Ted Lasso - Season 3 Episode 5

Published: Jul 05 2024

The opening of Episode 5 in Ted Lasso's third season sees sports commentators painting a grim picture of Richmond's seven-week losing streak, a drought that began after their defeat by West Ham. Their misfortunes continued as Newcastle trounced the Greyhounds in another match, setting the stage for an upcoming clash with the mighty Manchester City.

Ted Lasso - Season 3 Episode 5 1

Inside the coach's room, Ted admits his bafflement, clueless about the root of the problem. His colleagues point to a faulty offense, a leaky defense, and a reliance on Zava to shoulder the burden. Rebecca's arrival disrupts the discussion, her frustration with Richmond's continuous losses boiling over as she harshly reprimands Ted. He attempts to soothe her with a nautical metaphor, comparing the team's situation to a ship veering northward.

Later, Rebecca sits in a café, contemplating the fate of a green matchbook from Sam's restaurant, only to encounter John Wingsnight, her former flame, accompanied by his fiancée. Their light-hearted banter and recounting of their chance encounter with Anthony Hopkins is interrupted by the fiancée's unintentional yet hilarious misquote of "shite in nine armors," leaving Rebecca dumbfounded.

At the office, Keeley's vision for expanding her business clashes with Barbara's, but Jack aligns with her. Shandy storms in, revealing her plans to launch a dating app named Star Fuckrs, aimed at connecting ordinary folks with celebrities. Her announcement is laced with residual anger over the Bantr debacle. Jack offers Keeley a witty line that could serve as the perfect dismissal for Shandy. The two then step out for lunch.

Isaac brings the players up to speed on Nathan's relationship with the famous model Anastasia, sparking a conversation that references the cult movie "She's All That" and its origins. When asked for his take, Zava declares his undying devotion to his wife, refusing to be swayed by the allure of fame.

As the coaches gather to strategize for the looming Manchester City match, Trent Crimm suggests reverting to an "old-school long ball game." Ted receives a text from Michelle, informing him of Henry's involvement in a bullying incident. Roy follows with a lengthy explanation on how to handle bullies, advocating a creative approach that involves beating up the perpetrator with a rope dipped in red paint.

In the meantime, Leslie encounters Rebecca in her office, embarking on a protracted and uncomfortable conversation that eventually leads to a proposal: firing Ted if the team's performance doesn't improve. Rebecca deftly redirects the discussion, inquiring if he believes in psychics. He affirms, offering her the profound advice that psychics can assist us in seeing aspects of ourselves that we've missed.

Ms. Kakes, Rupert's assistant, hands Nathan Anastasia's phone number with a nudge to call her. With unwavering confidence, Nathan dials the number and boldly requests a second meeting. However, it's his mother who answers, and Nathan seeks her guidance on what to say.

Ted and Rebecca cross paths in the hallway, exchanging formal greetings, only to be immediately struck by the awkwardness of their encounter. Rebecca apologizes for her outburst, while Ted makes a quip about psychic abilities, prompting Rebecca to mention her overbearing behavior. Both leave the conversation slightly bewildered.

Keeley returns to work, only to learn from Barbara that they've lost a client due to Shandy's antics. Unable to delay any longer, Keeley summons Shandy and promptly terminates her employment. Shandy is enraged, storming through the office, declaring her intention to start her own PR firm and destroy theirs. She attempts to bribe the employees into following her, but none oblige.

Rebecca visits Dr. Wagner, engaging in the usual Richmond small talk before revealing her true purpose: to inquire if she still has the ability to conceive. She leaves the consultation with a renewed sense of hope.

As the Richmond players wallow in disappointment over their recent performances and the impending match against Man City, Jamie steps up to offer encouragement. However, his words are soon overshadowed by Zava, whose impassioned speech, mirroring much of what Jamie had said, resonates with the team, eliciting cheers from all.

At his abode, Ted's phone rang, and Michelle's voice revealed a shocking truth: Henry was not the victim of bullying; he was the perpetrator. Finally, the momentous match day dawned, and Jack eagerly accepted Keeley's invitation to witness the spectacle, while Barbara politely declined. With some pressing work to attend to, Jack made the decision to utilize Barbara's office as his workspace.

Roy, filled with enthusiasm, rallied the team before the game, only to discover that Zava was conspicuously absent. Meanwhile, Ted's attempts to reach Henry were like grasping at shadows, as he consistently missed his mark. Roy strode in, a somber expression on his face, announcing that they faced a significant issue.

In Keeley's office, Jack and she stumbled upon a pitiful lamb, forlornly trapped in a room surrounded by its own fecal mess, a thoughtful gift from the mischievous Shandy.

Elsewhere, Nathan treated Anastasia to a romantic dinner at his favorite restaurant. He even secured their coveted window table by engaging in pleasantries with Derek. However, his elaborate efforts seemed to fall flat, as Anastasia did not take kindly to the surroundings.

Rebecca receives a disheartening text from Keeley, informing her that she can no longer attend the match. Just as the news sinks in, Leslie arrives, her face cloaked in gloom. By the sidelines, Beard and Roy are seething with anger over Zava's unexpected absence.

After successfully disposing of the troublesome lamb and its associated aftermath, Keeley and Jack retreat to her office for a calming drink. They indulge in Shandy's vodka, which Jack consumes straight from the bottle, a habit she picked up during her college days in Denmark.

Nathan strives to woo Anastasia with the restaurant's exquisite cuisine, but she remains unmoved, longing to depart. When he opens up about the profound significance of this place to him, Anastasia merely借口 'to take a call' but ultimately sneaks outside to reunite with her eagerly waiting friends in a car parked nearby.

The Man City match ends in another dismal defeat, this time with a scoreline of zero goals for them and a devastating four for the opposition. Leslie sends Rebecca a link announcing Zava's retirement from the sport, adding another layer of disappointment. She promptly calls Dr. Wagner for her test results, only to receive devastating news. In a bid for comfort, she attempts to reach out to Keeley, but finds her engrossed in a lively conversation with Jack, laughing heartily as they reminisce about their exes. Keeley declares that dealing with the lamb was the most enjoyable activity she's had in months, and soon afterwards, she leans in for a kiss, which Jack eagerly reciprocates.

Inside the restaurant, Jade, the diligent waitress, presents Nathan with his order of baklava meant for two. Upon his invitation to share, she agrees, and the two even find humor in Nathan's awkward behavior towards Anastasia.

Meanwhile, in the coach's room, Ted's fingers start to tingle as a panic attack looms. But just as the anxiety begins to take hold, a call from Henry brings a much-needed reprieve. Henry confesses his mistake and reveals that he has even apologized to the other child, in a rap-like fashion, adding a touch of humor to the tense situation.

The Richmond squad gazes intently at the Zava video, wherein he declares his farewell to the pitch and vows to devote his time to his family and avocado farm. As Ted hangs up the phone, a wave of anxiety washes over him, but he summons the strength to draw deep breaths, reassuring himself that Henry is unharmed. He strides out to greet his team, bolstering their spirits despite the recent defeat against Manchester City.

When Sam inquiries about Zava's absence, Ted dismisses the notion, asserting that they never relied on him. He prefers victory alongside those who genuinely desire to be a part of this team. He underscores the importance of self-belief, just as the "Believe" poster tumbles once again. Witnessing the team's visceral response, Ted tears the poster into shreds, emphasizing that true belief springs from within. Then, no force can shatter it. As the team absorbs Ted's words, Jamie inquiries about the 4 a.m. training, and Roy confirms its authenticity.

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