprised them by urging them to move on, reminding them of the numerous matches ahead.

An interviewer questioned Nathan about his refusal to shake Ted's hand after the match, but Nathan dismissed it as being swept away by the moment's fervor. Later, as he spotted Ted and Trent Crimm in conversation, Nathan was about to approach them, but Rupert's secretary intercepted him, offering him a VIP card to an exclusive club. Rebecca encountered Bex and Rupert once again, leaning in to whisper in Rupert's ear that she had seen him, emphasizing that his wife and daughter deserved better.

Keeley was deep in conversation with Jack, when Shandy unexpectedly appeared, her face lit up with triumph. She exclaimed triumphantly that Bantr's subscriptions had skyrocketed, tripling in number, all thanks to the revamped bio line. "Want to bang a celebrity?" she read aloud, causing Keeley to jump with surprise. She quickly admonished Shandy, emphasizing that this was not the image the brand intended to portray, and insisted she revert the change immediately, all while keeping a wary eye on Jack's reaction.

Nathan's arrival at the club was greeted with an effusive warmth, as Rupert introduced him to a celebrated figure named Anastasia. Their meeting seemed destined for greatness.

Roy arrived at Jamie's abode, prepared to rouse him for their training session. However, to his astonishment, he found Jamie already awake and raring to go. His enthusiasm was palpable.

At home, Ted sat transfixed by the match commentary, his eyes fleetingly glancing at his Lego set, where a tiny figure of Nathan stood. It was then that he made a resolute decision. He picked up the phone and dialed Michelle's number, ready to confide in her his discomfort with her and Jake's arrangement. It gnawed at him that they had never discussed it beforehand. He felt it was crucial to voice his opinion, and after the call, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. On the other end, Michelle smiled, understanding his concern.

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